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Obama and hagans war on the middle class


Posted 7:20 pm, 10/31/2014



Posted 7:19 pm, 10/31/2014

With no signs of slowing down. Unless we slow it down.


Posted 7:18 pm, 10/31/2014

I wasn't blaming all that on Obama. We already agreed that this has been going on for decades. It has been accelerated by the first Bush and Clinton.


Posted 6:58 pm, 10/31/2014

Found it.


The article says 71% of new job growth SINCE year 2000. 2000 to 2008 = Bush years. 2008 until now = Obama years. I hope you weren't implying that the whole 71% was Obama's fault.


Posted 6:55 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 6:16 pm, 10/31/2014

71% of new jobs in New Hampshire were taken by foreign born workers. I would like to see that breakdown state by state. Reported by the center for immigration studies.

Got a link and a source? I'd like to know more.


Posted 6:53 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 6:00 pm, 10/31/2014

I have pointed out several ways the middle class is suffering. You can spin all you want but at the end of the day the people getting bent over knows the truth. That's why the economy remains the number one issue for voters.

You have pointed out ways the middle class is getting the shaft and we all know it. But, you have not proven that it is ALL Obama and Hagan's fault. I have conceded that they are partially to blame; they certainly had a hand in it with SOME of their policies, BUT, I also wish you would admit that a lot of the problems, they have no control over. It goes back to Congress, which includes both sides not working for the good of the middle class...playing too much politics and worrying about keeping their own cushy jobs.

I'm not trying to spin anything. I am just trying to look at ALL the relevant factors and make decisions based on everything that matters. Just because it paints things in a different light from how you see it, doesn't mean it's a spin job. Look us the parts you disagree with and verify whether it's true or not. All I'm asking is, for anyone,don't choose a team and stick with it just because that's what you have always done, or, because you don't want to acknowledge there are factors that go against what you had believed before.

People often vote their pocketbooks which is understandable, but, not necessarily the best idea. Any economic policy takes time to be thought out and implemented. Usually takes years for it to come full circle and we know if it works or fails. Constantly changing which team is in control of the policy before it has time to take hold means we are in a constant state of policy change. How are we really ever going to know for sure what works best like that?


Posted 6:49 pm, 10/31/2014

There is a big difference in paying a small portion of your income in taxes and paying more for mandated insurance than my mortgage. Thanks for that Kay hagan.


Posted 6:39 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 5:37 pm, 10/31/2014

Yes. The EPA. It's easy to say we all have to compromise when you are getting the benefits.

Don't try to make me believe that you don't benefit from things that others are paying all, or more for, than you do. How much do you personally contribute to road building and maintenance? Yet you are free to drive all over the place as often as you please. People that pay more taxes contribute more, but we can all use all the roads as much as we want. What about people that pay taxes and don't even drive?

Our government depends upon compromise. When they stop compromising, we are stuck...much like we are right now.


Posted 6:31 pm, 10/31/2014

Osmosis (view profile)

Posted 4:31 pm, 10/31/2014

Elbert Guillory- Look up what this fine gentleman says about Obama, the Democrats and Kay Hagan. He just comes out and tells the truth. All the democrats want the poor and unfortunate for is to get their vote. He has a website and several political ads on YOUTUBE. Elbert Guillory

That's his opinion and he's entitled to it. But I can just as easily say that all the Repubs want the religious right, anti-abortionists, and rednecks for, is to get their votes.

He was in office from 2007 until 2009, but, does he actually hold an office now, and/or running for anything in 2014? Couldn't decide from the various websites I checked out.

He strikes me as a "George Jefferson type". Having moved on up...

Let's face it. Both sides are beholding to specific groups for their voter bases.


Posted 6:19 pm, 10/31/2014

pantera (view profile)

Posted 4:25 pm, 10/31/2014

Seriously moving where is the technology for heavy trucks and 400 passenger airplanes? I don't see batteries ever powering these heavy machines.

The first airplane was not a 400 passenger airplane. Everything starts out in a lesser form than its full potential. When people see the benefits of it, research and development will start to expand upon the idea. Just because we're not there yet doesn't mean it's impossible.


Posted 6:16 pm, 10/31/2014

71% of new jobs in New Hampshire were taken by foreign born workers. I would like to see that breakdown state by state. Reported by the center for immigration studies.


Posted 6:15 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 4:06 pm, 10/31/2014

By reading your posts it sounds like you agree that Obama and Hagans policies have suck for the middle class. Do you agree with that?

I agree that SOME of their policies have sucked for the middle class. SOME have benefited the middle class. That not enough middle class targeted bills have come out of Congress for the President to sign. That the other side isn't offering anything any better. That Obama has not been a uniter, but, we don't have the kind of representatives that wish to be united (from either side). And that ALL of them from both sides are too worried about the next election to actually get anything done. They stay in campaign mode all the time. I'm for one election every 6 years to elect all offices and do away with midterms. Two terms max to hold any one office. Once every 6 years we have to suffer through a campaign season and the rest of the time they better **** well be doing their jobs. Maybe only one 6 year stint for the office of President. After that, their positive ratings are always in the hole because everyone is sick of hearing about them...from both parties.


Posted 6:00 pm, 10/31/2014

I have pointed out several ways the middle class is suffering. You can spin all you want but at the end of the day the people getting bent over knows the truth. That's why the economy remains the number one issue for voters.


Posted 5:59 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 3:30 pm, 10/31/2014

And don't I do blame the insurance companies. But Obama is the one who let them help write obamacare.

