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McCrory to veto same-sex marriage opt-out bill for magistrates


Posted 9:08 am, 06/07/2015

Top Soil (view profile)
Posted 8:09 am, 05/31/2015
"No public official who voluntarily swears to support and defend the Constitution and to discharge all duties of their office should be exempt from upholding that oath," McCrory said in a statement."

I served under the command of three different presidents. When the war with Iraq began, I disagreed with the decision, but I still performed my job which supported OIF mission.

The only reason this is an issue, and the reason why you hear all the whining from christians, is that they are loosing their power, authority, and special privilege that they held over the last few hundred years. Its especially hilarious in cases like this where instead of something helpful that pulls people together, the christians argue the point that they should be allowed to discriminate, and alienate other groups of people. Then when they don't get their way, they act like teenage, pound their feet and scream persecution.

Funny did the gay community not do the same thing when they lost the vote.
Did they not jump up and down screaming this is not over we will fight this.
Secondly laws ar suposed to be made for people's good and they have a say about some of them.
The people made there desion with a vote. And one judge over rules it and you expect the people to just sit there and take it.

I belive you are seeing the same thing the gays were doing. ( this is not over we are going to fight it )


Posted 2:16 pm, 06/06/2015

McCrory will go down in history as our state's worst governor :'(


Posted 1:55 pm, 06/06/2015

Senate overrode the veto, but it's still delayed in the House:


Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 12:48 pm, 05/31/2015

um yeah michael, i agree. it's man's law. and i don't have an issue with that.


Posted 12:38 pm, 05/31/2015

Its about laws of man. Taxes and Exemptions has nothing to do with Christ. Except for self-righteous christians .

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 12:32 pm, 05/31/2015

A_voice (view profile)

Instead of taking it to the extremes, that you have, why not put the thought into perspective. Something makes you feel uncomfortable, you don't want to do it, but the government says you have to. You feel it goes against your beliefs, and don't feel right doing it.

It is your job you're told, but when you took the job, that wasn't a requirement. All these people are doing is hoping to have the ability to defer the action to someone more willing to do it.
To put it in a different light, say you were working at a prison, and you were a guard. You signed on to just be a guard, but then a rule came into effect that you also have to fill in as executioner. You don't feel that you should be able to end another human's life, no matter what their sins might be. The warden says you have to pull the lever, or lose your job. Your morals says that no person has the right to end another's life, you can't defer the duty to another guard, you are stuck with the job.

All you people who applaud, are just happy to alienate another person. One person's gains a right, another loses their's.
not to argue but only to state an opinion, i don't understand where anyone loses their rights if someone else gets married. and nothing is being forced on someone when two other people get married. in this instance, the law is merely being expanded so that others are being included


Posted 12:12 pm, 05/31/2015

The Constitution guarantee that h*mosexual have the same rights as any citizen. Thats fact. So you christians get over your high brow self. You christians have rights also use them. Jesus is Freedom.

Top Soil

Posted 8:09 am, 05/31/2015

"No public official who voluntarily swears to support and defend the Constitution and to discharge all duties of their office should be exempt from upholding that oath," McCrory said in a statement."

I served under the command of three different presidents. When the war with Iraq began, I disagreed with the decision, but I still performed my job which supported OIF mission.

The only reason this is an issue, and the reason why you hear all the whining from christians, is that they are loosing their power, authority, and special privilege that they held over the last few hundred years. Its especially hilarious in cases like this where instead of something helpful that pulls people together, the christians argue the point that they should be allowed to discriminate, and alienate other groups of people. Then when they don't get their way, they act like teenage, pound their feet and scream persecution.


Posted 2:53 am, 05/31/2015

Instead of taking it to the extremes, that you have, why not put the thought into perspective. Something makes you feel uncomfortable, you don't want to do it, but the government says you have to. You feel it goes against your beliefs, and don't feel right doing it.

It is your job you're told, but when you took the job, that wasn't a requirement. All these people are doing is hoping to have the ability to defer the action to someone more willing to do it.

To put it in a different light, say you were working at a prison, and you were a guard. You signed on to just be a guard, but then a rule came into effect that you also have to fill in as executioner. You don't feel that you should be able to end another human's life, no matter what their sins might be. The warden says you have to pull the lever, or lose your job. Your morals says that no person has the right to end another's life, you can't defer the duty to another guard, you are stuck with the job.

All you people who applaud, are just happy to alienate another person. One person's gains a right, another loses their's.


Posted 10:26 pm, 05/29/2015

... and just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.


old camper

Posted 7:06 pm, 05/29/2015

Read earlier where someone asked how much longer would this be an issue. Answer is simple, "As long as there are decent people." Just because something is legal does not make it right.

Top Soil

Posted 6:48 pm, 05/29/2015

"Whenever I hear some bigmouth in Washington or the Christian heartland banging on about the evils of sodomy or whatever, I mentally enter his name in my notebook and contentedly set my watch. Sooner rather than later, he will be discovered down on his weary and well-worn old knees..."
-Christopher Hitchens-


Posted 6:03 pm, 05/29/2015

Amen Topsoil !

Top Soil

Posted 5:42 pm, 05/29/2015

kenc (view profile)

Posted 4:23 pm, 05/29/2015

"This legalization opens the door for h*mosexuals to freely recruit your children because that is the only way they can increase their population, through your children or grandchildren. That is their target. "

Crap like this makes me want to throw up. Many gay couples adopt children who have been thrown away or abused by their 'straight" parents and give them loving homes. The abuse that many "straight" parents put their children through is sad , unbelievable, and criminal.
Don't forget that the Duggers where telling people h*mosexuals molest children, while they knew that their oldest son, molested children.


Posted 4:23 pm, 05/29/2015

"This legalization opens the door for h*mosexuals to freely recruit your children because that is the only way they can increase their population, through your children or grandchildren. That is their target. "

Crap like this makes me want to throw up. Many gay couples adopt children who have been thrown away or abused by their 'straight" parents and give them loving homes. The abuse that many "straight" parents put their children through is sad , unbelievable, and criminal.


Posted 4:16 pm, 05/29/2015

If civil contracts and unions can be created to meet the social and personal issues that have been mentioned, then do so. Just don't call it a "marriage".

On this one statement, I would agree, but only IF they were identical in every way.

Right now, they're not. There are over 1,000 differences where a civil union is weaker. If they were the same, then I don't think gay people would have any right to complain.


Posted 4:15 pm, 05/29/2015

The fact that only a woman can conceive a child with a man and the two become parents of a mutually created child is not up for vote. That was the Creator's plan and no referendum, court judge, Congress or President can change that law.

You forget about adoption. With so many kids in the system, who's to say that this isn't God's plan, to give them a loving family that can't have kids of their own?


Posted 4:04 pm, 05/29/2015

My post was to awaken us . Women and women Only Give birth ! when you righteous and holy men can do that you might have something to brag about. Sperm doners and donations are easy to find.


Posted 4:02 pm, 05/29/2015

And unicorns fly and fart rainbows.


Posted 4:01 pm, 05/29/2015

Did you honestly just say "recruit children"?

Surely you meant, adopt children and take them in to their homes and give them love and attention.

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