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National Debt over time


Posted 5:35 pm, 06/04/2017

Jimmy carter ran us in the ground, when he left office interest 20% , inflation rate 20 %, unemployment rate 20 %, we were in the worst shape in history.

Johnii, I can't tell if you're pulling my leg or if you're really serious.

Unemployment reached a record high in November 1982, of 10.8%. That was almost 2 years into the Reagan administration:


Clinton got it down to a near record low of just under 4%, but then George W increased it again to 10%. Obama reversed that, bringing it down to 4.5%.

Jobs created by each Presidential term:

Ford: +1.68% (+5,071)
Carter: +3.21% (+10,345)
Reagan (first term): +1.47% (+5,336)
Reagan (second term): +2.80% (+10,795)
George Bush: +0.45% (+1,917)
Clinton (first term): +2.85% (+12,296)
Clinton (second term): +2.33% (+11,324)
George W (first term): +0.02% (+89)
George W (second term): +0.24% (+1,259)
Obama (first term): +0.23% (+1,213)
Obama (second term): +1.85% (+10,288)


Carter created almost twice as many jobs as Reagan during his first term, and almost as many in one term as Reagan did in two terms.

George W created the least jobs of any President since Herbert Hoover in 1929 (the Great Depression) (also a Republican).


Posted 3:26 pm, 06/04/2017

Under Jimmy Carter the National Debt grew by 280 billion dollars.
Ronald Regans tax cuts for the filthy rich caused a Federal Debt of 1.682 trillion dollars.
A trillion is a thousand billion.


Posted 2:51 pm, 06/04/2017

But to use them as an excuse to make the filthy rich even richer is wrong also.


Posted 2:48 pm, 06/04/2017

No I don't think you should Johniii. The people who are milking the system shouldn't get a dime from anyone, even the top 0.1 %.


Posted 2:18 pm, 06/04/2017

So Crypt, If I work hard all my life and invest in stock and 401k at about 10% a year over 50 years of work, and It added up to 1 million dollars. You think I am suppose to give 20 % of that to the government every year so they can hand it out in food stamps, ssi, and medicaid to people that has sit on their butts for 50 years and did nothing with their lives. I'm suppose to hand them my life savings until the point I am broke, That is stinking democratic thinking.


Posted 2:05 pm, 06/04/2017

johniii is a perfect example of our hillbilly republicans.The gop loves their vote but when they open the mailbox and there ain't no check hope they can wait on that trickle down.


Posted 1:50 pm, 06/04/2017

You a dummy, the very bottom is not paying any taxes, lmfao, These people are paying in 500 $ a year, and getting a refund of 2500 $ on their tax returns, lmao.

They stealing from the rich now to give to the poor through "earned income credits", people that want to work low paying jobs like Mc donalds that was intended for a high school student. If they want to help themself, they need to go get a real job like Tyson


Posted 1:37 pm, 06/04/2017

Don't worry though, according to the gop and our hillbilly republicans that money will "trickle down"
Let me know if any of y'all get wet.


Posted 1:20 pm, 06/04/2017

The Walmart Family heirs alone have more money than the lower 42% of Americans. The top 1% have more money than the lower 90% so of course they pay most of the tax revenue. They need a tax break and the republicans are taking it from the very bottom.


Posted 12:06 pm, 06/04/2017

Thank goodness our country is great enough not to be ruined by trump and his 38% of supporters.


Posted 11:17 am, 06/04/2017

That's what I've been telling them, democrats policies simply do not work. Trump trying his best to fix things and they keep criticizing him for doing exactly what we need because they are so uneducated about our economy.

They do not want Trump to make this country great again because they didn't do it in the last 8 years it was awful what they did.

[email protected]

Posted 10:56 am, 06/04/2017

The defense costs are pretty easy to explain.
1. We pay our soldiers a lot more than China. In 2009 Chinese soldiers were receiving roughly $1762 a year for their salary. This is about a tenth of the average salary for a US soldier.
2. We are always working on cutting edge technology, that will give us a much higher advantage. Look at the stuff we've created, and you can see highly engineered weapons and transport. Smart bullets, explosive rounds that know when to explode within inches, and even the shared information network in flying sorties.
3. China steals our technology, espionage still happens and when we did all the leg work of design, all they have to do is build.
4. Being on a different continent creates a good and bad situation for us. We have to travel quite a bit to wage a war on anyone. China is usually poised for surrounding attackers, and has a laughable comparative naval force.
5. We have a lot of agreements to defend other countries such as Japan. So we have foreign bases to protect those interests. A far away military creates a costly logistics program to keep them equipped and fed.

I don't think any conservative will say the needy do not deserve assistance. For instance Diabetes is a deadly disease and insulin is expensive. We can both agree, if someone couldn't afford it, we can all chip in. Question is, is it Federal responsibility or State?

