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Lets.put Mikey in his place.


Posted 7:42 am, 05/26/2015

".in other words, he doesnt approve of all of the good but non- scriptural intentions that we are paving the road to he!1 with.....such as pagan holidays that have weasled their way into our religion."

I beg to differ, pagans didn't weasel their way into anything. The priesthood of the temple and roman government set those days of celebration and redemption into place, for the purpose of controling the masses coming into the city of Jerusalem. It would have been a party everyday and there was not enough of either the romans or priesthood to keep up with crowds and crowds of people and their animals for sacrificing.

You could almost say that it was a concerted effort by both parties...most pagan holy or holidays are older than that of xtianities or even jewish holidays..

for example:
Origin of Christmas

The following is a quote from the 2000 Encyclop�dia Britannica, Volume 11 ; page 390.

"During the later periods of Roman history, sun worship gained in importance and ultimately led to what has been called a 'solar monotheism.' Nearly all the gods of the period were possessed of Solar qualities, and both Christ and Mithra acquired the traits of solar deities. The feast of Sol and Victus (open unconquered Sun) on December 25th was celebrated with great joy, and eventually this date was taken over by the Christians as Christmas, the birthday of Christ."


Posted 4:30 am, 05/26/2015

I'm going to attempt to explain my interpretation of mikeys beliefs.....this is what I think mikey is trying to say. He desires to practice only what is called for in the bible....to do only the things that are endorsed by god without bass-turdizing it by adding manmade religion. I feel like he lives, and wants others to live their faith, and not just practice it once a week on Sunday mornings. The bible does say in revelations, and this is paraphrased, that we should not add to or take away from the scripture lest we do so at our own peril. When he says "Christianity" he's referring to the bass-turdized manmade crap that we add to christianity ...in other words, he doesnt approve of all of the good but non- scriptural intentions that we are paving the road to he!1 with.....such as pagan holidays that have weasled their way into our religion. The "sunday morning Christians" that are religious for 2 hours of every week and do what they want the rest of the time are the acquiescence of everything Mikey sees wrong with modern day Christianity. Its the idea that you can "get saved" one time and then spend the rest of your life doing whatever the h3!1 you want to do and still go to heaven that he doesn't believe in ....this is what I think he means when he says that he doesn't believe in being "saved by grace"....all of these things together have given us a comfortable "religion" but have taken away our spirituality. For those that people that have lazily embraced the idea that we can be non- spiritual pieces of sh** and do whatever we want to do as long as we go.to our 2 hours of organized church service per week with its manmade ceremony and ritual...I think its these people, and this lazy modern day americanized version of christianity that Mikey is trying to preach against.....these are the " bad fig trees" that produce no fruit.....so that's my interpretation of all of Mikey's key talking points.....all except the 6 day creation....that ones still a mystery to me.....unless he's just saying that the earth and universe were not created in 6 actual days....not sure if he's basing this on the overwhelming and pretty much indisputable scientitic evidence that the earth and universe are billions of years old.....or if he's referring to the biblical perspective that there was no day or night to count days by until the sun was madeon the fourth day so the first 3 "days" could have been thousands or billions of years. I'm.a scientific guy so I actually agree fully with the fact that everything wasn't created in 6 days.....this all boils down to.a literal or metaphorical interpretation of Genesis though I don't see the importance as I don't think god would send you to he!1 for picking the wrong one to believe ..mikey...please tell me if I've come close to interpreting what you've been trying to tell everyone. ....and help me understand your thoughts on 6 day creation.


Posted 3:16 pm, 05/25/2015

I don't mind having mikey around. He doesn't bother me anymore.


Posted 2:51 pm, 05/25/2015

Yep acer says I'm the ultimate douchebag......but it could always be worse
...ill explain...
There are 5 levels of douchebaggery
Level 1.... The a-hole
Level 2..... Douche.....
Level 3.... Douchebag
Level 4.... Douchenozzle
And when ones douchenozzle-ry knows no bounds, they reach the coveted level 5
Level 5.... The doucherocket....I'm not sure if this a douche whose liquid gets propelled by rocket power or if it is an actual rocket constructed entirely from douche-parts...if the latter is the case, I'm not sure if, once converted into a rocket, that it loses all functionality as a douche and functions only as a rocket, or if it is still a viable doucheing implement that now has the added benefit of of spaceflight capabilities


Posted 2:12 pm, 05/25/2015

I believe that sometimes when someone is very passionate about what they are talking about - they say things too quickly and sometimes leave out things that someone else may not know about. Thus making what they are saying hard to follow. It appears that use of the word "religion" really seems to upset Michael. From what I have read - his beliefs are a way of life, not religion. I get that.

