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Obama and hagans war on the middle class


Posted 1:33 pm, 10/31/2014

I knew the dems had lost a lot of working class votes but didn't realize that repubs get a majority of those votes in 70% of all house districts.

alonzo harris

Posted 6:59 pm, 10/28/2014

People are waking up...

Doesn't bode well for Barry, eh?


Posted 5:13 pm, 10/28/2014

Yeah batman and if they weren't following Reid's lead they would probably go after some other donor. Since the kochs aren't even close to the top of he donors list.


Posted 7:49 am, 10/28/2014

Moving on obamacare you said the poor should get free healthcare. I never said they shouldn't. I think anything the government mandates on a citizen should be paid for by the government period. The rich may not like to pay extra but can afford to. So you seem to agree this law affects the middle class more. The middle class cannot afford extra money right now. People in the middle class know that.

You said everything is going up but not just because of power bills, but that is a factor. You said things were going up for several reasons and only some of those are Obama/hagans fault. Closing of power plants due to the EPA has caused the loss of working class jobs and higher power bills that's undisputable. Obama said that power bills would skyrocket. People have lost jobs from the workers in the mines to the truck drivers carrying he coal to the ship hands who transport it to the small business owner who all these workers supported.

Good points on immigration. But right now we can't afford more people to take jobs. We don't have enough to go around. I don't mind as much paying taxes to help struggling Americans. I actually give above my taxes in charity. But to let people in here illegally that will work for $7.25/hr. Why would business' pay more? Plus who do you think will pay for their government benefits. You and me, he working class.


Posted 9:50 pm, 10/27/2014

funny how libtards hate the Koch bros....but love Soros......hypocrites......


Posted 9:37 pm, 10/27/2014

skeptic, you must be brain dead.


Posted 8:40 pm, 10/27/2014

To a answer the op original question.

Because is poor people can't afford to fight what Obama does.

Then we can't agree on any thing together with out calling other people names making every one like dumb arse rednecks.


Posted 7:59 pm, 10/27/2014

Thanks for agreeing with me moving101


Posted 4:38 pm, 10/27/2014

And does that mean the commissioners really are anti-Tyson? They could go to Tyson higher ups and propose something...anything...that would push Tyson in the direction of locals instead of refugees. Tyson hasn't been forced by the State Dept. to go that route.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 4:33 pm, 10/27/2014

from the article

Tyson and other companies find many of these workers with assistance of nonprofit agencies that have contracts with the U.S. State Department to help refugees in the United States become resettled and self-sufficient.

so yes you are right bennett, does that make anything i said about tyson wrong?


Posted 4:29 pm, 10/27/2014

For the record that is a state department federal program.


Posted 4:11 pm, 10/27/2014

Tyson has the full support and backing of the Wilkes County Commissioners. Remember that when YOU vote for the same ole same oles.


Posted 3:32 pm, 10/27/2014

Great posts Moving and Elmo!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:25 pm, 10/27/2014


does anyone recall this news?

Tyson plans to employ refugees

has anyone read the article? how about if i give some tidbits ... you tell me who is in charge .... and this is on the local politically conservative level

"Keith Elmore, chairman of the Wilkes County commissioners, attended the meeting and said Thursday that it's important to think about Tyson's announcement in terms of the importance of the company to Wilkes..."

this is your subtle notice that you before you gripe about losing jobs, you better remember it's better than no job and to kiss Tyson''s butt

"Other local government officials shared similar comments in interviews, saying Tyson officials are doing what they feel is necessary to maintain profitability..."

this is to let you know that Tyson wants to hire cheaper labor and you are screwed

"They said these problems partly resulted from people choosing to receive unemployment benefits rather than work."

this is to let you know that you are lazy and they are going to bring in people that cost less and work harder

"Tyson is working with Baltimore, Md.-based World Relief, a faith-based, humanitarian aid agency with offices in High Point and Durham, to find Burmese workers for the Tyson plant in Wilkesboro."

and Obama isn't doing it, it's your own churches

so before you point political fingers, try to focus on the bigger picture.

i don't begrudge tyson bringing in foreign workers if there was a shortage in the area, but we all know that is not the case.


