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Millers Creek Fire Tax Increase


Posted 5:48 pm, 06/22/2020

In-the-know said there were some long faces at the Dept but they still consider it a win against the people in the community who opposed the increase.
The word 'against' sounds like they are now mad at anyone who would oppose their scheme to get more tax money.
they consider the 1 cent a win even though it is less than 3 cents .
Would have been a big pity party if they had been completely turned down.
I appreciate all the firemen for what they do but they need to be better stewards of the public's money.
Greenvet you are correct that the three commissioners need to go because they voted to satisfy some of their friends in the fire department.


Posted 2:08 pm, 06/22/2020


Commissioners David Gambill, Keith Elmore and Gary Blevins voted for the 1-cent rate hike, while Eddie Settle, chairman, and Brian Minton voted against it.

Thank you Eddie Settle and Brian Minton for voting against the tax hike. I do not care what your political views are, I support you for standing up to what was the right thing to do for the citizens of Millers Creek.
David Gambill, Keith Elmore and Gary Blevins, I will work to get you voted out. You boys did not have the backbone to stand up against the increase by demanding that Millers Creek simply tightened up their belt and cut some of their absurd expenses.
So many families have been affected by the Covid and the difficult times it has caused, and the other loss of jobs due to Lowes.
I hope you are ashamed!
You should demand a full accounting of where this extra tax money is spent next year.
Why don't you boys take a pay cut in your ommissioners pay and your regular job, and see how the real world is.


Posted 10:49 pm, 06/13/2020

A lot of opposition was voiced at the Commissioners meeting.
Hopefully the directors at MC will get past their egos and drop their request for a tax increase.
One of the letters in opposition said it best that the fire department has done poor planning in the past if they desperately need this increase.
The letter from the chief was an eye opener as it seems a lot of money is paid out to personal, I thought we had a volunteer fire department.
Why are citizens paying for firemen to go to training then leave and go to another department?
I had to pay for my own education for the career I choose.


Posted 8:27 pm, 06/02/2020

I hope they will include a few hundred dollars they can share with Mount Pleasant. There is no doubt about enough firemen sitting around the station for someone to get up and mow that small yard. However it does not look like it has been mowed all summer. It must be because they don't have enough money to buy a mower. Come on Millers Creek, if you hit the jackpot here help Mount Pleasant Fire Department out.


Posted 8:22 pm, 06/02/2020

Greenvet. Hold on to your britches. I have discovered a lot in past 48 hours.
I am sure the tax increase will pass the Commissioners.
It is to political.


Posted 10:21 pm, 06/01/2020

In-the-know has told me that the firemen are worried they may not get the tax increase. Commissioners meet tomorrow for public hearing.

I am placing my bet the increase will pass . Not enough publicity in the community.
Citizens will not know until they get the tax bill.
Fire Departments should be mandated to advertise tax increases and provide line item details where the money is being spent.
Pitiful that past moneys have been spent without forward thinking planning and saving for new trucks.
The management and chief should have to show they can manage funds by being audited.


Posted 8:54 pm, 05/30/2020

I am not confused Conrad. Controlling expenses is not apples and oranges as you put it.


Posted 7:00 am, 05/29/2020

Apples and oranges, attend the public hearing and get your confusion fixed.


Posted 11:08 pm, 05/28/2020

Wilkes County government cutting expenses as reporting in Journal Patroit but Millers Creek Fire Department still wants to raise their fire tax.
Something is very wrong with that.


Posted 6:26 am, 05/24/2020

Thank you for posting this Camopoop...

At least there is a way for the public to have their voice heard.
I still do not understand why Millers Creek needs an additional 170,000 in taxes.


Posted 11:03 am, 05/21/2020

As reported in the JP, 5-20-20, there is Notice of a Public Hearing concerning the fire tax increase requested by MCFD to be held June 2, 2020 at the Wilkes Agricultural Center. Comments can be sent via mail or email to John Yates, County Manager, concerning the request. See the JP for details.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:19 pm, 05/21/2020

No one said the system was free or cheap and no one said that SCBA and Scuba were the same. I only used the comparison because they both use tanks design to hold several thousand PSI of breathable air. The point was if a small business owner can open a scuba shop and refill tanks then the county with its access to tax payer money and all kinds of federal, state, and private grant and loans there is no reason they can't buy or rent a system to fill the FF tanks.


Posted 4:05 pm, 05/21/2020

Also, dive shops pay for you to use the filling system and your tank must be inspected before it can be filled.

It's not free and the system isn't cheap.


Posted 4:01 pm, 05/21/2020

Joseph, first off stop comparing the SCUBA to SCBA, they are not the same.


Posted 3:41 pm, 05/21/2020



Posted 3:39 pm, 05/21/2020

Was it Millers Creek or Cricket that had problems with embezzlement a few years ago?


Posted 11:03 am, 05/21/2020

As reported in the JP, 5-20-20, there is Notice of a Public Hearing concerning the fire tax increase requested by MCFD to be held June 2, 2020 at the Wilkes Agricultural Center. Comments can be sent via mail or email to John Yates, County Manager, concerning the request. See the JP for details.


Posted 8:22 pm, 05/19/2020

Shadow.I know things can get damaged and need replacing.
My question was why such a big increase compared to other fire departments in Wilkes County.
170,000.00 increase

the shadow knows

Posted 2:04 pm, 05/19/2020

For those of you on the other social media site go to this photo and see why equipment is so expensive. These poor brothers climbed through a fireball. Eleven of them are in critical condition with burns https://bit.ly/2XeTcSD


Posted 8:19 pm, 05/18/2020

shouldawouldacoulda, your statement below is true, but hypocritical.
This is a forum to ask questions and have discussions. If we lived by your statement then this forum might as well just close down.
You seem to think your issues and comments are worth posting so stop giving orders for people to " stop whining".
If you dont like the "whining" dont participate in the Community Voice and get a real life.


Posted 6:31 pm, 05/16/2020

Maybe you should contact management instead of just whining.

I mean...again.

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