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Moravian Falls Fire Department


Posted 4:15 pm, 05/03/2024

ding, ding , ding, we have a winner


What if you don't have an emergency while they are at the race? Will you still be jealous?


Posted 4:13 pm, 05/03/2024

Don't have all the answers but common sense should tell you some answers to your dilemma. No fire department volunteer or paid will take every member to an event and leave their district helpless. I do know that on house fires more than 1 department will run that call and other surrounding departments will be on standby as well.

I would reach out to the chief and ask what their protocol is since every department is going to be different or call the county office and ask to speak to the fire Marshal they may be able to help answer your questions.


Posted 4:09 pm, 05/03/2024

Nothing gets by you foxnose! I'm SUPER JEALOUS!!!! I can't believe all the departments are selfish enough not to run and hide out at the racetrack and let calls in their own district go unanswered by the people that pay taxes so they have money to drive the units, bought by the tax money, to the track! WHO WOULDN'T BE JEALOUS??? I want to live in a district, where if I have a medical emergency during this almighty race week, I have a better chance of dying than getting someone to respond to help me. Foxnose, if you would have chimed in 70 comments ago, you could have solved the whole dang problem! How selfish of you to wait.


Posted 4:03 pm, 05/03/2024

Sounds like a lot of jealousy coming from the murmurers.


Posted 3:55 pm, 05/03/2024

I would be curious to know exactly how many members of fire departments are at the race track. Obviously someone has to work the event but I wonder how many districts get depleted. I heard Broadway will have trucks at the track to cover outside fire's, EMS was moved to the outside and rescue is sending ambulances to work the actual race. Of course Mo Falls will have trucks and people there.


Posted 3:37 pm, 05/03/2024

mtnguy you seem to have all the answers, tell me what the plan is. I'm going off what the great Albert said to do and went on their website to get the information. Now, he seems mad at himself for assuming. Since he finally found the dead end of his logic, let's give yours a whirl.


Posted 3:33 pm, 05/03/2024

Are people really this stoooopid ? Cold turkey no fire department will take all members out of the district to work at an event. Dear lord where is common sense is lacking more and more.

Albert Pike

Posted 3:20 pm, 05/03/2024

You know what they say about making assumptions.


Posted 2:19 pm, 05/03/2024

Albert Pike,

I am using the resource you pointed me to, looks like the whole dang station since it is on their "training" calendar.

Albert Pike

Posted 1:59 pm, 05/03/2024

How many members from Moravian Falls FD work at the racetrack during events, is it only the Chief, is it the Chief and 3-4 or does the entire Moravian Falls FD membership go?


Posted 12:58 pm, 05/03/2024

Just ten days for Moravian Falls community members. In ten days, according to the official Moravian Falls website calendar, it's RACE WEEK! Looks like this takes precedence over everything for them to the point they don't even mind letting the community know. I know the few times I have wasted my time going to their station, this is all the chief seems to care about. After all, after a little research, I found out their chief doesn't even live in the Moravian district, so if anything happens at his home, people are standing at the ready to protect his life and property. Must be nice to go play with another district's tax money and not have to worry about all the life and property your actions are putting in danger.


Posted 3:42 pm, 04/29/2024

Agreeing with NewKid again.


Posted 3:07 pm, 04/29/2024

Blind support of an organization is how the become mismanaged and corrupt. The fire departments, rescue and ems do deserve our support and the support of the county. But not blind support, just because "tHeY vOLunTeer" They need to be held to a standard, just like our county commissioner's and other elected officials.


Posted 11:33 am, 04/29/2024

No,I do not. I just do what I can as I can where I can.
To the general public. Me You THEM.
they have my absolute RESPECT.


Posted 9:08 am, 04/29/2024

Our sources has heard of a chief in a surrounding county which offered booze to the pets and free hose hookups with his daughter also. Nasty feller which we's glad to hear of his retirement and such.


Posted 8:40 am, 04/29/2024

Trucker, do you volunteer at a station in WIlkes? I'm really interested to get information from guys in the service here. Where I retired from, was nothing like what I see in the Wilkes departments. Sure, we had our politics, but we didn't allow that to dictate policy. We had our issues with favoritism, however, not to the depth I have seen in the departments I have went to meetings and trainings with here. You can always pick the favored ones. There are a few chiefs in the county that have my respect, they are training with their department, and you see them in the thick of the scenes with their men. Most though, seem to get that title and think it comes with a recliner and just bark orders at the folks doing the work. One place that was the most disturbing, the chief seems to have a limited vernacular and had to use all slurs and vulgarities to "communicate" with their probies. I wonder what their retention rate is speaking to guys that are there trying to learn like that.


Posted 1:42 pm, 04/27/2024

nuff said.


Posted 1:39 pm, 04/27/2024

Some of em has a**holes and such on em, trucker, but our sources still respects the volunteers anyways.


Posted 1:36 pm, 04/27/2024

All of our FD,RULE.


Posted 9:45 am, 04/27/2024

Hmmmmm it appears several on here need to get out and join their local fire department instead of coming on here complaining and sitting by a scanner and timing.

Did it ever occur to you that are saying all fire departments are mismanagement and Iredell is mostly paid really doesn't know all the facts and is wrong about said hearsay ? Oh i guess you can say whatever you want behind a screen name and it be the gospel.

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