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Official 'Democrats Are So Stupid' Thread


Posted 12:34 pm, 04/08/2017

I concur, HIAM. allthingshillary is still the best they have to offer and deserves due consideration.

That way Ms. Hubble can still pad her list of lifetime acheivments.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 12:09 pm, 04/08/2017

Hillary deserves to be Democrat President candidate for life. Ms. Hubble will just have to wait until Hillary is in the DNC hello


Posted 12:00 pm, 04/08/2017

You are overlooking heredity, the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.

Hereditary tards can vote for Ms. Hubble.

That way we can insure perpetuation of the stupid genome.

Remember, there ain't no figing stupid.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 11:46 am, 04/08/2017

As usual, I disagree with Maher. Hillary should be the Democrat Presidential Candidate FOREVER!

Mad Scientist

Posted 11:43 am, 04/08/2017

If Putin wanted to make Trump look good, he would have invited the libtard media to tour the airport Trump bombed, and during the tour bombed it again!


Posted 10:37 am, 04/08/2017

MSNBC's O'Donnell: Maybe Putin Masterminded Chemical Attack So Trump Could Look Good by Striking Syria


What a moron!


Posted 11:23 am, 04/03/2017

Bill Maher Goes Off on Hillary Clinton: "You ****ED UP, Stay in The Woods!"

Hillary Clinton says that she's ready to come out of the woods.
Bill Maher has a different idea.
He wants her to stay there FOREVER.

Seems like liberals are now getting sick and tired of the Clintons hanging around like a bunch of corrupt blood-sucking leaches.

It's gotten so bad within the Democratic party that even crazy fools like Bill Maher have come to their senses.



Posted 11:05 am, 04/03/2017

Bullet-Proof Vests Suggested For Children On South, West Sides Chicago

After a violent day in the South Shore neighborhood, a longtime resident questioned why there is no the outrage from black activists. "I see them coming out always downtown protesting against the police. But never do I see them inside the black community," activist Tio Hardiman said.

Hardiman of Violence Interrupters visited the South Shore neighborhood after seven people were killed in three separate shootings less than 12 hours apart on Thursday.

Hardiman said he wasn't joking when he suggested that "young people in the South and West Sides of Chicago be equipped with helmets and bullet-proof vests."


I'm don't know if this guy is a tard, but he sure sounds like one.


Posted 8:29 pm, 04/02/2017

Please explain why you need to have more than one user name.


Posted 8:19 pm, 04/02/2017


Posted 8:18 pm, 04/02/2017

Libturds, Explain How and When The Dems/Repubs Changed Sides.


Posted 8:18 pm, 04/02/2017

Yea Right TrumpDiditNutters


Posted 8:16 pm, 04/02/2017

Give it up. You are busted with 2 user names. Don't do a Trump and get yourself in deeper. Just change names.


Posted 8:14 pm, 04/02/2017

Not Your Business, But Its The 1 I Just Bumped Up Libturds, Explain How and When The Dems/Repubs Changed Sides.


Posted 8:06 pm, 04/02/2017

And the thread you were responding to was?


Posted 8:03 pm, 04/02/2017

Do Not Fool Yourself Whinny Little Liberals


Posted 7:53 pm, 04/02/2017

There goes 2 user names down the tube.


Posted 7:45 pm, 04/02/2017

What thread where you responding to?


Posted 7:44 pm, 04/02/2017

LOL Wrong Tread But I Still Applies


Posted 7:44 pm, 04/02/2017

Are you BHO?

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