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Obama and hagans war on the middle class


Posted 5:15 pm, 10/31/2014

Because that is where the money is.


Posted 5:10 pm, 10/31/2014

So you are not going to answer.


Posted 5:03 pm, 10/31/2014

Takers: "...Nope, not really we are forced at gunpoint (try not paying your taxes openly and at gunpoint you go to jail) to keep up dead beats thugs wannabes illegals and people who are capable of working. And even illegals who do work. See them shiny wheels lately? Oh wait Bill took care of that shipping jobs to Asia to benefit Arkansas based Wal Mart (coincidence as they grew their home was Arkansas and so was the Clintons) And now prez obola will heighten the misery of blacks when amnesty goes through talk about not finding a job then. You're pathetic socialist you hate the poor ideologue is beginning to fall apart. Welfare scum are far better off than working people look how fat my money has made them and they are better off than over 90% of the world and you are still buying the Democrat nonsense because you are a team player even when it is the losing theory. 50 yrs ago the great society from the 60's how's that going..."


Now you are resorting to hyperbole and drama. It makes for a more interesting read, but does little to change the facts! You are exaggerating. You have never been forced at gunpoint to pay your taxes. You are threatened with possible jail time for tax evasion, but, you do understand that the government has to collect taxes to pay for everything, most of which you enjoy...roads, schools, law enforcement, yada, yada, yada. Yes it does go to keep up some deadbeats. But, it also goes to keep up seniors, children, poor people, disabled people, veterans, etc. I'm all for weeding out the deadbeats, but, not at the expense of people that truly deserve assistance. I personally would rather pay for 10 deadbeats than know that just one truly deserving person had to go hungry or homeless. So let's demand overhauls that would address fraud, waste, and abuse, but not throw people under the bus that need help. You do understand that if the government didn't use some threat of jail time, penalties, whatever, there are people that would finagle a way out of paying their share and you and I would be paying their way...don't you? As for the Obamacare "tax"...it's written into the law, but, stupidly, there's no means for collecting/enforcing payment. So that is a non-argument.

I don't like NAFTA and other trade agreements any better than you do. But we are now participating in a global economy and the long-term goal is to lift up underdeveloped countries that are riddled with poor people. The inconvenient truth is, all the countries that participate in this global economy and trade agreements will have people that suffer losses in order to balance out those in other countries that have little. Our trade agreements need to be revisited, especially for countries like China that I don't consider an underdeveloped country. But right now, they have us by the short hairs because we owe them debt (thank you "w" and Obama") which gives them leverage. And oil producing countries have our oil dependence as their leverage.

As for welfare recipients that seem to chap your arse so much, what incentive do they have to get off assistance when the min. wage is a measley $7.25/hr? Why would anyone with good sense give up a better place to live, plenty of food, and all other perks to exist on a min. wage paycheck? Pride and dignity doesn't do much for you when you are hungry, homeless, etc. And still, you have no problem with the big corps for making it necessary for the working poor to qualify for assistance because they pay poverty wages while making huge profits every quarter. Your anger is misdirected. Your position is constantly repeated to people that already know the problems and for the most part agree with you. You offer nothing for solutions that make sense.


Posted 4:42 pm, 10/31/2014

You didn't answer my question moving. Do you think Obama and Hagans policy have been good for the middle class.


Posted 4:35 pm, 10/31/2014

Not to much of a reach that good ole K-1 will be next.


Posted 4:32 pm, 10/31/2014

Google the wood stoves. They are getting regulated.


Posted 4:31 pm, 10/31/2014

Elbert Guillory- Look up what this fine gentleman says about Obama, the Democrats and Kay Hagan. He just comes out and tells the truth. All the democrats want the poor and unfortunate for is to get their vote. He has a website and several political ads on YOUTUBE. Elbert Guillory


Posted 4:25 pm, 10/31/2014

Seriously moving where is the technology for heavy trucks and 400 passenger airplanes? I don't see batteries ever powering these heavy machines.


Posted 4:22 pm, 10/31/2014

Its not good for us but its none of her business either just like how big the sodas could be in NY city, just democraps trying to run your life.


Posted 4:09 pm, 10/31/2014

Well there's an argument you can never win because we would ALL be better off if that tish was banned!

pantera (view profile)

Posted 3:00 pm, 10/31/2014

Michelle will take your high fructose corn syrup too.


Posted 4:07 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 2:57 pm, 10/31/2014

And I hope you don't think coal is the only thing obama and Hagan are going after. He's already started on wood stoves. Since we're reaching. How long do you think it will be before he comes after everyone's kerosene heaters and furnaces.

Now you are getting into the realm of the paranoid. Creating fear and anger for the "what ifs". What if we have to go back to horse and buggies? What if we have to give up our woodstoves? What if we have to give up our kerosene heaters/furnaces?

What if they develop solar energy that is so darn cheap and clean it puts all this other stuff to shame and creates twice as many, better paying jobs as the current dirty, expensive energies do? And as a added bonus, we are no longer dependent on foreign oil.