Posted 3:15 pm, 10/27/2014

Actually, ALL the policies coming out of DC & Raleigh, SHOULD target the middle and lower classes, since they make up the vast majority in this country. The well off are in a very small minority. But those policies should be pro middle class, first & foremost.

Busted Flush

Posted 3:06 pm, 10/27/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 12:30 pm, 10/27/2014

Why do all of the policies coming out of Washington seem to target the working class?

Because the Koch brothers have bought the republican party, dummy....and you aint seen nothin' yet.....if they get complete control, say adios to your social security and medicare


Posted 3:02 pm, 10/27/2014

I see no reason why poverty level people should have to pay for medical care. They may be poor and can't afford the expensive healthcare in these US, but, they are still human beings...in need.

BS to the "rich doesn't care to pay thousands extra per year". The majority care about every thin dime. Even though they have plenty to live quite well on for the rest of their lives, they still want to hang on to every red cent and are all about finding ways to get/keep MORE.

"I have to let my car go back, cut off my home phone and internet." YOU specifically, or, are you mocking someone that has experienced that. What exactly are you saying...implying with that?

Everything has gone up...not just power bills. Multiple reasons for the increases. Few if any are directly contributed to Obama/Hagan. Old, inefficient power plants closing because new and improved means of supplying power is gaining ground. Just like the 8 track gave way to cassette, and cassette to CD's, and now they are on their way out. It's called progress. Should we still be using outhouses just because the lack of them cut down on workers at the sawmill that was cutting boards to build them with. Myself, I like inside plumbing. Leave the sawmill and get a job making plumbing parts.

Poverty level people should get help with power bills, otherwise, they will freeze to death. Most rich always "care" about giving up their money to help someone less fortunate because they are greedy and arrogant.

If the illegals upset you so much, then have a word with Ronnie Regan who first ignored the problem because his state of CA needed those illegals to do the miserable, hot, dirty work that the good ole white boys in CA turned their noses up to. Then bwitch at ever prez since him that has ignored the open door policy. And have a few words with people who have raised their natural born citizen children to be lazy and undereducated and think they are too good to start at the bottom and work their way up doing whatever job that's available...the jobs being undertaken by illegals, and legal Hispanics that aren't afraid of work. I doubt you have paid anymore in taxes than I have over the years. I don't care to pay what I'm paying, but, it aggravates the hello out of me when the rich aren't paying ALL they can afford to pay.

Sincerely yours,



Posted 2:36 pm, 10/27/2014

I will address the policies i mentioned.

Obamacare: poverty level pays nothing
Rich doesn't care to pay thousands extra per year
I have to let my car go back, cut off my home phone and Internet.

Higher power bills: thousands of working class lose jobs due to closure of power plants while the cost of power goes up and takes everything with it
Poverty level gets help with bills
Rich don't care

Illegal immigrants: taking lower income jobs raising unemployment that I have to pay for in higher taxes.


Posted 1:54 pm, 10/27/2014

I'd like to give the Kochs the bird from my whole family

Just keep your phony culture war and keep your effing tea.

They're the evil thing....

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 1:42 pm, 10/27/2014

when the topic could switch from obama/hagan to rich vs poor, you might get a better response

when the top percent owns the vast amount of the wealth while starving out the middle and lower class, the system is totally unbalanced without mentioning any political party, but just look at the numbers.

trickle down economics didn't work ... it never trickled. i am not placing blame on politics as much as who is in control and what their motives are.

one day someone is screaming all politicians are the same and in the next breath they blame their opposing party. its madness. obama didn't make people upside down on their mortgages ... big business did. people living at poverty levels was not obama...walmart and mcdonalds did that. disappearing pension plans was not obama. mega conglomerates that don't care if you live or die did that.

i do not begrudge what the wealthy "earns", what i begrudge is they don't seem satisfied.

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