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Posted 12:41 pm, 02/17/2017

Unsure goddess but I'd prefer to deal with the prisoners first, how many have they murdered and hurt repeatedly and never done anything to change? I'm not talking about mild offenses but those who making other suffer.
No that fact that she's supporting slavery and giving into tells me that democrats are condoning the behavior. The reason prices go up is cause when checks go up so does prices on living expenses, she still hasn't asked my question as to wwwhhhyyyy they are not donating money to pay for this expensive visa's they talk about. **** even the clinton foundation has been abused to pay for her daughter wedding. I laugh and mock at the jack***es who paid Jill Stein to investigate why she lost only to keep half the money and exposes fraudulent votes.Had more votes in Texas then the people living in there. Some of us don't follow this slavery she thinks of, they're to busy working the holidays and proving those on welfare like myself a cozy living. This is 21 century, not during civil war, when a black man or women got whipped and shot, so stripping away the rights of a working American Mexican and giving it to illegal is right? He's entitled to a fair wage with benefits, in fact those who are legal and are against this, are raising **** because they can't have the american dream because they're fighting for it again those who call them traitors and support trump. When I see them burn the flag that represents hope for this New Americans, I feel anger because it will cover the casket of a fallen man who gave these entitled pricks the luxury to express this hatred. And waving that mexican flag as if this is there country to claim is just even worse. How many people bared the weight of war to give me and you the freedom and security too voice this opinion? 1 man, 10? Maybe even a thousands to a million today but yet were supposed to sympathize with people who say "**** the usa!". If it's so bad why are you still here? Your draining resources but no replenishing it for the next harvest.


Posted 12:37 pm, 02/17/2017


eehall789 (view profile)

Posted 12:20 pm, 02/17/2017

I feel like if you loose your job to someone who does not have papers, ***#, a license, does not have any skills for the position and does not speak English, the problem isn't them, its you. And lets address this " economic slavery" as you call it. Do you ever wonder the reason that the cost of living goes up but the income does not? Do you ever wonder why normal people can not get ahead? Its because of the eternal slavery that America has and always will be in. Our "wonderful" government and all the people that control it do not want people like us to get ahead. So you can continue thinking that one day of no Mexican food is " economic slavery" but what you fail to realize is our need for all this crap we don't need, all the material stuff, the big house, nice car, spending thousands on Christmas gifts is the true " economic slavery".

As for the others who want to boycott these restaurants, go ahead no one is forcing you to eat there. They're are plenty of Wilkes County residents who I'm sure will continue to patronize these restaurants. Or I guess we'll see in a month or two if y'all managed to put them out of business lol


Posted 12:25 pm, 02/17/2017

"That and the tax payers who kept them housed in a a/c filled environment."

How many American citizens are being kept in them house a/c filled environments Rose...hmmm!

How many homegrown white American citizens are being housed and subsidized in those "a/c filled environments????


Posted 12:20 pm, 02/17/2017

"You can believe in your cause, but I won't support economic slavery or people who support criminal activity. All these legal Mexicans who cross over wanting the American dream are having it ripped right from their own hands because their employer hires an illegal who does it for half the pay and no benefits that secure him if ever hurt on the job. So while A legal Mexican became an American after waiting say 15 yrs or less, some jerk got his dream quicker by just jumping the fence while having no worry as to pay taxes and can drive a car without insurance that would endanger peoples live and will some times automatically run from the scene of the accident.

I feel like if you loose your job to someone who does not have papers, ***#, a license, does not have any skills for the position and does not speak English, the problem isn't them, its you. And lets address this " economic slavery" as you call it. Do you ever wonder the reason that the cost of living goes up but the income does not? Do you ever wonder why normal people can not get ahead? Its because of the eternal slavery that America has and always will be in. Our "wonderful" government and all the people that control it do not want people like us to get ahead. So you can continue thinking that one day of no Mexican food is " economic slavery" but what you fail to realize is our need for all this crap we don't need, all the material stuff, the big house, nice car, spending thousands on Christmas gifts is the true " economic slavery".


Posted 12:14 pm, 02/17/2017

eehall789 (view profile)

Posted 10:40 am, 02/17/2017

What I am saying is you can not label a whole group of people as drug dealers. You can not say that every single Hispanic person is a drug dealer. I personally know a few Mexican immigrants and they are amazing people who work hard every single day, working 50+ hours a week to feed their families and people like you hire them to do work that you would never do. That was the point of the protest. If you ship them all back to where they came from legal or not, you are loosing the people who feed you, clean your stuff, scrub your toilets, paint your houses, and all the other jobs that frankly Americans do not want to do. Look how angry people are just from one day of Montes being closed. I think they got their points across. Whats done is done and if you want to be angry that people want equal opportunity no matter where they came from then I am sad for you. I am sad that you dont understand that they come from a place where they make less than $5 usd and they come to America to live the American dream, it is hard to become legal due to the processes and the cost is anywhere from 5k to 15k. Tell me, do you have that kind of money laying around?

