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NC Woman Confronts Her Neighbor For Flying Nazi Flag


Posted 5:48 pm, 08/05/2020

What I meant was exactly what I said. It seems like a lot of effort to defend a nazi. I didn't call you a nazi or a nazi supporter I'm simply pointing out we all know it was dangerous and that she is legally required to leave after he told her to but you keep going on and on defending this guy trying to convince everyone of something we already understand and pivoting between these three tired arguments for some reason. I don't think you're a nazi supporter I just think you'd rather take down a liberal on the Internet than admit anyone other than a liberal is in the wrong. Just a guess on my part. And the d day thing is exactly what you said it was. A joke. So lighten up.


Posted 5:41 pm, 08/05/2020

And what was the meaning behind Karen's thinly veiled threat of "I know who you are, I know where you work."


Posted 5:40 pm, 08/05/2020

I've tried to discuss this like adult, but you chose to question my courageousness with your D-Day joke, but if you weren't calling me a Nazi supporter, what does your below statement mean.
"It seems like a lot of effort to defend a nazi."
I'm defending his 1st Amendment right, and his right to not have strangers trespass on his property. Why can't people just mind their own business?


Posted 5:34 pm, 08/05/2020

Never did I call you a nazi supporter so you can go ahead and let go of those pearls. I just can't keep track of your argument or understand the point you're trying to make. You seem bent on making us understand what this woman did was dangerous which everyone already understands. Then you complain about no one respecting the guys 1a rights then say you never said anyone was infringing on his rights, and then turn around and call everyone hypocrites which for the life of me I can't understand.


Posted 5:20 pm, 08/05/2020

So the fact that I point out an action I see as unwise and potential unsafe, because I, even though I disagree with it believe it's Love's 1st Amendment right, and point out that the only person violating a law was Karen now means I'm now a Nazi supporter. You lefties are really hilarious.


Posted 5:17 pm, 08/05/2020

You said this earlier in the thread,

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)
Posted 4:30 pm, 08/05/2020
I don't tell people what to do. I have women in my family who are as brave and courageous as anyone I know.

So this Karen and your family members are brave, but you try and question my courageousness when you've already admitted that you don't do it either. Are you a coward or just a hypocrite?


Posted 5:03 pm, 08/05/2020

I really can't find the thread of your argument here. The woman's safety, test mans 1a rights, the legality? It seems like a lot of effort to defend a nazi.


Posted 5:02 pm, 08/05/2020

That's awful sweet of you. But like I said: Take care of Fanny. The rest of us will handle our business.


Posted 4:56 pm, 08/05/2020

I would say that if you do, it's unwise and could be unsafe.
If you don't, then I'd ask why?


Posted 4:53 pm, 08/05/2020

Do I or don't I? You seem to have your mind made up.


Posted 4:52 pm, 08/05/2020

I'm glad you agree that the man has the 1st Amendment right to fly his Nazi flag, even if you have to copy and paste my post. I used Trump flag as an example because there seems to be 3 flags that seem to cause the most controversy, Nazi, confederate and Trump.


Posted 4:47 pm, 08/05/2020

Why aren't you going door to door to strangers homes voicing your opinion on their choice of flags?


Posted 4:46 pm, 08/05/2020

"I guess the fact the he has the same 1st Amendment rights as everyone else is lost on some folk."

Your words cowboy.

And personally, I probably wouldn't knock on someone's door and confront them about their flag whatever it was. This lady is braver than me. Maybe if they were my neighbor or in my direct neighborhood I might feel differently. Also, why do you keep bringing the trump flag into the discussion?


Posted 4:46 pm, 08/05/2020

Repubs love them some Nazis 😏😏😏😃


Posted 4:44 pm, 08/05/2020

You should probably stay back when someone wants to stand up for what they believe in. You can stay on the sidelines, quiet, but some folks have backbone.


Posted 4:36 pm, 08/05/2020

If you care about those women you should tell them not to go on a strangers private property because they disagree with a flag, there are some unstable people out there, that might perceive that as a threat and cause them harm.

I didn't lie about anything, the below is what my "no one said it did";

hillbilly666 (view profile)
Posted 3:57 pm, 08/05/2020
I realize that cowboys fan, but the confrontation itself wasn't illegal. It does evoke illegal once he asks her to leave but my point still stands it's not an infringement on his rights to ask him why he's flying a nazi flag


Posted 4:30 pm, 08/05/2020

I don't tell people what to do. I have women in my family who are as brave and courageous as anyone I know.

I also don't lie about calling people hypocrites, so...


Posted 4:27 pm, 08/05/2020

Do you think it was wise for this Karen to do what she did, would you suggest your, mother, sister best friend to follow in Karen's footsteps?


Posted 4:24 pm, 08/05/2020

Fanny (view profile)
Posted 4:19 pm, 08/05/2020
No one said it did.

Also Fanny:

That was hilarious, if you and should aren't going door to door to chastising anyone flying a Nazi, Confederate or Trump flag doesn't this make y'all hypocrites.


Posted 4:23 pm, 08/05/2020

Would you stop at a strangers residence, approached the homeowner and "question" them about their choice of flag decor, specifically a Nazi, confederate or Trump flag.

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