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Obama worked hard eight years to save us from the Bush Recession


Posted 11:51 pm, 01/19/2017

The Trump Slump will derail America's economy and plunge the world into the Great Tribulation. Read the book.of Revelation.

Lots wife

Posted 8:54 pm, 01/19/2017

First president in history who never once managed 3% growth in GDP-repeat, the first in history, and that is coming out of a recession when there is pent up demand. That is historical suckkkkkk


Posted 7:51 pm, 01/19/2017

Liberal, he will be tomorrow. Like it or not.


Posted 6:42 pm, 01/19/2017

Orange Man Will Never by my President.


Posted 5:21 pm, 01/19/2017

Obama all voters and your family bend over and kiss all your as*es good by and now get on the Trump Train to success new power and a new world order about time a man with ba*ls takes care of the good old USA.


Posted 3:53 pm, 01/19/2017



Posted 2:50 pm, 01/19/2017

Didn't know there was a recession back then. We have been going backwards for a few years now. I lost two jobs...taken overseas so the greedy companies could make more money. Wish I was working now.


Posted 1:05 pm, 01/19/2017

If Obama was so great the growth of the national debt would have at least slowed but instead it has accelerated. No matter what anyone wants to blame on Bush in 8 years Obama should have been able to at least slow the growth of the debt.

As for health care?? My insurance used to have a $20 copay for a Dr visit. That meant with 2 check-up and maybe 2 more trips for things like sinus infections or the flu I would have spent $80 out of pocket. Now thanks to the ACA my insurance company doesn't offer a plan like that, I have a plan that costs me even more that has a $1500.00 deductible to meet. So now my 4 trips to the doctor are $150.00 each for $600 out of pocket.

That's money I could spend doing something fun with my family, doing something that provides work for other people. How many auto makers have announced expansion plans right here in OUR country in the past month? I know I've read of at least 4. There's thousands of good paying jobs before the man even takes the oath. Would any of that happened if Crooked Hillary won?? No. You know it wouldn't, and you can't sanely argue otherwise.

The gays call Trump a hater, yet he wants to guard our boarders from refugees pouring in from the middle east. This group of people is not completely made up of terrorist and radicals but it does contain some. These are the same people who find it and honor to drop h*mosexuals of buildings head first. Christians of any race, sex, or age are also fair game to them. Where I as a Christian was taught as a child you should love everyone but not their sins they are teaching children to kill anyone who opposes them. They release videos of children as young as 4 or 5 shooting grown men who are tied down in the head. Other children are slitting throats and decapitating people.

You liberals say if Trump would of lost we would act just as terrible as you people are, but you're wrong. We lost the last 2 elections and you never heard of rioting, protesting, or any messes like we have since Killary lost. We licked our wounds, bowed our heads, and went back to work hoping things would work out. You people do not have the dignity, grace, or self respect to lose. You don't have the mental aptitude to realize just because it's not what you want doesn't make it wrong. Wake up, just because we don't agree with you doesn't mean we deserve anything less than mutual respect.

Ole Sarge

Posted 11:30 am, 01/19/2017

I hate to be the one to break it to you Rosie but all you need to do is wipe. We just got through with our Obalma movement. Now it is time to send it down the pipe. What a relief


Posted 11:20 am, 01/19/2017

I fear that no matter how hard freedom-loving Americans pound, Trump and his Fascist cronies will still flush our liberties down the toilet


Posted 11:00 am, 01/19/2017

Keep Pounding!!!!


Posted 10:21 am, 01/19/2017

Morning in America is over. Rump and Penis usher in.the great Tribulation on Friday. Stock up on food and ammo.


Posted 10:07 am, 01/18/2017

When Andrew Breitbart was alive it was a lot different It was always right wing but independent ,It has become a partisan pro Trump site. A state run media, the very thing they were against


Posted 9:46 am, 01/18/2017

AND another reversal of policy by o'bummer:


Posted 9:41 am, 01/18/2017

Aren't you forgetting Barney Frank and the Democrats were largely responsible for the economic crash and Great Recession in the first place? Do some research.


Posted 9:02 am, 01/18/2017

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 8:56 am, 01/18/2017



Posted 8:41 am, 01/18/2017

AND another report detailing o'bummers failures:


Posted 6:16 am, 01/18/2017

Blame it on the rain,rain!


Posted 1:11 am, 01/18/2017

Worked hard for 8yrs doing what wasting money taking care of his people here and there having his wife make up put on what a joke in laws kids friends golfing and you can keep going on how he put the US to shame take you and your family to the hood or the middle east and live you have milk day when are we gona have JFK day o sorry our people are not good enough get over it the change is coming and not quick enough. Here comes the Trump Train.

FAUX NEWS repeater, much??

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