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LMAO Indiana - we saw this coming - did you? What's fair is fair and you started it!


Posted 4:30 pm, 03/31/2015

Discrimination is action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of people based on prejudice.

Prejudice is prejudgment, or forming an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case.

A business owner should have the right to refuse service to anyone regardless. Christians are being discriminated against the same as any other group or organization becasue being forced to conform to the world and made to tolerate what they believe in and are against is discrimination all the same.

It comes down to all people think that they are better than everyone else.

If you do not agree with a TV show, don't watch it.

If you do not like certain music, don't listen to it.

If you do not agree with how a business is run, don't go to it.

If you do not agree with how something tastes, don't eat it.

I am a Christian and a sinner. I love all people regardless of how they live or treat others, but do I have to agree with what they do, no. Do they have to agree with the way I think or feel about, no. Am I going to tell them that what the Bible says is a sin sure. It is their choice to accept that or not. A sin is a sin, and murder is no greater a sin over lying in the eyes of God.


Posted 3:08 pm, 03/31/2015

Any God that doesn't like bacon is not worthy.

Top Soil

Posted 1:34 pm, 03/31/2015

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 1:01 pm, 03/31/2015

Top soil, maybe you should keep reading because it's actually not just in that one chapter.

My point is, Which book, chapter and verse, would you like to pick from?


Posted 1:01 pm, 03/31/2015

Top soil, maybe you should keep reading because it's actually not just in that one chapter.

Top Soil

Posted 1:01 pm, 03/31/2015

decsurvey (view profile)

Posted 12:58 pm, 03/31/2015

If I understand this bill right the following can occur;
1. Christian based business can tell a gay to hit the road.
2. A Islamic based business owner can tell a person of any other religion to hit the road.
3. Atheist business owner can tell all religions to hit the road.
4. Satanists can tell us to go to ****.
5. Simple folk who believe none of the organized religious bullsh! can say no to doing business with anyone of any religion.
6. Heterosexuals can tell the h*mosexuals to hit the road and vice verse.

2, 3, 5 are all wrong.

4 is a freedom of speech issue

6. is true because sexual orientation is not a protected class.

Top Soil

Posted 12:58 pm, 03/31/2015

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 12:51 pm, 03/31/2015

Top soil that's not cherry picking. I'm against stealing and coveting your neighbors wife too. So where did you get cherry picking? Oh I see now....that's just something you get to say when you need to make Christians look bad. Carry on...

Nope, Just reading your bible, the same chapter that forbids men on men love, forbids tattoos, bacon, hair cuts, and more. Should these bakeries refuse to also make 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th wedding cakes? because you know divorce is adultery.

or, if you want to go with the who Adam and Eve = marriage thing...then can they make rape marriage cakes?

just trying to figure out where you stand on the issue.

Discriminating against h*mosexuals because of religion= OK

Discriminating against adulterers because of religion = ??

...People with tattoos??


Posted 12:58 pm, 03/31/2015

If I understand this bill right the following can occur;

1. Christian based business can tell a gay to hit the road.
2. A Islamic based business owner can tell a person of any other religion to hit the road.
3. Atheist business owner can tell all religions to hit the road.
4. Satanists can tell us to go to ****.
5. Simple folk who believe none of the organized religious bullsh! can say no to doing business with anyone of any religion.
6. Heterosexuals can tell the h*mosexuals to hit the road and vice verse.


Posted 12:51 pm, 03/31/2015

Top soil that's not cherry picking. I'm against stealing and coveting your neighbors wife too. So where did you get cherry picking? Oh I see now....that's just something you get to say when you need to make Christians look bad. Carry on...

brown wallet

Posted 12:41 pm, 03/31/2015

I's wager we will see major disruptions at the upcoming NCAA finals, and the Indy500 in May, unless the gay militants demands are met. Who wants to bet?

Yung Shawty

Posted 12:35 pm, 03/31/2015

You can pass all the laws you want but being gay will never be accepted as normal .


Posted 12:32 pm, 03/31/2015

Top Soil

mommo, I didn't assume anything, I used those as examples of said cherry picking, that's all.

Top Soil

Posted 12:29 pm, 03/31/2015

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 12:28 pm, 03/31/2015

goddess, why would you assume that just because someone believes marriage is one man and one woman that they covet their neighbors wife or steal? They probably are against those things also, its just that isn't being forced into acceptance.

So you get to cherry pick which verses of the bible you get to follow?


Posted 12:28 pm, 03/31/2015

goddess, why would you assume that just because someone believes marriage is one man and one woman that they covet their neighbors wife or steal? They probably are against those things also, its just that isn't being forced into acceptance.

Top Soil

Posted 12:18 pm, 03/31/2015

Or...Include sexual orientation with the other protected Classes in the Indiana constitution.

Heck, Indiana protects the rights of smokers, but not h*mosexuals.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 12:10 pm, 03/31/2015

yes goddess, i totally agree. unless a person is totally immersing himself in his faith, he is not practicing all of it.

my intention is not to defend religion. i stand in defense of our rights though. and back to my original thought, religion and business might be able to mix, but the business owner is not the only individual in the transaction. there is also a customer. if religion is important to the owner, state your faith and allow others to decide if they want to do business with you.


Posted 12:07 pm, 03/31/2015

Actually, a shortened version of that sign might read:

Attention Same-Sex Couples: Do not request that we bake a wedding cake. The owner holds the belief that h*mosexuality is an abomination. Please do come back though, and choose from our array of other delicious items."

Again, to the point, honest, and leaves nothing to the imagination. Everybody would be on the same page in terms of information. People would read the sign and be able to make a decision instantly and permanently.

Top Soil

Posted 12:02 pm, 03/31/2015

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 11:54 am, 03/31/2015

I think that an appropriate sign that gets the point across would read:

"The owners of this business hold the belief that same-sex marriage is an abomination. Therefore, we will not honor requests for wedding cakes for those couples. However, we will be glad to fill your future requests to purchase other cakes, muffins, breads, cookies, and pastries."
That leaves NOTHING to the imagination. Everyone would be on the same page. It is honest, to the point, and I think it would be highly effective.
In some countries that is considered Hate Speech.

Yes its a poor source, and i couldn't find this story anywhere else besides christian sided news.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 12:01 pm, 03/31/2015

Topsoil, i am not avoiding your valid questions. i just don't discuss religion and its validity on this site. i do discuss what i feel are basic rights for all of us regardless of our own personal beliefs. so to that end, i truly do not feel a religious belief that is in disagreement with another is discrimination ... it is faith. at the same time, i have seen time and time again at this site, persons using the scriptures in order to demean, insult, and humiliate others. that is not faith, that is abuse.


Posted 11:54 am, 03/31/2015

I think that an appropriate sign that gets the point across would read:

"The owners of this business hold the belief that same-sex marriage is an abomination. Therefore, we will not honor requests for wedding cakes for those couples. However, we will be glad to fill your future requests to purchase other cakes, muffins, breads, cookies, and pastries."

That leaves NOTHING to the imagination. Everyone would be on the same page. It is honest, to the point, and I think it would be highly effective.

Top Soil

Posted 11:50 am, 03/31/2015

Elmo Cleghorn (view profile)

Posted 11:37 am, 03/31/2015

unalterable. as unalterable as an atheist's beliefs.

atheists "beliefs" are not unalterable. Thats the point of atheism in the first place, that they are open to any idea that has sufficient evidence. Like i mentioned in another thread. I already converted once because of evidence.

What about the common good of the people? or in areas regarding safely of the public. The government can intervene in those religious practices to stop an unsafe act, or practice.

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