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More major news that was totally buried


Posted 6:05 pm, 05/30/2020

sweetie is a troyuble maker and trol


Posted 6:04 pm, 05/30/2020



Posted 5:59 pm, 05/30/2020

Glitter with another strike-out. Sit down, sweetie.


Posted 5:54 pm, 05/30/2020


But Trump doesn't (or, shouldn't) exclusively get his news from Twitter. He and other leaders "were part of regular conference calls, weekly or twice weekly, beginning on 7 January. From 10 January those calls included warnings about the risk of human-to-human transmission:"

From the same article:

China argued against declaring an emergency on 22 January, but could not have carried the argument alone. The other emergency members and advisers were experts from the US, Thailand, Russia, France, South Korea, Canada, Japan, Netherlands, Australia, Senegal, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and New Zealand.

Their advice is confidential, but for the vote to have been split, several western, or western-aligned, representatives must have voted with Beijing.

While the emergency committee took a week to decide to declare a PHEIC, Trump spent more than a month after that playing down the threat to the US, during which the country fell weeks behind the rest of the world in diagnostic testing and stockpiling essential equipment.

So Trump is saying that he was given false information by the WHO, but that means that he ignored the conference calls and exclusively believed a post on Twitter.

Other nations had the exact same information, they were on the exact same conference calls, but their foresight and leadership prevented a catastrophe.

Is your argument that Trump wasn't given the same information, that he ignored the information in favor of a tweet, or just that he lacked the same foresight?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 5:33 pm, 05/30/2020

Your slip is showing, drama queen.


Posted 5:29 pm, 05/30/2020

Go ahead and find an example of me bashing the country. Don't get mad becasue you agree with the conservative who wants to kill his ideological "enemies."

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 5:24 pm, 05/30/2020

And, clearly, it's an ideological mindset of the liberals that makes it so disturbing.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 5:21 pm, 05/30/2020

That's really rich coming from you, Shoulda. You dive at the chance to bash the country just to get a dig in at the president. You can disagree with the president but still be proud of the country but you all can't pull it off or seem to distinguish the difference. You are joyous when you think the president fails at the expense of the success of the country. It's pathetic, sad and frankly, treasonous. There's you some drama to suck on...


Posted 4:54 pm, 05/30/2020

Don't be a drama queen. People who think someone "hates" their country becasue of a ideological disagreement are incredibly ignorant. This is the kind of thinking that made one conservative recently say "the only good Democrat is a dead one." Try to be better.

Everyone agrees China lies. So does the current American government under the Drumpf "administration."

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 4:43 pm, 05/30/2020

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 4:20 pm, 05/30/2020

China this and China that. China is not the WHO.

This is the point! This is what you totally do not understand. You're not understanding the relationship and influence China has on the WHO and it's global implications.

I cannot understand why liberals want to defend foreign entities and hate this country so much.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 4:35 pm, 05/30/2020

Back in January, when the pandemic now consuming the world was still gathering force, a Berkeley research scientist named Xiao Qiang was monitoring China's official statements about a new coronavirus then spreading through Wuhan and noticed something disturbing. Statements made by the World Health Organization, the international body that advises the world on handling health crises, often echoed China's messages. "Particularly at the beginning, it was shocking when I again and again saw WHO's [director-general], when he spoke to the press ... almost directly quoting what I read on the Chinese government's statements," he told me.

The most notorious example came in the form of a single tweet from the WHO account on January 14: "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus." That same day, the Wuhan Health Commission's public bulletin declared, "We have not found proof for human-to-human transmission." But by that point even the Chinese government was offering caveats not included in the WHO tweet. "The possibility of limited human-to-human transmission cannot be excluded," the bulletin said, "but the risk of sustained transmission is low."

Perhaps, in place of being so enthusiastic to diss our president and bash our country, you need to realize China groomed Tedros for this position and has been actively gaining influence over many world organizations. And, regardless of who this "mid-level" official is, the WHO should be held responsible for the misinformation.

"As coronavirus continues to cripple almost every country on earth, questions are being raised over the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the top brass at the World Health Organization (WHO)."

The US gives ten times more in funding than China to the WHO. Why would you even consider continuing to fund a world organization, influenced and manipulated by the Chinese, who systematically failed, in the worst crisis of our lifetime, without at least some investigation? You are, seriously, defending this organization, and China, in place of being concerned about the US? The health of Americans? The US economy??

Pretty sure, you're the one who needs to keep up.


Posted 4:31 pm, 05/30/2020

Trump gives misleading statements, lies, and refuses to accept responsibility for anything. Some of his midlevel people are as bad or worse.

We should sever all ties with Trump.


Posted 4:28 pm, 05/30/2020

I'm glad to see you're so forgiving for the WHO but not Trump.


Posted 4:27 pm, 05/30/2020

Was the mid-level guy from the WHO, yes, so the WHO gave bad information.


Posted 4:20 pm, 05/30/2020

China this and China that. China is not the WHO.

I believe that Trump took a gamble and stalled deliberately in order to minimize the financial losses. That's all he cares about, in addition he likes to believe conspiracy theorists instead of scientists. "It's no worse than the flu."

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 4:11 pm, 05/30/2020

And, there is this:

It emerged this week that by January 14, officials in China already knew that the virus could spread between people - and would likely become a pandemic. They waited for a further six days before making that information public.

Six days...I'm sure this is Trump's fault, well.


Posted 3:14 pm, 05/30/2020

What is also painfully obvious is this...

Anytime Trump feels like it. he tells his base to exercise their second amendment rights.
Ain't it a shame someone is flagging his tweets.

But if anyone riots to protest racism, why that is unconscionable and deserves to be shot.

You MAGAts make me want to vomit with your holier than thou support of the CEO of America. He darn sure is not the POTUS.


Posted 2:57 pm, 05/30/2020

In a situation like this virus facts change from day to day. In the beginning so little is known. How can you expect for people to get everything right in the beginning?


Posted 2:54 pm, 05/30/2020

We've already covered that, Glitter... please do try to keep up.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:51 pm, 05/30/2020

How much lehl would the Democrats have raised had the president shut down the country amidst the impeachment hearings?

And, this from Janurary 23rd:

The World Health Organization on Thursday decided not to declare the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak a global emergency, despite the spread of the dangerous respiratory infection from China to at least five other countries.

Although the disease has reached beyond China, the number of cases in other countries is still relatively small, and the disease does not seem to be spreading within those countries, agency officials said. Of more than 800 cases now reported, the wide majority - and all the 25 deaths - have been in China, according to Chinese officials.

"At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China," Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.'s director general, said at a news conference in Geneva. "That doesn't mean it won't happen."

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