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No guns can be carried in State of Emergency declared in King NC


Posted 9:42 am, 02/09/2010

NC's laws on alcohol are...Bizarre.

I wanted to buy Hiram Walker Peach Brandy for winter coughs. I was informed that "North Carolina no longer buys that".

No going to the mom 'n pop store down the street. That's the decision...for the entire state.



Posted 9:40 am, 02/09/2010

I don't argue that "all rights are inalienable", only that that sure wasn't one spelled out in the section you quoted. That's all.

I have no quarrel with the 2nd amendment, or any other section of the Constitution...as written.

I wish more people read and understood it!


Posted 9:37 am, 02/09/2010

NC Carolina has the worst rules for CCW holders. Only passed by Maryland. I travel between NC & VA on a weekly bases. In VA I can walk into a business that serves alcohol with no worries as long as I do not order the drink. NC:be ready to go to jail. Things like these give NC a bad rap. As long as the person carrying is not drinking. Why punish them. Same as this. The 2nd admendment says we can carry openingly in public. However in NC, if some fool who doesn't know the law screams gun!! You the carry have started a panic, thus you go to jail. You did nothing wrong. The uneducated did the wrong.

NC citizen

Posted 9:34 am, 02/09/2010

Amen, shoeshineboy.

I was just about to post the "among these rights" quote.

It's obvious RG has little respect for the founding documents, other than to snip them for his twisted ends.

Shoeshine Boy

Posted 9:29 am, 02/09/2010

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that AMONG THESE RIGHTSare Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.

All rights are inalienable. The bills of rights are a sub category of the basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If a "right" is not inalienable then it is not a right but a previledge granted by the government. We do not have a bill of previledges.


Posted 9:14 am, 02/09/2010

The rights they "found inalienable" were life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

A little context is never a bad thing!

NC citizen

Posted 9:09 am, 02/09/2010

Edit to add:

Our founding fathers thought enough of rights to call them "INALIENABLE". They are merely recognized, not GRANTED by statute. Hence they cannot be revoked by statute. Certainly not for something as trivial as a FREAKING SNOWSTORM!

This is a warning flag for how far the Republic has fallen.

The arrogance of bureaucrats who think they can just issue edicts at will, in violation of LIBERTY; need a major attitude adjustment.


Posted 8:55 am, 02/09/2010

It sounds "Big Brotherish" to me. You're focusing on the gun thing, but ALL OF IT seems...curious. I wonder what on Earth he was thinking?

NC citizen

Posted 8:50 am, 02/09/2010

The original 10 amendments in the Constitution are called the Bill of <b>RIGHTS</b>, not the Bill of Priveleges!

Whenever something like this comes up, substitute one right for another, and see how it sounds. For example, "King, NC has suspended church attendance during this declared emergency!"

Absurd. Ridiculous. An affront.

Many of the atrocities committed throughout history have been carried out under color of law. So, attempting to parse various ordinances to justify this is missing the point.

Call it what it is, a conditioning exercise for martial law. Training wheels for the police state.

Molon labe!


Posted 7:35 am, 02/09/2010

I'm not sure what one thing has to do with another. Alcohol in moderation, for instance, can actually help with the cold. Sipping Brandy makes you feel warmer. That's why St. Bernards carried it in their kegs in the Swiss Alps! (We used to own a St. Bernard...named after the most famous rescue dog ever...Barry. Only our Barry never rescued anyone! He was a good boy, though. Yes he was. YES HE WAS!! Who's a good boy?)

The tradition of not allowing guns in town goes back a long way...to the wild west. Doesn't make it right, it's just that the practice isn't new. But it is pretty rare. In fact I've never heard of it around here.

Unless there's been a rash of gun violence, or there's a specific threat they're trying to curb, I have no idea what the Police Chief thinks this accomplishes.

People stuck in the snow don't want to shoot their neighbors...THEY WANT TO GET HOME!

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 7:02 am, 02/09/2010

Lone Ranger I was talking about AntFlo' s post.

Lone Ranger09

Posted 6:59 am, 02/09/2010

If I understand it correctly, it was a snow not a riot.


Posted 6:45 am, 02/09/2010

It is step one in the Police State mentality

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 6:31 am, 02/09/2010

Who in their right mind would go to where a Riot was taking place????If they are there and carring then they should be arrested...Because in my mind they are up to no good.

involved dad

Posted 6:13 am, 02/09/2010

The state of emergency was declared between 12 midnight and 5 am during an ice storm on a sunday morning, Why are they throwing such a fit. only an idiot would get mad because they couldnt go out driving around triying to buy beer carrying and trying to sell guns .I say good for them for inforcing the law .nobody even got a ticket other than a couple of drunks out joyriding


Posted 5:55 am, 02/09/2010

Think about it, no real conservatives are trying to get your guns, only the liberals


Posted 5:52 am, 02/09/2010

Vote the liberals out . This law is stupid.


Posted 5:29 am, 02/09/2010

Elections have consequences

Ant Flo

Posted 1:08 am, 02/09/2010

Father-in-law is an instructor also, and a retired state trooper and he lives in King - he wasn't aware of this either...

I'm still kind of torn on this one. It makes sense on the face of it, but I do understand that if it is a REAL emergency such as war, massive earthquake like Haiti, etc, other than just some ice that will go away in a day, that you will eventually need to leave your property and I think I'd say **** it and take as many guns as I could carry - or make the wife carry :)

But for a passing ice storm? Just stay home anyway.

But yeah, that law needs a little editing there.


Posted 1:02 am, 02/09/2010

The folks a Salemburg better reprint their course material because it mentions that no where in the (Concealed Carry Handgun Training) course book. Thanks for pointing that out I will email some one down there and suggest they change it.

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