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OBAMA the rock star is dropping in approval ratings.


Posted 6:32 pm, 07/11/2009

wow its a good thing kids dont grow up and learn to think on their own huh? Kinda makes ya wonder how the private schools are doing.


Posted 6:30 pm, 07/11/2009



Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable

and practical compilation of documentation describing the �deliberate dumbing down� of

American children by their education system. Anyone interested in the truth will be shocked

by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect

of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist

world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.

Mrs. Iserbyt has also documented the gradual transformation of our once academically

successful education system into one devoted to training children to become compliant

human resources to be used by government and industry for their own purposes. This is how

fascist-socialist societies train their children to become servants of their government masters.

The successful implementation of this new philosophy of education will spell the end of the

American dream of individual freedom and opportunity. The government will plan your life

for you, and unless you comply with government restrictions and regulations your ability to

pursue a career of your own choice will be severely limited.

What is so mind boggling is that all of this is being financed by the American people

themselves through their own taxes. In other words, the American people are underwriting

the destruction of their own freedom and way of life by lavishly financing through federal

grants the very social scientists who are undermining our national sovereignty and preparing

our children to become the dumbed-down vassals of the new world order. It reminds one of

how the Nazis charged their victims train fare to their own doom.

One of the interesting insights revealed by these documents is how the social engineers

use a deliberately created education �crisis� to move their agenda forward by offering radical

reforms that are sold to the public as fixing the crisis�which they never do. The new reforms

simply set the stage for the next crisis, which provides the pretext for the next move forward.

This is the dialectical process at work, a process our behavioral engineers have learned to

xii use very effectively. Its success depends on the ability of the �change agents� to continually

deceive the public which tends to believe anything the experts tell them.

And so, our children continue to be at risk in America�s schools. They are at risk

academically because of such programs as whole language, mastery learning, direct

instruction, Skinnerian operant conditioning, all of which have created huge learning

problems that inevitably lead to what is commonly known as Attention Deficit Disorder

and the drugging of four million children with the powerful drug Ritalin. Mrs. Iserbyt has

dealt extensively with the root causes of immorality in our society and the role of the public

schools in the teaching of moral relativism (no right/no wrong ethics). She raises a red flag

regarding the current efforts of left-wing liberals and right-wing conservatives (radical center)

to come up with a new kid on the block��common ground� character education�which

will, under the microscope, turn out to be the same warmed-over values education

alert parent groups have resisted for over fifty years. This is a perfect example of the

Hegelian Dialectic at work.

The reader will find in this book a plethora of information that will leave no doubt in

the mind of the serious researcher exactly where the American education system is headed.

If we wish to stop this juggernaut toward a socialist-fascist system, then we must restore

educational freedom to America. Americans forget that the present government education

system started as a Prussian import in the 1840�s��50�s. It was a system built on Hegel�s belief

that the state was �God� walking on earth. The only way to restore educational freedom,

and put education back into the hands of parents where it belongs, is to get the federal

government, with its coercive policies, out of education. The billions of dollars being spent by

the federal government to destroy educational freedom must be halted, and that can only be

done by getting American legislators to understand that the American people want to remain a

free people, in charge of their


Posted 5:16 pm, 07/11/2009

Oh, OK. Thanks! Enjoy your supper!


Posted 5:15 pm, 07/11/2009

time will tell, you can have the last word, we know you won't stop until you get it, as my fried chicken is about to arrive


Posted 5:11 pm, 07/11/2009

Too bad you are in the minority.


Posted 5:07 pm, 07/11/2009

I don't consider them ignorant, to me they are pitiful. They believed the lies bama told, & are finally realizing it. Me, now, I know bull**** when I hear it for the most part.


Posted 5:04 pm, 07/11/2009

By your reckoning then, people in America are predominatly ignorant. Why do you think that is?


Posted 5:02 pm, 07/11/2009

no doubt


Posted 5:02 pm, 07/11/2009

eagle, I now doubt that white people voted for B.O. but many people did just vote for him because they wanted to prove they weren't racist. The press was spoon feeding Americans an idea (they openly said this) that if America did not elect B.O. then they were racist. Well we have turned the corner on political correctness in America that people jumped at the opportunity to "do the right thing and elect a black man" (any black man as long as he wasn't a conservative, black people just don't vote Republican (ask Clarence Thomas). I do not say this to stir up racial animosity but I absolutely believe it to be true. How many times did we have to here of the historical importance and the need for B.O. to get elected? Most voters in America vote for the home team. The rest vote for the popular team. We may as well be voting on the Super Bowl it is about that educated. Maybe you gave it some thought, but most people gave it no more thought than that. The next election will be about emotions as well, but I think the Democrats are about to get whiplash. Hopefully the Republicans felt the whip already and will promote some honest to God Constitutional traditionalists.