The reason the top earners get the tax cut is because they pay ALL the taxes. The top 20% of earners pay 84% of Federal taxes. So if you created a tax cut of course they get a lowered tax burden. The bottom 40% of earners pay NEGATIVE taxes. They get more back then they pay in.

Despite what the leftists will tell you those high corporate tax rates are causing drops in revenue when a company moves overseas. Inversion takes away billions in revenue that we'll never see again. Some other country is now receiving those taxes because they have a lower tax rate. So now the tax burden is heavier on the remaining companies, and squeeze them hard enough, they will leave too.


Posted 10:53 am, 06/04/2017

Wrong again ! Jimmy carter ran us in the ground, when he left office interest 20% , inflation rate 20 %, unemployment rate 20 %, we were in the worst shape in history. Reagan came in cut taxes started growing the economy, by the time he left office the country was the strongest in history which expanded 3 decades until Clinton came in, and by the time he left office he sold all our manufacturing plants to other countries, by the time Clinton left office, most plants had grass growing up in the parking lots.

Democratic policies simply do not work.


Posted 9:16 am, 06/04/2017

I don't have a problem with the hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes I've paid if It's put to good use:
I don't want to be attacked by anyone so we need our Military and Police. I don't understand why our defense costs 3 times more than any other Nation including China which has a billion more citizens.
I don't want to see the elderly and disabled suffering and dying from lack of assistance so we need Social Security, Medicare etc. and I understand to a certain degree why this is very expensive.
What I will never understand is repeatedly giving tax breaks to the top 2%, hoping that money will trickle down and improve the economy when history shows this is not the case.

[email protected]

Posted 10:05 pm, 06/03/2017

To Crypt and Anti,
Looking at two numbers does not create a whole story. There are extenuating circumstances that create a greater picture. During the bumps in the graph what was happening? Usually massive military spending.
What happened in 2008? the bubble popped. Who allowed that to happen? Bill Clinton did! Once he rolled back financial regulation, and put pressure on lenders to give credit to sub par borrowers, the snowball began falling down the mountain. What happened in 2001? The Twin towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed. When we look at the graph we see a big dip in the graph, in GDP growth.

Now George bush going by the original article Bush added about 6 Trillion to the debt. Obama added about 8. Now if you want to tell me that Obama economics work, then tell me how. You could say that Bush had a war started, and Obama ended it, ok well the military spending can't be a factor after Obama ended it right? Obama cut military budget and still kept spending some how. There wasn't a war, to account for it, and military budget is our biggest expenditure, so where did the money go?

I wanna fall back on my most basic argument, Does the government know how to spend your money better than you? Because this is what it all falls down on. Should the government be able to claim your money and spend as it wishes or should you get to spend it on your own?

For every dollar you make 6% will go to go to Social Security, but there is no fund for it. That money will be added to the General ledger. Which means it goes to the general budget of the government, not towards just paying for your grandfather's retirement. There is another 6% that you do not see on your paycheck is paid by your employer. This means your employer is paying you more than you know, just it goes to the government. You could be paid 12% more and dump the extra pay into your own 401K, or make a little bigger payment on your house, or just give it away. For the math enthusiast this mean you could go from making $10 an hour to $11.20 an hour, and just invest in your own retirement how you see fit.


Posted 7:17 pm, 06/03/2017

The filthy rich got that way by claiming their headquarters are outside the US. Then they pay their employees the minimum wage and let other taxpayers pay the rest. It's all legal of course because a lot of money changes hands to assure that. People we're all being scammed.


Posted 7:07 pm, 06/03/2017

So how did Bill Clinton not only get rid of Bush 1's multi-million dollar deficit but gave us a 236 billion dollar surplus? By making the filthy rich pay their share, that's how.


Posted 6:38 pm, 06/03/2017

no they do not want to pass it because it is balanced without us borrowing another trillion dollars, somebody got cuts to their programs we couldn't afford. Look at that debt clock. That's what all the career politicians in Washington want. The people don't want it.

If you was going in debt like that debt clock, you would stop something right then, wouldn't you want the same attention for America? The only way to stop that clock is to cut the welfare and programs like the Paris Accord that is useless create jobs and raise the GDP to about 5 % and that is exactly what Trump is doing.
And BTW, Trumps tax records are personal taxes, and it is none of your business, we already know he paid in 45 million in 1 year, i think that is more then Obama paid in. This man is a business genius, not a black boy like Obama, from the black bottom.


Posted 5:03 pm, 06/03/2017

antithesis you don't need to answer that, yes he is.


Posted 4:55 pm, 06/03/2017

Now antithesis are you suggesting that "Honest"_Johniii is an imbecile?

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