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Moped Riders


Posted 10:05 pm, 05/14/2015

Thank you Guitar. Well said. I own and operate a Harley Davidson with an Evolution engine. But I also like to ride my Moped without all the bells and whistles. I know there are others out there that like to ride them. I wave to All 2 or 3 wheelers. Let's face it, if we are on the road, we are all targets. Whether 50cc or 12000cc people don't look out for us. We are on our own to keep our eyes on every body else. While on my Moped I do motion cars around me, or if there's a line coming from or to town, I do pull off and let them go by. Yep that's me on 268. Just because we are slow doesn't put a target on us, or give us the right to keep everyone behind us. Wake up Moped Riders!! Pull over if someone is behind you and give them room to pass!! I would say Hogging the road, or driving drunk, will probably get you Killed!! I am for Safety for everyone what ever they may operate. Sandy


Posted 5:38 am, 05/12/2015


people that ride these care nothing for there life

That's an over exaggeration, and I hate to be a grammar Nazi, but I just gotta....it's "their," not "there."

Their - shows ownership
There - location
They're - an abbreviation for "they are;" for example, they are going to the store (they're going to the store).


Posted 2:19 am, 05/12/2015

people that ride these care nothing for there life


Posted 12:29 am, 05/12/2015

Thanks for all the replies I received, although most of you that replied, makes me worry about you getting into accidents or wanting to make too many stops before riding a mile. This is not a "Club" or "Gang". Unless you are a responsible driver and willing to pull to the side or even off the road to enable cars to pass, this would not be for you. Mopeds that are 50cc do not fall under the category of license or insurance. I have heard from two riders that are interested in riding for fun and safety. If you would like to ride, please reply if not, please start another add for moped bashing. Thank you and God Bless You. Sandy

Yung Shawty

Posted 8:17 am, 05/07/2015

chendo (view profile)

Posted 1:41 pm, 05/04/2015

500cc water cooled, fuel injection, ABS linked brakes with Dual drilled disc in front, single in back, shaft drive.

eye-talian made

110 MPH easily with 185lb. rider.

80+ MPH with 2 riders

Plenty quick

Plenty cool


Posted 8:15 am, 05/07/2015

Tough time for likkersickleists. Beginning this summer, mopeds will have to be registered and tagged. Legislation is still pending on liability insurance requirements.


You can't legislate behavior for some, no matter what. The court dockets are filled with people charged with speeding , no license or license revoked, no registration, no insurance, fictitious plates, drug possession, etc. What hope is there for someone with no license in a completely illegal vehicle who decides to try 78 in a 65?

How is a liikker sickle operator with no license going to find an insurance company to cover them at any kind of cost they can afford?

Pitiful. Drunks on mopeds are the lowest rung, but at least Junior, drunk on his moped, is less hazardous than in Dad's stolen F 150 coming at me.

Untapped potential for electric bicycle sellers. Be the first, and get rich like the fabulously wealthy scooter sellers.


Posted 2:47 pm, 05/04/2015

Pantera a prospect would be a full patch member if you could make it to Lake Norman on a moped down Interstate 77 they should be out lawed in the way like bicycles on the road if both are going to be on the roads their should be roads for them to ride on tags license run speed limit and insurance should also be on them if one causes a wreck or involved in one who has to pay you do not the moped driver.


Posted 1:41 pm, 05/04/2015

500cc water cooled, fuel injection, ABS linked brakes with Dual drilled disc in front, single in back, shaft drive.

eye-talian made

110 MPH easily with 185lb. rider.

80+ MPH with 2 riders

Plenty quick

Plenty cool

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 1:11 pm, 05/04/2015

i would love to own some really cool scooter for doing quick errands

(is that a total contradiction ... cool or quick scooter?)

ok let me change that, i would love to own some really thrifty transportation for errands


Posted 12:47 pm, 05/04/2015

my big bike is getting new brake lines. this weekend, i rode my scooter to the bike show in spencer..there were as many guys standing around looking at my scooter and taking pictures as some of the other bikes..

but i won't wave to bikers with different colored bikes than mine

Clean it up

Posted 12:40 pm, 05/04/2015


Posted 9:44 pm, 05/03/2015

Interstate 77 should be a wonderful ride to Lake Norman.

Be sure to stay in the left lane


Posted 5:44 am, 05/04/2015

I ride, rode for years and owned about every type of bike a person could own. Never owned a moped but have ridden a friends Vespa years ago. Some of those by the way will fetch some pretty good coin.

Most of the men and women I have ridden with don't give a rats toot what another rider is on. They'll speak if spoken too. I'll speak, I don't care what they're riding, none of the people I know think they are above other people so much they can't acknowledge another rider. I know several wealthy people who own scooters and ride in the city they live in just because they like their money and don't like wasting on gas. Not to mention they're green and like to do what they can for the environment. Lots of people in Bigger Cities Ride Mopeds. **** Only in America do we have this notion of Class separation! It's not wonder we have racial issues! Next thing we'll see is People don't speak who ride bikes because of the color of their skin!