Posted 4:57 pm, 07/11/2009

actually bestupid, that wasn't my saying, I quoted a black man that was talking on the news


Posted 4:56 pm, 07/11/2009

Voted for color? Now that is really a ridiculous statement.


Posted 4:55 pm, 07/11/2009

I can proudly say I didn't vote for him
so don't be blaming it on me
If they voted in a man of color due to his ability we took a step forward, if they voted him in because of his color they took a step back. Any idiot knows most those that voted that acorn rounded up had never voted before in their lives, as they were NOT registered, & when they realize they're not getting a free home, free car, free everything, they will turn on him, wait & see...

1 golden eagle

Posted 4:49 pm, 07/11/2009

Justcause, I am about as Southern and as White as they come. I voted for the man and not race. Apparantly many more like me did the same or he wouldn't have been elected. My friend, I am proof that the American dream can become reality. I studied, worked and clawed my way to achieve that dream. I just hope I never forget where I came from or what I saw. People need help to get started, to get ahead, to just get by. I will continue to pay and have paid my share of taxes.

Go find some other arguments.


Posted 1:43 pm, 07/11/2009

bama followers are the fanatics, they voted for color not for ability, now we all gotta pay for it
some of us still believe in the American dream, and that what we work & earn is ours, what's so funny is all those big name rich people that came out in his support are going to be hit the hardest

1 golden eagle

Posted 1:32 pm, 07/11/2009

Independents like some of the fanatics on GW? Get real. But then, hope springs eternal for some folks.


Posted 1:27 pm, 07/11/2009

anyone except Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson (oh don't he have some love childs?) Jeremiah Wright, or Bill Ayers or bestupid, could do a better job anyways, how do you know it will be a Repub? Independents growing by leaps & bounds, some of us still believe in the Constitution.
at least Palin understands the meaning of money, when it's gone, you quit spending. Bama scared of his own folks sounds like to me

ACCRA, Ghana -- The lucky ones saw him waving from behind the bulletproof glass of his passing vehicle for a few fleeting seconds. The others, like the rest of the world, just watched President Barack Obama's visit on TV.

The huge excitement surrounding Obama's first trip to sub-Saharan Africa as president was met with a muted response and disappointment by many here disappointed they never got a chance to see him.

The absence of public outdoor events and roads blocked amid heavy security conspired to keep large crowds away and meant there was no interaction with the public.

"I came all the way here to see Obama, but I can't see him," said 35-year-old Kodjo Seddoh, a native of Togo who traveled here for the event.

"Nobody has seen him except on TV," he said as he and a few hundred other people watched a small convoy in which the president passed in a black limousine, headed toward Ghana's presidential palace. "It's been a disappointment."

Obama's visit had been eagerly anticipated, but Obama did not speak at Independence in part because of fears over rain, and so his main speech was delivered indoors at a conference center.

During his 21-hour sojourn, no big public event was planned -- in part for fear it could cause a celebratory stampede, as a 1998 stop by President Bill Clinton nearly did. A surging crowd toppled barricades at the city's Independence Square after Clinton's speech, prompting him to shout, "Back up! Back up!", his Secret Service detail clearly frantic.

When former President George W. Bush visited Accra last year, he spoke to tens of thousands of people at the square.

1 golden eagle

Posted 1:22 pm, 07/11/2009

So who can beat him in 2012? Not many folks left in the GOP that can run against him. The potential candidates keep shooting themselves in the foot. Virginia Foxx for Pres. LOL.


Posted 1:11 pm, 07/11/2009

he won't make the whole time, who wants to lay odds? to top it off, it will be his followers who thought they would get taken care of that will bring him down


Posted 1:09 pm, 07/11/2009

Golden Eagle...is that why your hanging onto your man BO, because he isn't a quitter. I wish he were. It would be a whole lot better on our country in the long term if he did quit.


Posted 1:08 pm, 07/11/2009

we wish he would!!!!

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