Guatemalans make less then that, they cross into Mexico to work only to be tossed right back into their home land. I don't see you folks creating a charity that would pay for these visa's. Why ain't you sending money or asking Hillary to dip the Clinton foundation to pay for these green cards? They're just as many countries that make less then 5 in fact get paid 2 dollars but they ain't jumping into plain or crossing illegally. If the USA is so hard, then try different country that you can fly over too and work for. If folks are really this lazy about cleaning a toilet, trimming the grass and doing normal stuff then they will just have to start learning how to or call them white boys I see doing it all the time. Someone wants the job and will take it, we'll just have to learn to work a hot sun and pick our fruits, no slash that, chain up some criminals in the prison and have them work out in the fields to pay off the bed and breakfast stay they been over using for yrs now. Might even get all that energy out of them with that gang activity they been doing in those hard core prisons, won't be able to make shanks or fight because they will be to tired under the hot sun picking our food and using the money they earn to pay the victims back for their suffering. That and the tax payers who kept them housed in a a/c filled environment.


Posted 12:00 pm, 02/17/2017

eehall789 (view profile)

Posted 8:49 am, 02/17/2017

WOW! This much anger and upset because you couldn't get your ACP for one freaking day!?!?!?! you have got to be kidding me!! You want to get mad because people were standing up for something that they believe in and now you want to knock them down???? We should be behind these people! Support the cause! They are our neighbors and part of our community and you just want your dang food! You should be ashamed! This is why other countries hate Americans. We are spoiled, entitled brats that get upset because one restaurant is shut down for one day and yall just say "screw them! I didn't get my tacos!!" Yall make me sick!

You can believe in your cause, but I won't support economic slavery or people who support criminal activity. All these legal Mexicans who cross over wanting the American dream are having it ripped right from their own hands because their employer hires an illegal who does it for half the pay and no benefits that secure him if ever hurt on the job. So while A legal Mexican became an American after waiting say 15 yrs or less, some jerk got his dream quicker by just jumping the fence while having no worry as to pay taxes and can drive a car without insurance that would endanger peoples live and will some times automatically run from the scene of the accident.


Posted 11:56 am, 02/17/2017

Valleydall thank you for backing me up. and yes browntrout, where is you source for this information?


Posted 11:53 am, 02/17/2017

And what did I slant ?

Ole Sarge

Posted 11:45 am, 02/17/2017

I would rather hear your slant. It is more comical


Posted 11:38 am, 02/17/2017

So you don't read the papers Old Sarge ? It's very easy to stay informed.

Ole Sarge

Posted 11:36 am, 02/17/2017

Valleydoll, you seem so informed. It is a real pleasure to be enlightened by someone of your caliber.


Posted 11:33 am, 02/17/2017

Very dangerous drugs are made and sold in the US, none of the contents come from Mexico.

Very true eehall , we see their pictures posted week after week , mostly white men and women.


Posted 11:25 am, 02/17/2017

There is no possible way to live in the USA and not pay some form of taxes.


Posted 11:14 am, 02/17/2017

"11.4 millon people here not paying taxes was paying taxes we could raise the pay of everone so those jobs would pay more AGAIN UNLESS YOU KNOW THE FACTS dont type"

this would be interesting to see, do you have links or stats or any kind of information that could lead to this conclusion????


Posted 10:58 am, 02/17/2017

I like Mexican food. Actually, there are far fewer Mexicans with ulcers, stomach problems, etc. because of the food they eat. Their food is good for the body.


Posted 10:51 am, 02/17/2017

eehall first i dont hire empolyees unless they are american citizens the whole if we didnt have them the jobs wouldnt get done is bs if the 11.4 millon people here not paying taxes was paying taxes we could raise the pay of everone so those jobs would pay more AGAIN UNLESS YOU KNOW THE FACTS dont type


Posted 10:40 am, 02/17/2017

What I am saying is you can not label a whole group of people as drug dealers. You can not say that every single Hispanic person is a drug dealer. I personally know a few Mexican immigrants and they are amazing people who work hard every single day, working 50+ hours a week to feed their families and people like you hire them to do work that you would never do. That was the point of the protest. If you ship them all back to where they came from legal or not, you are loosing the people who feed you, clean your stuff, scrub your toilets, paint your houses, and all the other jobs that frankly Americans do not want to do. Look how angry people are just from one day of Montes being closed. I think they got their points across. Whats done is done and if you want to be angry that people want equal opportunity no matter where they came from then I am sad for you. I am sad that you dont understand that they come from a place where they make less than $5 usd and they come to America to live the American dream, it is hard to become legal due to the processes and the cost is anywhere from 5k to 15k. Tell me, do you have that kind of money laying around?




Posted 10:25 am, 02/17/2017

Hmmm.... Folks come to America for a job... Therefore is about economics. But to prove a point they close up shop. I don't get it... But then again liberal logic is well... Illogical. But, to prove my point is will no longer do business with any of these restaurants.... Adios !


Posted 9:47 am, 02/17/2017

hey eehall the dea says 85% of drugs come over the border not trump WAKE UP AND GET THE FACTS


Posted 9:30 am, 02/17/2017

You honestly think that only Hispanic people sell and do drugs?!?!?! Have you read the newspaper when there is a drug bust??? 95% of the time it is WHITE PEOPLE, not black people, not hispanic people, WHITE PEOPLE!!! Or do you just believe all the bull crap that spews from Trumps pie hole???

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