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Magic Vapor, Winkler Mill


Posted 5:36 pm, 05/27/2016

I don't have a dog in this fight but I personally wouldn't buy any new product that doesn't have at least a 30 day money back guarantee from the seller. I expect any new electronic gadget to last at least 90 days unless it costs less than $10. In that price range I would consider it disposable.


Posted 3:30 pm, 05/27/2016

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 3:22 pm, 05/27/2016

Lets everybody pull together and ban Magic Vapor, so we can keep the legitimate Vapor alive. get rid of the dishonest one Magic Vapor. They Magic Vapor allright poof, your money ust vaporized when you walk in their door, lol


Posted 3:06 pm, 05/27/2016

Yea, they burnt me too, They took my money and I got nothing in return. That is the biggest bunch of crooks in town, I challenge the County Commissioners to do something about them


Posted 2:07 pm, 05/27/2016

I call my e liquid Crypt's Moped Madness.


Posted 1:54 pm, 05/27/2016

I might vape Maddig Maddog 20/20.


Posted 1:53 am, 05/27/2016

"because he sent me the photos and the recording, and I know the people at Magic Vapor, and it was them, and we have heard the same thing from others they have cheated as well. All tanks do not leak, none of mine do,"

You've heard about the same non-existent problem from multiple people? It's either something that happens or it isn't something that happens. It can't be both. Also, neither you nor Magic Vapor actually manufacture the product, so it's not like your iSticks are just inherently better than their iSticks because you the one selling them. It's the same product. So, if their product is ****y and your product is the same thing, you are also selling ****y products.

"and The seal leaked. If the seal ever leaks one time it is done, and on A brand new istick, it is very simple it had a faulty seal. A good seal can last 5 or 10 years with every day use. But if it leaks just once it is done."

Okay, if this is the case, shouldn't the anger be directed at the manufacturer? I actually just checked Magic Vapor's website out and the website CLEARLY states that "Magic Vapor has a no refunds, exchanges or returns policy." The site goes on to encourage customer's to test the products being purchased at the time of purchase. The store also has a sign prominently placed in the store stating the return policy. Not only did the OP apparently not test the product at the time of purchase, he claims that he waited six weeks to attempt to return the product. No one cheated the OP. It paid for a product in a store that does not accept refunds or exchanges, took possession of the product and then waited six weeks to try to return the product.


Posted 12:33 am, 05/27/2016

"It's hard to get past the truth is it not. Magic Vapor is dishonest, and the experts have proven it.without a show of A doubt. And that was 70 dollars, and my money comes hard. They don't pay me to stand around and puff vapor"

You haven't proved anything other than that you are extremely childish and completely unreasonable. I'm guessing that you also aren't paid for your propensity to effectively utilize deductive reasoning or for your ability to employ proportionate responses to problems. You seem more like the kind of individual that has to be reminded to wipe the tables off before cleaning the floor. Then again, I'm no expert in the field of expert recognition and validation.


Posted 12:18 am, 05/27/2016

because he sent me the photos and the recording, and I know the people at Magic Vapor, and it was them, and we have heard the same thing from others they have cheated as well. All tanks do not leak, none of mine do, and The seal leaked. If the seal ever leaks one time it is done, and on A brand new istick, it is very simple it had a faulty seal. A good seal can last 5 or 10 years with every day use. But if it leaks just once it is done.


Posted 12:07 am, 05/27/2016

"No they are not the same person, because one of them works fo rme, and the op is correct, Magic Vapor did lie and cheat him. They do not all leak. If one drop of juice gets heated below the seal the propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine and added flavoring would vaporize and get all over the electronics and act as a semiconductor and short out the entire system every time. So these people at Magic Vapor are being dishonest with this customer."

Other than hearsay, how do you know what he was or was not told? Did you go with the "one of them" that works for you in order to further investigate The Mystery of the Amazingly Standard Retail Return Policy? If you employ "one of them," doesn't it stand to reason that it's a safe bet that you'd have an inherent bias against the business in question?

I would question whether or not all three of your screennames were created and operated by the same individual. I know that's a cliche conclusion to arrive at on this site, but it just makes the most sense. I mean, you're trying to inform everyone about a conversation that you weren't even actually there for and the "one of them" that works for you was apparently so interested in the broken device, available online for $24 by the OPs own account, that he actually went to the OP's house to complete a personal investigation into the matter. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it would be out of the realm of possibility for Time_Will_Tell to go to the OP's house to insert himself into the drama because his postings on this site have certainly solidified his status as a drama queen. Regardless, all of that **** is pretty ****g weird. That's a lot of crazy coming together. Anyone with any ****g sense would probably notice a big red flag when the OP suggested that he wanted to file a law suit and run a business out of town because the owner of the business wouldn't replace a product available online for $24- once again, according to the OP.


Posted 12:06 am, 05/27/2016

It's hard to get past the truth is it not. Magic Vapor is dishonest, and the experts have proven it.without a show of A doubt. And that was 70 dollars, and my money comes hard. They don't pay me to stand around and puff vapor.


Posted 10:42 pm, 05/26/2016

File a lawsuit over a 30$ battery?



Posted 9:47 pm, 05/26/2016

So these electric vapes require new coils, o-rings, batteries nd being careful not to get any liquid in the center tube, priming etc. Do they make one I can connect to a propane or butane cylinder?


Posted 9:40 pm, 05/26/2016

Multiples personalities. Sad. Just...... Very very sad.

Did your mommy help you make the new profile, or did you do it all by your wittle self?


Posted 9:36 pm, 05/26/2016

No they are not the same person, because one of them works fo rme, and the op is correct, Magic Vapor did lie and cheat him. They do not all leak. If one drop of juice gets heated below the seal the propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine and added flavoring would vaporize and get all over the electronics and act as a semiconductor and short out the entire system every time. So these people at Magic Vapor are being dishonest with this customer.


Posted 9:35 pm, 05/26/2016

Time_will_tell you are an idiot. Plain and simple. Just another ignorant hillbilly TROLL. It's basket cases, trolls, like yourself, who ruin the otherwise great idea of a public forum. But you just keep trolling along in your mom's basement. If you're a good boy, maybe she'll make you some hot pockets.



Posted 9:26 pm, 05/26/2016

I don't need any electronics in my vape. I figure a .03 ohm coil wired straight to my moped's magneto should work.


Posted 9:09 pm, 05/26/2016

honest johniii and time will tell are the same person


Posted 8:44 pm, 05/26/2016

Phish you must have being that defective junk at Magic Vapor, because i have 10 right here in front of me thaat does not leak and never have. And yours does not either. If about 1 drop of liquid gets down in the electronics, it will no longer work ever again. What kind of a fool do you think you that all the electronic people that are reading what you just said, do you think we all are. I reap Phish. 1 drop of juice gets in your electronics and it is done. They wont stand even a drop, So the commit you just made was pretty stupid. Go think about it, and what reason do you have for lieing for Magic Vapor?


Posted 7:21 pm, 05/26/2016

I smoked for twenty-two years and vaping quickly weaned me off tobacco. I stopped vaping within a year by gradually reducing nicotine concentration in the juice.

I was a customer of Magic Vapes (among other retailers), nothing but positive experiences.

You do not leave juice in a tank for extended periods. You do not use opened juice that is more than a couple of weeks old. I had top of the line Aspire and Kanger sub-ohm tanks that would weep around the seals. It's the nature of the beast.

The OP is an unrealistic, under informed consumer. I also suspect he is a TROLL.

We now return you to the sad little soap opera, already in progress.

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