Why not kick that idea around as much as you zero in on what you're afraid you might lose? It's a matter of giving change a fighting chance. Change is the only real constant that we are guaranteed. Some change is bad, but, for the most part, change is good. When you fight it all the time, you will be disappointed and left behind to wallow in the old ways of the past. Where were you when the outhouses were being phased out? People used to situate them right over the creek for all the people and cattle downstream to...well, you know!


Posted 4:06 pm, 10/31/2014

By reading your posts it sounds like you agree that Obama and Hagans policies have suck for the middle class. Do you agree with that?


Posted 4:04 pm, 10/31/2014

As far as prices you are comparing apples to oranges. Obamacare is a mandate handed down from the government. I happen to think that if the government mandates it then they should pay for it.


Posted 3:58 pm, 10/31/2014

Again we agree on about all of it. What I don't understand is why you would vote for hagan again? I didn't vote for Fox because of the same reasons I won't vote for Hagan. All we have in Wilkes for as far as job creation is low wage. Not to mention the loss of job after job. This is two elections in a row I didn't vote for her.


Posted 3:53 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 2:54 pm, 10/31/2014

So you support your argument by pointing out other things that are just as bad. That's reaching.

I support my arguments with reality and facts. They may not be pleasing to the senses, but, they are real and what we have to deal with. Some things we have to accept. Everything has something built into its price that reflects us buyers paying for something someone else did, but shouldn't have. I fail to see how insurance premiums are any different than anything else.

You are paying for people with heart disease because they are obese. I bet you even know people that you like that falls into that category. So what's the difference?


Posted 3:47 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 2:44 pm, 10/31/2014

Moving I'm telling you man. We agree more than you think on this. Your entire 2nd paragraph is why I started this thread. Of all wealth created under Obama 95% has went to the richest 1%. While lower class has gotten increases as well. The middle class has gotten screwed. Who is representing me?

People often want to know what, if anything, I disagree with Obama on? Well you just nailed my number one complaint. Allowing the upper 1-2% to increase their wealth even more during his reign in office. But don't be fooled into thinking this is just a new thing that's happened under Obama. Google how the rich have been getting richer and the rest of us not for the past 20 to 30 years. I understand why he went along with extending the Bush tax cuts, continuing the banks bailout, the auto industry bailout, and letting Wall Street reap all the benefits they have for the past few years. But I don't like it worst a ****. Because it all plays into the trickle down economics theory that I detest. In theory trickle down economics could work and would work IF you could eliminate the greed factor, put term limits on all political seats, remove big money from campaign financing, and reign in the lobbyists. But, I don't see any one of those things ever happening.

The rich and powerful have so much power they can make threats that will and do force politicians to kiss their arses in order to get anything they want.. When Obama was a candidate for his first 4 years in office I truly think he was just nieve enough to think like the rest of us do about helping the lower classes and being transparent. But then, after being elected and having to deal with the old school politicians that really rule Washington, he had to face reality and have a major attitude adjustment. I believe the rich held him hostage, to keep them getting whatever they wanted, otherwise they had the power to finish screwing over the economy. What did they care if a full blown depression ensued? They had the funds to weather it, knowing he would take the fall for it. The first two years he was in office was dedicated to salvaging the economy and extending assistance to people that were unemployed, hungry, and facing foreclosure; bailing out the banks & auto industry, and pumping up Wall Street; and passing the ACA while he had a majority in Congress. Something the Clintons wanted to do, but, never had the votes for. Then because the economy was still in turmoil when the first midterm elections came along, voters went back to the polls mad and decided to hear what the Tea Party had to say. All that did was create further division in Congress and throughout the nation. Then came the 2012 election and again voters went to the polls mad, leaving Obama in charge and the House pretty mush the same. So we've spent the last 4 years seeing very little accomplished out of Congress and a whole lot of Executive Orders handed down.

I agree the rich have gained nicely the past 6 years. I'm not sure I agree that the poorest have gained, since you have to consider how many went from middle class to poor after a long stint of being un/under-employed, house in foreclosure, had to get on food stamps/public housing, etc. just to survive. No doubt the middle class has taken a beating. But I don't think it is as much Obama's fault as it is the fact that corporate America and the wealth have managed to end up in a position where they are calling all the shots. They have all the lawmakers in their pockets, so the laws will always reflect what's best for them. They keep the voters at odds with each others so we don't have time to see what they are up to. That's why I'm firmly for term limits and campaign reform and beg people to stop voting for the same ole candidates.

The definition of insanity is doing things the same way and expecting different results.


Posted 3:46 pm, 10/31/2014

Moving I am not afraid of a world without oil but all of the technology for replacing the internal combustion engine is for light weight passenger cars. What about tractor trailers that weigh 80,000 lbs. that deliver our food and goods or airplanes which there are no alternatives.


Posted 3:31 pm, 10/31/2014



Posted 3:30 pm, 10/31/2014

And don't I do blame the insurance companies. But Obama is the one who let them help write obamacare.


Posted 3:24 pm, 10/31/2014

I don't care who you say is to blame for my insurance premiums going up and less coverage. All I know is I was happy with what I had before the brainless so called president said if I liked my policy I could keep it. He lied to every American and anyone who helped him destroy our healthcare system needs to be replaced democrat, republican or independent. You can give me any BS excuse you want but my insurance policy was just fine before obamacare!!!

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