It's said a lot of the people who ride mopeds have made mistakes in their lives, lost their license at one point. Everybody has made mistakes, so if you're not speaking to a moped rider because they're own a moped and you think you're better than they then Look in your mirrors.


Posted 5:21 am, 05/04/2015

I know of a couple of moped riders that have caused damage to peoples vehicles and the car owners are stuck with no way to get paid. One dead beat went to jail for 3 months because it was better than paying. It was no big deal for this POS and when he got out he had three disability checks saved up to stay doped up on. He bragged about having enough money to make up for the 3 months he had to stay sober. The victims got nothing. I wish he would have got hurt and crippled that way at least he would have a legit reason for drawing a check. If the car driver had ran him over they could have made him a honest man. I have no compassion for people like this idiot.


Posted 5:09 am, 05/04/2015

Crypt (view profile)

Why drive the banks big ole suv around and spend every minute of the day trying to come up with the payment. By the time it"s paid off you"ve paid $75,000 for a $30,000 vehicle and since they know you're at least mildly retarded to do this, don't forget that liability insurance. �

I paid cash for all of my vehicles and because I do not drink and drive my liability insurance is cheap. Between a moped rider and a vehicle operator I think the one riding 25MPH in the pouring rain would be the retarded one. What I would call mildly retarded is paying $1500 for a Chinese built moped that is only worth $100 after it's 6 months old if you can find a desperate drunk with a disability check in his pocket. They are over priced because they know if you are willing to ride one you have lost the privilege to drive and you are desperate. (don't forget that liability insurance) I don't like paying insurance but it's the responsible thing to do not just for yourself but for everyone on the road. I would never drive without coverage. Why should mopeds be allowed to ride without insurance coverage? A moped can cause a wreck just like any other car or bike. Because they impede traffic they are more likely to cause a accident. To any posters that ride a scooter if you caused a wreck how would you pay for the damage you caused or would you just say I have no insurance so even though it's my fault it's not my problem? What am I saying? If someone is not responsible enough to not drink and drive why would they take responsability for causing a wreck?


Posted 3:58 am, 05/04/2015

Why drive the banks big ole suv around and spend every minute of the day trying to come up with the payment. By the time it"s paid off you"ve paid $75,000 for a $30,000 vehicle and since they know you're at least mildly retarded to do this, don't forget that liability insurance. �


Posted 2:31 am, 05/04/2015

Some are destitute while some own oil wells.

I have never met anyone of means that wanted to ride a moped. When motorcycle riders meet each other on the road they almost always hold their hand out gesturing to each other. Funny they never do that when meeting a moped. You know you are at the bottom when a die hard Harley rider will wave at a rice rocket but turn their head at a moped rider. I've seen a couple bikers flip the bird when a moped rider tried to wave at the bikers.


Posted 2:13 am, 05/04/2015

WTFE hop on 1 hit 421 268 wind up @ wrmc then r s funeral home see who gives a flying rats ***


Posted 2:04 am, 05/04/2015

nc268 (view profile)

Posted 7:26 pm, 05/03/2015

get ya *** run over i wish they was out lawed saw one on interetate 77 in mooresville few weeks ago {{STUPID}}

He did not get pulled off the interstate? Riding a moped on the interstate is against the law. Mopeds are dangerous and a majority of the motorist believe they should be outlawed. I'm sure there are a couple of licensed drivers that choose to ride one but considering there is no benefit to riding one over a motorcycle one can logically conclude they are in a small minority. If someone lived in a major metropolitan area were stop and go traffic crawls along at a snails pace I could see possibility owning one but even then a moped would be a poor choice when compared to a motorcycle. In rural areas like Wilkes most riders own a moped because they were irresponsible and lost their license because they put other motorist in harms way. I find it asinine to take a drunk drivers license away then allow them to ride something that impedes traffic all while having no insurance to protect innocent motorist. If an intoxicated rider swerves into your lane causing you to veer off the road wrecking your vehicle you will be stuck paying for their irresponsible actions. Moped riders point to bicycles when arguing their so called right to be on the highway but the majority of cyclist have a valid license. They are riding for fun and exercise so they usually stick to roads that pose the least risk of getting run over. If people lost the privilege to operate anything with wheels on public roads that might be enough to convince some to not drink and drive. There will be a time when these things are took off the road and with today's traffic it will be long over due. I know some posters will be mad about my post but it makes me mad when people drink and drive putting my children's life at risk. People can say moped riders are not drunk drivers but spend a few minutes in Millers Creek and you will be hard pressed to find a rider that is not on a beer run. I can not count the riders I see that are dog drunk and a certain gas station will still sell to them.


Posted 11:18 pm, 05/03/2015

Let's see motorcycle's have Poker Run, Mopeds have Joker Run.


Posted 11:10 pm, 05/03/2015

Ah ****! People too **** sensitive these days!

Leggins then.... I wanna wear bright green leggin's or leopard leggins or the ever classic (I think) metallic gold leggin's

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