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Obama worked hard eight years to save us from the Bush Recession

this n that

Posted 11:03 am, 01/17/2017

obama invites Cubs to White House. He needed another captive audience to listen to him talk about himself.


this n that

Posted 10:23 am, 01/17/2017

You libs are so ignorant you don't even see that your actions are causing the democrats to lose life time dems forever, and you're bleeding independents daily.

I really like watching the dems commit suicide.
Watch dems lose more in the next election.

Already lost over a 1000 seats in gov. and states, down to just a few states run by dem Governors.

Yep, what you're doing is working,,.. for republicans.


Posted 10:17 am, 01/17/2017

Clinton wanted the last trucking cowboys off the road. Guess what? It was done except she didn't run my husband off the road even though someone cut his break line at a rest area before he headed onto the belt way in Washington. He wasn't just a steering wheel holder he was a real truck driver who could actually drive a truck. He got his truck to a dealer with no accidents. They informed him his line was cut. This way he had proof. Yes the truck was our truck paid for by hard work no thanks to people like the Clinton's. And guess what We did not vote for the thief and liar. You need to wake up. They were paid to leave Arkansas. Truck drivers see and hear a lot that other people don't especially when they spend a lot of time in Arkansas. Also Trump won the popular vote or else he would not have won Shut up no one protested when the Clintons were robbing the truck drivers. At least Trump is trying to save jobs. My good job went when Bill signed NAFTA


Posted 10:12 am, 01/17/2017

Many will attend the inauguration hoping for a glimpse of President Obama and Michelle.


Posted 10:12 am, 01/17/2017

Sadly, Trumpanzees will be Trumpanzees


Posted 10:06 am, 01/17/2017

Very true Rosestar !

Ole Sarge

Posted 10:02 am, 01/17/2017

Look it up!

Ole Sarge

Posted 10:02 am, 01/17/2017

If the Democrats keep depending on Acorn multivoters and quick votes by illegals they will probably never win anything but sanctuary cities. Mob rule does not dominate in a Representative Republic like ours.


Posted 9:58 am, 01/17/2017

Typical Repub deflection. If The Donald had won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College, the Trumpanzees would be screeching that more people voted for Trump, it is the will of the people.
But since more people voted for Hillary, the monkeyd ignore the will of the people

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 9:49 am, 01/17/2017

But did his golf scores improve?

this n that

Posted 9:49 am, 01/17/2017

Typical know nothing liberal.
So stupid, they have no idea why we don't elect our presidents by 'popular vote'.
The reason is, the elections would always be decided by ONLY TWO STATES, CALIFORNIA AND NEW YORK.
All the voters in the other 48 states wouldn't matter. And you, FOOL, is in favor of that?


Posted 9:26 am, 01/17/2017

I don't like that they go by electorial vote . Clinton should of been our new president she won the popular vote and proud to say I voted for her


Posted 9:46 am, 01/17/2017

Rump is not President yet, we are still in Obama's tenure. However after Friday you will start seeing effects of the Trump Slump, as America's economy slides down.the toilet

Ole Sarge

Posted 9:39 am, 01/17/2017


Posted 9:26 am, 01/17/2017

I don't like that they go by electorial vote . Clinton should of been our new president she won the popular vote and proud to say I voted for her

Dallas didn't like it because they lost to Green Bay either. They played a hard game, but the score was 34-31 in favor of Green Bay and the officials gave the win to Green Bay. Both teams knew going into the game that the final score would determine the winner. She lost

this n that

Posted 9:27 am, 01/17/2017


But the loon and the twit will still be a loon and a twit.


Posted 9:26 am, 01/17/2017

I don't like that they go by electorial vote . Clinton should of been our new president she won the popular vote and proud to say I voted for her

sparkling water

Posted 9:25 am, 01/17/2017

Get ready for the rising tide that lifts all boats.


Posted 9:21 am, 01/17/2017

Get ready for that good old trickle down economy that only works for the wealthy.


Posted 9:16 am, 01/17/2017

Now Trump is about to flush America down the toilet

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