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Letter to the editor

Wandering Homebody

Posted 3:16 pm, 04/23/2018

All of this information was already printed in the newspaper so they are not just throwing her name out there.

Also, firty firty, Mr Feree might be a nice guy but he has done some shady **** in the past so I don't doubt Ms Lenderman's statement at all.


Posted 2:57 pm, 04/23/2018

So you want to come on to an anonymous discussion board and talk about his lady and throw her name out. So what's your relation to this issue? What's your name and position within the county?

How do you know her home is in a bad state?

Firty Firty

Posted 2:47 pm, 04/23/2018

I seriously doubt that the town officials threatened, lied to, or tried to intimidate Ms Lenderman. To appear with a check already signed is a ludicrous claim. Russ Feree is about is an honorable attorney and far as I can see, is correct on the condition of the house. If you think the town of Wilkesboro is desperate for that piece of property and is willing to do the things Ms Lenderman has claimed....you are Bat Sh*t crazy too. HD and I were like brothers . Long Live Firty Firty


Posted 9:40 am, 04/23/2018

I can't blame her one little bit. I hope someone purchases her home & lives in it for many years.


Posted 9:38 am, 04/23/2018

Gary, is that you?


Posted 9:34 am, 04/23/2018

Her house and land and if she does not want to lease she does not have to lease. Wow little judgy there aren't we firty firty. One has to wonder just what connection you have to the town board.

Firty Firty

Posted 9:01 am, 04/23/2018

You are right Deep Creek ...HD was a buddy of mine.


Posted 8:52 am, 04/23/2018

Sounds like someone who will not let the Good Ole Boys run her over.

Deep Creek

Posted 8:48 am, 04/23/2018

HD would have sold or rented that spot in a heartbeat.

Firty Firty

Posted 6:12 am, 04/23/2018

I rest my case.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:25 pm, 04/22/2018

Owner replies to comments


This is a response to remarks made in an article in the Wilkes Journal-Patriot on April 10, 2018, by Wilkesboro commissioners about the Lenderman house in Wilkesboro.

I own the Lenderman house that the town has been wanting to purchase this past year so they could connect the property with the new park next door. Also, they wanted me to sign an agreement without a lawyer present as to how they wanted things. I refused.

I am a senior citizen, single female. For this reason, the town feels like they can intimidate, put on pressure, push and take advantage of me to tell how they want it done.

The derogatory statement that commissioner Russ Ferree made about the condition of my house is quite ludicrous since he has never been in my house and knows nothing about it, nor does he have knowledge of what I’ve done to the home the last 10 years.

Mr. Ferree, I have news for you. This house will still be standing when you are dead and gone. You have caused me a lot of pain by your derogatory remarks.

I’ll give you an example of one commissioner’s (Gary Johnson) pressure and intimidation to try and lease my backyard, to which he was told no. I told him I was selling my home and land and not leasing it for $200 a month.

Upon a second return to my backyard, he called me to come outside, which I did not do, to see him.

He said they were going to give me $400 a month to lease my backyard. I again informed him that it was my choice to price my land, not theirs.

He actually had already written a check for me for six months in the amount of $2,400 and had it in his pocket.

I told him to leave and take his little check with him. Who does something like this? Try to take over, intimidate and pressure someone to do what they want done.

Would anyone want to come and live in this town with this type of leadership? I think not. They do not have the gift of wisdom.

My home is a sturdy, old house and could be used for many things. It has a lot of history and has stood the test of time. It could have many more years of being useful.

I’m praying God will send the right people to buy my land and home.

The town’s leaders need to keep their derogatory remarks away from me and my home.




Wilkesboro, N.C.

Why doesn't the town of Wilkesboro just buy it for the price she is asking? It is her prerogative to do with it as she wishes and also her prerogative to be bat-**** crazy, if she wishes. Disappointed in the supposed comments by Russ...

Wandering Homebody

Posted 5:39 pm, 04/22/2018

So just because she refused to rent out her backyard to the Town, that makes her crazy? I wouldn't either. Who wants people running around in your back yard when you don't know them.


Posted 10:22 pm, 04/21/2018

From what i read looks like this years proceeds will still go the firemen's pension fund but they got their eyes on it for the parks programs


Posted 10:19 pm, 04/21/2018

Now the board wants to get ahold of the money that the Fire Department makes from sewer fest, What a bunch of wankers.


Posted 9:03 pm, 04/21/2018

It's her property to do as she pleases, the town thinks they can do whatever they want.


Posted 8:17 pm, 04/21/2018

How did you come to this decision?

firty firty

Posted 8:11 pm, 04/21/2018

I read the letter Ms Lenderman wrote in the JP . She has had a running battle with the town for years over all kinds of issues. I suspected it, but now I know, she bat sh*t crazy.

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