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Posted 2:54 pm, 05/05/2016


Book lover

Posted 2:43 pm, 05/05/2016

Well, you know, it does not really matter does it?
Merelefest has been going on for 28 years I think. So it will not be changed no matter what. Complain all you want, but it will do nothing. Just a waste of time.


Posted 12:39 pm, 05/05/2016

Book, I understand just print a detail line item audit where the money goes. You would print all the names of folks get paid and how the money is divided up. I was told that the culinary department gets about $20,000.00 to take the students on a vacation to Paris.

Book lover

Posted 7:38 pm, 05/04/2016

I do think there is a fee and then they get a small percentage of the profit for the non profit groups. This is normal for these type events.

If you look at the link that was put on here, there is an accounting of all money and where it goes.

I think tvshow just needs to call a trustee or dr cox or a board member and let them explain line per line because he does not seem to understand.


Posted 4:48 pm, 05/04/2016

@168Amax Did you mean the college gets a cut from "non profit vendors" from rent & cut of the gross or grass. I'm confused?


Posted 4:32 pm, 05/04/2016

oh...Does the culinary program have to pay for their booths?


Posted 4:30 pm, 05/04/2016

Book, the problem is we would like to see a full outside audit, then we will know where all the money goes.

book lover

Posted 3:29 pm, 05/04/2016

This is the way all events like this do business. What is the problem?


Posted 12:43 pm, 05/04/2016

The college gets their cut from the non profit vendors to thru both rent and a cut of the gross.

Book lover

Posted 11:53 am, 05/04/2016

you are totally wrong on your tuition numbers. The college is almost giving free education now to all students with all the pell grant money. And this is what your politicians are calling for anyway, free education.

The county owns the buildings at WCC so why should they not give support?


Posted 10:17 am, 05/04/2016

But God bless instructors everywhere! Everyone knows that instructors do as much work as folks who are paid more. Teacher aides work harder than teachers. This is the way of the world.


Posted 10:14 am, 05/04/2016

Instructors know they will never make the big bucks until they step up a pay grade.


Posted 10:12 am, 05/04/2016

It is a shame that our state and federal taxes are used not for education but for a music festival. HEY book, does not make it right to use part-time instructors and treat them like crap. Give the money to the instructors the real workers at the college. The county should never give the college money they make enough to run the college from MF. Give us the full detail outside audit. Look behind the Walker center stage and look at how many state employees are full time MF workers, yet they hire part-time instructors.


Posted 8:43 am, 05/04/2016

slightly off topic, but i would like the promoters, etc. of mud fest to offer a july and august mud fest. it's usually hot and dry then and the area farmers and our gardens could use the rain.


Posted 8:41 am, 05/04/2016

I do not have a dog in this fight but would like to make a statement on this comment

Jwk52 (view profile)
Posted 8:17 am, 04/29/2016
Mmm only poor white trash use the the term old lady to refer to thier wife...

Actually, kings and queens and all people ever born have used the term old lady to refer to their wives at one time or another.
The only other thought I had was that whole I before e rule and then I got confused.

book lover

Posted 8:25 am, 05/04/2016

Monies go to all universities and community colleges. Someone cannot complain that WCC is getting state and county money when all colleges receive this money also. But this little college receives less.

And Merlefest money does not pay the salary of Cox. Why make statements when you have no knowledge of what you are talking about?
Just makes you look dumb.


Posted 7:32 am, 05/04/2016

From what we read about the salaries at WCC in a recent Wilkes Journal News, the MERLE FEST money goes to Dr. Jeff Cox, president of WCC


Posted 11:33 pm, 05/03/2016

You're comparing WCC to Universities? We're talking about community colleges and Merlefest.

book lover

Posted 11:28 pm, 05/03/2016

Going to Carolina would cost you about $25,000 a year. The 17 state colleges receive 2.5 billion dollars from the state. This is 12% of the state's budget.

Why not say that out of this bond money, 85 million is going to NC state, 94 million for a lab for nc agriculture, 980 million going to the 17 state colleges, and 70 million to ASU.


Posted 11:26 pm, 05/03/2016

OK. Mitchell Community College has 3,500 students, so it's a little bigger than WCC. They get $3.1 million from Iredell ($650,000 less than WCC gets):


And they're slated to get $3.2 million from the Connect NC Bond Referendum ($2 million less than WCC):


So it's a bigger college, in a county with double the budget, doesn't have an event like Merlefest for supplemental funding, and still gets less from the county and the state.

If money raised from Merlefest doesn't offset money they would have gotten from the county, then what does the college use the money for?

The weird thing is that community colleges are state funded, not county. So why are any of the counties giving $3+ million to their colleges, anyway?

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