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NC Woman Confronts Her Neighbor For Flying Nazi Flag


Posted 5:05 am, 08/14/2020

Rump loves Nazis bigly 🤪🤪🤪🤪😀


Posted 4:57 am, 08/14/2020

"FLAGS"! "SWASTIKA", "TRUMP, 2020"? "BOTH ARE AN INSULT" to Anyone THAT will DISPLAY EITHER!!!! "ENGVAL" said it Best, "You Can;t HIDE "!!!!


Posted 3:13 am, 08/14/2020


Posted 1:36 am, 08/06/2020

I am not really a liberal or a democrat. I just believe in a level playing field. I don't like bully's and I don't mind help those weaker then me. Many people have spilt blood on my sword because they under estimate who I am and mistook my generosity for weak. That guy in the video is a bully. He prays on people he thinks is weaker then him. To tolerate him, makes victims of others.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:51 am, 08/06/2020

1048andonehalf (view profile)
Posted 12:20 am, 08/06/2020
You can't be tolerant to intolerant people. Burn his flag and burn his home.

You are, without a doubt, the leader and grand wizard of the Democratic Party.

Way to represent!


Posted 12:22 am, 08/06/2020

When did I say you were defending his beliefs?


Posted 12:20 am, 08/06/2020

You can't be tolerant to intolerant people. Burn his flag and burn his home.


Posted 11:49 pm, 08/05/2020

Apparently you can't read, I'm not defending his beliefs, I'm defending his exercising of his 1st Amendment rights, I don't have to like his speech in order to defend his right to it.
Now why not try answering the question, they count 33 points each, let's see if you can pass;
1) who has the right to fly whatever flag they want, even if it's in poor taste and dumb?
2) who sought out and went on who's property, thereby initiating the confrontation?
3) who violated the law when they failed to leave when told to do so?


Posted 11:43 pm, 08/05/2020

I don't condone the flying of a Nazi flag but I did notice the girl in the video was driving a BMW. That probably makes her right in her opinion.


Posted 11:37 pm, 08/05/2020

All I'm saying is I find it weird how fiercely you feel the need to defend someone who's rights haven't been violated and how offensive you find her "unhinged" actions that to my standard are pretty tame. That's literally all I'm saying. Have a good night.


Posted 11:36 pm, 08/05/2020

I remember some old girl got shot not too long ago for stealing some guys Nazi flag.


Posted 11:15 pm, 08/05/2020

I never said Karen violated the law by entering private property, I said it is unwise and potentially unsafe. Again you accuse me of defending BillyBob, when all I have said is he has the right to fly whatever flag he chooses on his own property. I find it hilarious that you tell me I'm factual correct while explaining how I'm also wrong at the same time.
Answer the following questions,
1) who had the right to fly whatever flag they wanted, even if it's in poor taste and dumb?
2) who sought out and went on who's property, thereby initiating the confrontation?
3) who violated the law when they failed to leave when told to do so?


Posted 11:06 pm, 08/05/2020

If you read my posts it will explain it. It's within this woman's legal right to knock on her neighbors door and ask him about his nazi flag. Yes it could be dangerous to do it but that doesn't make it illegal. Yes she didn't immediately leave when he told her to but that doesn't make the initial confrontation illegal. Until that point she was well within her rights and just like billybob expressing her first amendment rights. You are tirelessly defending this guy when no one is saying he doesn't have the right to have a nazi flag on his property yet seem utterly disgusted by Karen expressing her 1a rights. You clearly find this woman's behavior much more offensive than being a literal nazi and to me that's weird.


Posted 10:41 pm, 08/05/2020

So you agree that BillyBob can legally fly his Nazi flag and you agree Karen was trespassing when asked to leave and didn't immediately do so, why exactly then have you been rebutting almost everyone of my posts?


Posted 10:37 pm, 08/05/2020

I never said he didn't have a right to fly his nazi flag.


Posted 10:32 pm, 08/05/2020

That's just it, I'm not equating the two flags, my point is it's Billybob's right to fly whatever flag he chooses, Karen had no reason to go on his property to question him about his choice in home decor, especially after being instructed to leave private property. Karen is no hero, she's the type person who will mace a man and woman for not wearing a mask while they eat their lunch outside or throw hot coffee in a person's face for not wearing a mask while outside. Karen and her kind are completely unhinged.


Posted 10:22 pm, 08/05/2020

Alright fine, I'll bite. I don't think you can compare her rainbow flag to a nazi flag. Unless the gays have committed some ethnic cleaning I'm unaware of. Let's say instead for arguments sake it's an isis or taliban flag. The confrontation is the "fault" of the person starting the confrontation, but I'm not offended by the confrontation. I don't see it as a matter of fault or blame that needs to be placed anywhere. I'm not upset by people aggressively opposing violent ideologies.
For the sake of argument I think if someone harassed someone on there property for sat having a rainbow flag or maybe a trump flag I think might be a little out of line.

I think your equation of the nazi flag and rainbow flag continues to reinforce my earlier point.


Posted 10:15 pm, 08/05/2020

So you refuse to answer the question, I'm thinking you don't want to admit that you have a double standard on this which means you're a hypocrite.


Posted 10:13 pm, 08/05/2020

My point continues to allude you. Have a good night.

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