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Mitt Romney set a new debate record last night - by lying 27 times in only 38 minutes

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:48 pm, 10/05/2012

Come on Prank, the last time a Democrat saw a black man, they begged them not to hurt them, in exchange for reparations. Democrats sell their racism for the right amount of money

Funny. I'm sitting beside a black man, and I just asked him if he was going to hurt me. He said normally he only hurts fools that are poorly educated, so his rage is saved for conservatives.

He is getting a good laugh from these threads though.


Posted 9:47 pm, 10/05/2012

I removed several posts for trolling, and the replies to those posts.


Posted 9:45 pm, 10/05/2012

Come on Prank, the last time a Democrat saw a black man, they begged them not to hurt them, in exchange for reparations. Democrats sell their racism for the right amount of money


Posted 9:42 pm, 10/05/2012

Lyings not good for the soul, good thing Obama sold his to become the Liberals "get out of embracing the KKK"

Remember THE BIRTH OF A NATION? Ha! Director D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation glorified the original Klan. His film was based on the book and play The Clansman and the book The Leopard's Spots, both by Thomas Dixon, Jr. Dixon said his purpose was "to revolutionize northern sentiment by a presentation of history that would transform every man in my audience into a good Democrat!"

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:37 pm, 10/05/2012

Lying isn't good for the soul.

I figured you would have known that by now.


Posted 9:34 pm, 10/05/2012

Oh so that makes it acceptable? Are you serious or just desperate??

Just a wild guess but id say they are DESPERATE !!!!! ROFLMAO o is done !


Posted 8:32 pm, 10/05/2012

Oh so that makes it acceptable? Are you serious or just desperate??


Posted 8:28 pm, 10/05/2012

Obama did in fact say that to Lehrer, but, that was a good ways into the debate, after Mitt had cut Lehrer short and forced the final word on several occasions. At that point, I imagine Obama decided that was the only way he was going to get to finish a thought.


Posted 8:23 pm, 10/05/2012

If you will remember CORRECTLY it was OBAMA who RUDELY informed Lehrer that he still had 5 seconds left, then CONTINUED speaking until he was finished. Ya'll need to get your **** straight.


Posted 8:19 pm, 10/05/2012

Cry baby, cry


Posted 8:04 pm, 10/05/2012

Yet you are willing to overlook Mitt's total disregard for the debate rules and the moderator, and his disrespect for the sitting President when he on numerous occasions did not follow the time allotment rules, talked over the mod & the Prez, and insisted on having the last word even when it wasn't his turn to.

I understand he wanted to appear confident and able to control a situation, but, he is still no better than anyone else when it comes to agreeing to and following the rules that each candidate was aware of in advance. And it is possible to be confident and in control without being down right rude to others.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 7:59 pm, 10/05/2012

I have a very good feeling that all of you who are making comments about how Obama looked so tired and Romney wiped the floor with him are going to be in for a shock.

You do realize that Obama just set Mitt up for 2 months worth of comparing what he said at the debate to how he flip-flopped from what he was running on.

The funny part will be when Romney's Doppleganger alter-ego shows up for the next debate and claims to hold completely opposite positions than from the first one. That should be interesting.


Posted 7:54 pm, 10/05/2012

I think one thing notable is Obama's disregard, disrespect and disdain for Romney during the course of the debate. Neither did Obama respectfully look Romney in the eyes when he was being addressed nor did he respect the public by looking in the camera. He offered nothing. More of the same which isn't cutting it. He offered nothing. When Romney addressed Obama he looked directly at him and in his final words he looked directly and confidently in the camera. Whatever Obama changes..great. I hope he does. But as far as anything he does change or "holds back" at this point it will be perceived as insincere. We haven't written Obama off as the Democrats and Obama had Romney. And I think that was Obama's problem. He has written Romney off as a sucker. Obama was unprepared and thought it would be a cakewalk. Well surprise. Kinda of reminds one of the Tortoise and the Hare fable.


Posted 7:10 pm, 10/05/2012

I know y'all love to make Obama teleprompter jokes, but, you do realize that Mitt loves that thing too...don't you? It's the modern day equivalent of note cards and I can't imagine why anyone giving a speech wouldn't want to use one. For a one on one debate, it would be worthless.


Posted 6:57 pm, 10/05/2012

Maybe his problem was no teleprompter!!


Posted 6:24 pm, 10/05/2012

hustler, I don't know if Obama was tired, holding back, or using some kind of strategy, but, my first thought was disappointment. I wanted him to mop the floor with Romney, and it almost seems it went the other way. Which I find very curious because Obama is an excellent debater and seems to be a very energetic person. So I can't help but wonder whether he was having an off day, was this part of a plan to allow Romney to hang himself, or just what.

But, regardless, I don't think you guys should write him off just yet. If it truly was just a poor performance you can bet the farm, Obama will be well prepared in the second and third debates to overcome the first one. And Mittens will likely be over-confident from coming off the perceived "win". A lot can happen in 30 days.


Posted 6:05 pm, 10/05/2012

As usual , Andy and Elmira got it right !!!


Posted 6:03 pm, 10/05/2012

His strategy combined with Obama's strategy should work out nicely for the Prez. Mitt lies his arse off and Obama gave him the floor to say whatever he pleased. And we all know what happens when Mitt talks too much!


Posted 4:25 pm, 10/05/2012

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)�Taking a victory lap after their candidate�s win in the first Presidential debate Wednesday night, Romney campaign insiders today attributed his success to his strategic use of relentless lying.

�We worked for hours on this during the practice debates,� said the campaign manager Matt Rhoades. �We were, like, �Mitt, if you find yourself on the verge of saying something true, bite your tongue.� �

Mr. Rhoades said that the nominee was allowed to say his real name and acknowledge that he used to be a Governor, �but other than that, he was on a very short leash, truth-wise.�

While Mr. Romney�s talent for lying was in evidence during the Republican primary debates, it was nothing like the �mad skills� he displayed Wednesday night, the campaign manager said.

�All the hard work and practice lying really paid off,� Mr. Rhoades said. �Plus hanging out with Paul Ryan.�

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/on...z28STPjbPq


Posted 4:10 pm, 10/05/2012

Interesting, very interesting

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