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Posted 9:52 am, 01/28/2015

, but elementary thru middle school aged children should all have the opportunity to play, regardless of skills.

Yes, this is true for rec sports, but it sounds like this is travel ball. If so, then not necessarily.


Posted 9:51 am, 01/28/2015

I doubt very seriously if this is a travel team that it has anything to do with grades. It sounds like if the coach has cut older players and replaced them with younger ones, it may be that he is trying to keep his team at a younger age to compete in a certain age group. Your daughter and some others may simply just have aged out of the division that the coach wants to compete in. Who knows unless you ask? If so, then there is usually an older team that you can find to try out for. If not, then don't be afraid to go out of your area and try out if it's something your child is really interested in. One thing is for sure, don't push your child on a team that doesn't really want or need them. That stuff is way too time consuming and expensive to be somewhere that they aren't wanted. There's a ton of teams out there if you are willing to travel and pay the price.


Posted 9:41 am, 01/28/2015

Student, I doubt if sports eliminate the of academics.

Did you know a college eliminated their football team?
They could no longer afford it. So sports is never secure.


Posted 6:42 pm, 01/27/2015

In a few years, I doubt that report cards will matter.
Elementary schools need the boosters. Sports is critical to a school system.

It has been like that. But a new movement should be coming.


Posted 3:20 pm, 01/27/2015

It is report card time... they come out tomorrow.. you have to hold your grades to play any sport...their coaches are not teachers and that is who you need to be talking too.. maybe you need to question your child about her grades... she knows why she was cut trust me and so do the other girls


Posted 1:45 pm, 01/27/2015

More schools have elementary traveling teams now.
Skills are expected to be learned at very young age. Then the child needs to exceed those skills until 8th grade. Only then will they possibly get onto high school team.

Parents are now trying to get their elementary kids notice by college recruiters.
Coaches are pressured by the school, boosters, and parents. Notice the boosters for elementary schools?
It is now the norm. So, parents you better get used to it. Coaches (like employers) can cut you for no reason.


Posted 1:36 pm, 01/27/2015

Especially with students being so young, it should be about learning team work and building confidence
Instead of making them feel as if they're not good enough. I could understand high schools taking sports more serious, as they are older and take competition just as serious as coaches and parents, but elementary thru middle school aged children should all have the opportunity to play, regardless of skills.


Posted 1:09 pm, 01/27/2015

Even down to kindergarten, youth sports are extremely competitive anymore.
It is getting close to tournaments. Therefore, the parents are demanding results.

So where does that put the adult coach or student athlete who is filling in as a coach?
If they don't win enough, then the parents flip out and try to get them fired.
Face it adults/parents! Fun leagues are becoming extinct.
Within 10 years, they will be cutting 1st graders from their favorite sport.


Posted 9:16 pm, 01/26/2015

I would want to know "why" too. Once that is determined, you will know that to do with it. You will feel more comfortable with handling it when you know the basics. This is a common theme in raising children.


Posted 9:12 pm, 01/26/2015

I wouldn't get upset until you or your daughter hear something directly from the coaches mouth. Until then, it's hearsay.


Posted 9:08 pm, 01/26/2015

Your daughter should hold her head up high and show them she can live without the team.But you need to ask her WHY. I know it is a disappointment for her.But live goes on.


Posted 9:00 pm, 01/26/2015

She (daughter) will be learning how to handle disappointing issue in life. She needs to learn that life deals a lot of unfortunate disappointments. That not everything will go the way she wants it to go. This is YOUR time to shine, for HER!


Posted 8:37 pm, 01/26/2015

remember too, that the bigger the deal you make out of this...the more it's going to hurt your daughter..

Sad as it is...it's life, showing her how to get beyond this little bump in the road and how to properly deal with disappointing situations...is a much better gift that you could ever give her...than sinking the ball!


Posted 8:12 pm, 01/26/2015

Hawk, consider this a blessing in disguise. Tell your daughter to show dignity and grace in the presence of the coach and basketball team. Remind her how fortunate she is to have an awesome web of support. In 10 years this isn't going to make a huge difference in her life. I hate that your daughter was cut, but their is a lesson to be learned.


Posted 8:11 pm, 01/26/2015

Until it has been told to you or her directly from the coach it is nothing more than gossip and hearsay.

There is always someone who is a little better.

If she has in fact been cut she has played for two years. Why can't others have a chance to do the same. It is just a game that has no bearing on the real world.


Posted 8:04 pm, 01/26/2015

She is a straight A student and still no call from the coach, and talked to another parent that knew nothing about it


Posted 6:33 pm, 01/26/2015

Could it be over her grades?


Posted 6:28 pm, 01/26/2015

How should I handle this?

I would ask the coach.


Posted 6:27 pm, 01/26/2015

Since the Coach did not take her off the team maybe just a bully told your daughter that to upset her.


Posted 6:23 pm, 01/26/2015

Crypt seems to be on to something.

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