Two things about that. I have always had a problem with lawmakers writing laws, rules, regulations that affect industries and individuals without having people within that industry, and the people that the laws will affect, be involved in the writing of the laws. Suits behind desks do not always understand the day to day dealings of the industry they are writing rules for. A congressman in DC likely doesn't know squat about the day to day life of a trucker or a trucking company. He/she may well understand that some misdeeds are so obvious they should be illegal, but, other things not fully understand like someone that knows the industry inside and out. So I'm not opposed to whomever is in charge of getting the laws written getting input from within the industry it will affect. But, that's not the same as letting them call all the shots.

So I have to ask, if you believe the insurance industry had too much input into Obamacare, then why are THEY complaining so much about it?

The other thing is, we can't forget that insurance companies exist for the sole purpose to make a profit...not to help people. So which is more important in the end...seeing them make a lot of profit while many can't afford insurance, or, seeing more people have a shot at preventative care, and/or, being healed or at least suffer less, at the expense of insurance companies making smaller profits? My vote goes towards insurance companies making a moderate profit and more people having access to affordable healthcare. Especially when you consider that a lot of their excess profits go to line the pockets of the CEO's


Posted 5:44 pm, 10/31/2014

pantera (view profile)

Posted 4:22 pm, 10/31/2014

Its not good for us but its none of her business either just like how big the sodas could be in NY city, just democraps trying to run your life.

When your fat arse develops diabetes and heart trouble because you pigged out on high fructose infused Mtn. Dew since childhood and my Obamacare premium increases enough to take care of you for the next 20 to 30 years, as does Michelle's insurance premiums, then, it becomes our business!


Posted 5:40 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 4:04 pm, 10/31/2014

As far as prices you are comparing apples to oranges. Obamacare is a mandate handed down from the government. I happen to think that if the government mandates it then they should pay for it.

If everyone would get on board with universal healthcare then that's what would happen. Of course you do understand that means WE would still be paying the bill through increased taxes to fund the program?

The government also tells us (mandates) we pay income taxes, buy a drivers license, have auto insurance (in the smart states), wear a seatbelt, helmets for motorcycle riders, and a bus load of other things that either directly, or indirectly costs us money. People have bwitched about each and every one of those mandates when they were put into force. Then, we got used to the idea of it and accepted it and moved on. Some even went so far as to understand the importance of them. This too will grow on people if they will just start seeing the positives and stop focusing on the perceived negatives.

There's all sorts of things that the government has to make us do, otherwise not enough people would willingly participate, even though they and others benefit from those things. If paying taxes was voluntary, just how many people would be willing participants? How many people would bother to get a DL and car insurance if they were strictly voluntary? Mandatory is not a dirty word.


Posted 5:37 pm, 10/31/2014

Yes. The EPA. It's easy to say we all have to compromise when you are getting the benefits.


Posted 5:31 pm, 10/31/2014

pantera (view profile)

Posted 3:24 pm, 10/31/2014

I don't care who you say is to blame for my insurance premiums going up and less coverage. All I know is I was happy with what I had before the brainless so called president said if I liked my policy I could keep it. He lied to every American and anyone who helped him destroy our healthcare system needs to be replaced democrat, republican or independent. You can give me any BS excuse you want but my insurance policy was just fine before obamacare!!!

Well mine wasn't. You are not more important than I am, nor I than you. You had many years to have it your way. Now it's my turn.

You have made up your mind and nothing will change it. I can only hope that the ACA remains law, is successful, and that you and I both live long enough to talk about this in 20 years or so and by then we will know which one of us is closer to right.


Posted 5:25 pm, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 3:19 pm, 10/31/2014

You continue to prove my point. Funny you mention businesses. Obamacare hasn't really affected them yet. Remember Obama extended the time they had to upgrade their policies while screwing individuals who could not afford the cost. When that happens millions will lose their coverage and doctors. They will not close but will cut expenses and raise prices to make up the difference.

If your point is that it's all Obama and Hagan's fault...you haven't been hearing anything I said. Lets get more specific. You tell me what Obama/Hagan has done to hurt the middle class and give me a chance to respond. Right now it's all been pretty vague with the exception of Obamacare and I get it. You and panty and Takers don't like being told you have to do this; or, it's a different policy than you did have; or, you're paying more. And there's plenty others in your same boat. BUT, there are plenty others in the same boat I'm in, that Obamacare has helped greatly. It's not all about me, and, likewise, it's not all about you. We are the United States of America. It should be about what's good for everyone with the understanding there's no way to make all the people happy all the time. Compromise. I have to buy insurance whether I want it or not. So do you. You have to pay more. I get to pay less. Someone else is getting it for free. Shouldn't the important thing be that MORE people are now covered. It opens us the door for more people to prevent illnesses instead of reacting after they are sick, which drives up the cost of healthcare for all. This will get more people into doctor's office and less depending upon very expensive ER visits, which also greatly increases health care and overburdens those departments that are supposed to be there for emergencies...not ear infections and bad colds.

Question: If the ACA hasn't affected businesses yet, then why are they supposedly increasing health insurance premiums, changing polices, laying people off, or closing their doors? So which is it....businesses haven't been affected yet, or, they have been affected? This whole thing about jobs and Obamacare is more political tooling.

For you to say businesses "will not close, but cut expenses and raise prices to make up the difference", tells me you either don't understand how free enterprise and capitalism work, or, you have no faith in them. For businesses that choose to close, then others will crop up to take their place. For doctors that want to throw a tantrum and quit, others will go into medicine and take their place. For companies that want to gouge people on prices, there will come along others that will challenge them on price and force them to get real, or lose out to their competition. That is how free enterprise and capitalism works. You are mistaken if you think every business in America will close or buck up and force us to do without, and, some new businesses, or smart old ones, won't come along and fill the needs of people with money to spend.


Posted 5:21 pm, 10/31/2014

Wood stoves are getting regulated? Who by, the EPA? Didn't know there were that many wood stoves being used.

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