It appears that he really wants to witness to others but hasn't got his eloquence down just yet. Have to think about Moses when God told him what He wanted Moses to do. Because Moses didn't speak well, he wanted God to choose someone else. I guess Michael has decided it doesn't matter if his prose is a bit difficult to understand. The ones God wants to understand, always will.

I think Michael's heart is in the right place. But I also think he expects to be persecuted on here for his beliefs. Maybe he will calm down one day and realize he needs to explain the Gospel more plainly so that those who will benefit can understand.

Just my two cents.


Posted 12:06 pm, 05/25/2015

Just ignore his BS. He'll go away. He doesn't realize he is just pushing more people away from religion by posting numerous threads bashing and shoving his beliefs down everyone's throats. Just don't respond to him and pass his thread by, he'll soon get the hint....hopefully.


Posted 12:01 pm, 05/25/2015

The world is made up of all kinds of people, maybe the best thing is just be tolerant let Mikey Be Mikey. If it makes the dude happy let'em have at it. He's really not harming anyone so if it bugs you maybe just ignore him like has been said earlier in the thread.


Posted 10:00 am, 05/25/2015

It would be easier to teach a cross eyed, mentally challenged puppy to perform algebra equations than to get sense out of Mikey.


Posted 10:40 pm, 05/24/2015

It really isn't our responsibility to make gowilkes look intelligent!

It is our responsibility to hopefully respond in a manner that gets our points and opinions across with some coherency and decorum.


Posted 9:36 pm, 05/24/2015

I've had plenty of fun and intelligent discussions with people, about both religion and politics.

But all I've seen from you is bashing people and the website. Which, to me, means that you're part of the problem, not the solution.


Posted 9:14 pm, 05/24/2015

It takes a lot of restraint to never sin.


Posted 9:12 pm, 05/24/2015

Oh yes the award the thing is sgtkracka started an award so its fitting he gets his own award and as far as me trying to run the site down well I can't help that there is a select few that always post their hate for anything christian let's see like those mommotwo gets hounded on and what about let's see the political threads republitard and libtard and do you think that makes Go Wilkes look intelligent ? OK antithesis you may have been here for years but you must be blind to see how those select few are always making intelligent remarks.


Posted 9:08 pm, 05/24/2015

Michael = He who is like god.


Posted 9:06 pm, 05/24/2015

The problem with Mikey is he is a poor writer with bad grammar, tries to come across as enlightened by talking in his own secret code, and he won't answer any questions. Even when he does answer someone's question, he won't answer their question. The sad part is even if he were right with his interpretation of God, he is doing nothing to save anyone because his posts still keep everything as a secret


Posted 9:04 pm, 05/24/2015

I like Mike!! Even if you don't agree with him, he has passion about what he says and it is good to be passionate. I would never want to say anything to harm or infringe on one's passion.


Posted 9:02 pm, 05/24/2015

As for the thread, though, I see no reason to merge all of his posts to one thread. Sometimes they're interesting to discuss. Most of the time they don't make a bit of sense, but once in awhile they're interesting.


Posted 9:01 pm, 05/24/2015

I don't understand the whole let's put Mikey down thread, if you don't like what he has got to say then skip over it. I don't read his ramblings because its always the same but like most on Go Wilkes its always a bash fest which makes Go wilkes look nothing but trash, over and over its the same Christians are put down by the same bunch and the same goes for the political threads nothing but the same trash no wonder Go Wilkes is a joke !

I've been posting on here for years, often about religion, and no one has ever bashed me.

But I've noticed that most of your posts, acer, are to run the site down.

I've also noticed that you're quite the hypocrite:

acer1200 (view profile)

Posted 7:20 pm, 05/14/2015

Since sgtkracka has mad it his job to pass out rewards here is one for him for starting such an intelligent thread......

Douchebag Award

Finally an award befitting of the ultimate Douche Bag available at http://www.gagawards.com T...

Length: 0:40


Posted 5:38 pm, 05/24/2015

* acer


Posted 5:37 pm, 05/24/2015

Aver it sounds like you needto follow your own advice. You are arguing. Why didn't you pass this thread "on by "?


Posted 4:26 pm, 05/24/2015

what part of "we are not trying to argue with him" don't you understand?

All we've asked for is a conversation, a dialog, when he continues to rant and rave...well of course he's going to get ridiculed.

I've not posted on this thread since this morning until I got called out by the thawedout person...

yet, of all the people to get jumped on, on this thread, thawedout person choose me...mikey???

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