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Posted 4:52 pm, 03/02/2017

I know the Hendren family, I have been around them for 30 years. I was there when Barney was going through some things. Keith also had some things going on in his life. I guess what I want to say is that they were a loving family. Only God knows what made keith do what he did. Keith is one of the most humble, caring and loving people I ever had the pleasure of meeting. I pray that God comforts the Hendren family and especially Keith.


Posted 6:25 pm, 02/26/2017

1John verse 9....If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

sparkling water

Posted 4:05 pm, 03/02/2017

OK, Westend. You want an apology. I will give you one.

I apologize to the Hendren family for insensitive comnents made here in the aftermath of their tragic loss.
I apologize to the GoWilkes community for the same.
I apologize to all for misunderstanding the nature of the incident and making light of it.
I did not /do not know these people and had no right to speak about their issues in any manner.
I was wrong.
I was hurtful.
I do not know of any way to make amends except to offer a sincere commitment to not offer commentary on such issues in the future.


Posted 3:46 pm, 03/02/2017

walkndog (view profile)

Posted 3:30 pm, 03/02/2017

Rumors , story all twisted. I grew up with both these guys. One brother doing just what the family WiLL ask him to do. And Barney didn't get out of bed and go over to Keiths looking for argument, he was called by Keith , Keith ask him to come, having chest pains, thought he was having heart attack. Keith lured Barney there. I'm sure Keith regrets what he did. This issue goes back to the WILL request so the land would remain in the family. Please join me in praying for my cousin, she lost her husband. Keith now without much of future and want be able to enjoy the land that was entrusted in his brother to oversee for him.
Sad outcome for the Hendren family.

This is what gowilkes does......Trash like spark and the rest of you on here trashing and lying about a good decent father who was lured out of his house @4am..to be brutally gunned down......and trash like spark on here making crude, cruel jokes about it with no regard to the suffering of the family......Trash!


Posted 3:39 pm, 03/02/2017

sparkling water

Posted 3:30 pm, 03/02/2017

Most sad.

REALLY?......No whats sad...... is sick, twisted people like you on here posting up cruel, hurtful jokes in a effort to make your own self look cute......as I said before you are a low life pos.....and you owe the family a apology.....

sparkling water

Posted 3:30 pm, 03/02/2017

Most sad.


Posted 3:30 pm, 03/02/2017

Rumors , story all twisted. I grew up with both these guys. One brother doing just what the family WiLL ask him to do. And Barney didn't get out of bed and go over to Keiths looking for argument, he was called by Keith , Keith ask him to come, having chest pains, thought he was having heart attack. Keith lured Barney there. I'm sure Keith regrets what he did. This issue goes back to the WILL request so the land would remain in the family. Please join me in praying for my cousin, she lost her husband. Keith now without much of future and want be able to enjoy the land that was entrusted in his brother to oversee for him.
Sad outcome for the Hendren family.


Posted 3:26 pm, 03/02/2017

Rumors , story all twisted. I grew up with both these guys. One brother doing just what the family WiLL ask him to do. And Barney didn't get out of bed and go over to Keiths looking for argument, he was called by Keith , Keith ask him to come, having chest pains, thought he was having heart attack. Keith lured Barney there. I'm sure Keith regrets what he did. This issue goes back to the WILL request so the land would remain in the family. Please join me in praying for my cousin, she lost her husband. Keith now without much of future and want be able to enjoy the land that was entrusted in his brother to oversee for him.
Sad outcome for the Hendren family.


Posted 10:17 am, 02/27/2017

He was trying to shaft his brother on the land.

sparkling water

Posted 8:48 am, 02/27/2017

Maybe you could set the record straight.


Posted 8:36 am, 02/27/2017

....The problem is...you continue to make stupid assumptions, based on what you think you know......which is in this case is very little, to mostly...... nothing......so you continue to make your self look even more pathetic with your stupid post..... by trying to cover for your crude remarks......you need to shut your nasty crude mouth , because you know nothing about why he went out at 4am....

sparkling water

Posted 8:24 am, 02/27/2017

Death destroys something in each family it touches. If the victim had stayed home he'd be going to the Flea Market today. If the shooter had turned out his lights and stayed in bed he might be with him. But, no. They had this all consuming issue over a thing. It destroyed them both.

sparkling water

Posted 8:19 am, 02/27/2017

What do you want, Westy?


Posted 8:12 am, 02/27/2017

Spark......Your feeble, pathetic attempt to be cute by making crude, sick, jokes about a Grandfather who had Grandchildren that adored him, about a father whose children looked up to, a wife now a widow who worked like a dog and spent her life making a loving home for her husband the family......Is now dead......your total lack of any type of compassion, your total inability to show any type of remorse, your total lack of "RESPECT" to the dead mans family......shows us all the lowlife pos you are......you are the lowest of low......you are a total waste of the air you breath and you are a total disgrace to the human race......


Posted 9:35 pm, 02/26/2017

Yea, his brother was trying to cheat him on his land, he did the right thing, people always trying to cheat siblings on land and stuff

sparkling water

Posted 7:03 pm, 02/26/2017

Westy, I never report stuff to Jason.

It is noteworthy that you are offended, but I suspect that you will survive.

You seem to know these folk better than I, so if you say they are decent, I am sure it is so.

However, I wonder at the virtue of anyone who makes a trip in the middle of the night to argue over land.


Posted 7:01 pm, 02/26/2017

Many have said that a piece of land is not worth the tragedy, etc., of which I agree, but I believe the land was just a catalyst to something deeper, perhaps bad blood between the two. I have seen such situations.


Posted 6:56 pm, 02/26/2017

How do you know he was Decent ??


Posted 6:53 pm, 02/26/2017

Sparkle......what would TRASH like you know or even care about suffering......all a pos like you know is how to make cruel jokes about a good decent mans death......you are TRASH......NOTHING more.....now go Running to Jason.....

sparkling water

Posted 6:33 pm, 02/26/2017

Westy, I'd be willing to bet that family suffered long before the killing.


Posted 6:25 pm, 02/26/2017

1John verse 9....If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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