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Lets.put Mikey in his place.


Posted 10:00 am, 05/24/2015

Answer if you can truthfully . Who Died bringing the world a chance for Eternal Life?JESUS Who brought the Word? JESUS . Jesus said many will be called but few will be chosen many will come in my name do not believe them.many will say we prophecied in you name and Jesus says I NEVER KNEW YOU. Jesus knows His Own . Jesus said I am the way I am life and me is truth. christians and jews are Fools following man and Not Gods Words. Simple fix By Gods Words I Prove Truth .. not. Satans christian religion based on fables lies and Traditions. Jesus Christ is Lord. John 8:31-32;51 plus Learn the Parable of The Fig Tree. Do you have eyes to see Truth.

Hot Mess

Posted 9:58 am, 05/24/2015

Just ignore him. Don't read it. That's what I do with his posts and quite a few others on here.


Posted 9:55 am, 05/24/2015

Mikey may not be in our place, but he is in his place. We can't change him, no more than his preaching changes us. Of course if we read what he posts, it's tends to irritate.


Posted 8:13 am, 05/24/2015

I've tried to debate several topics by mikey, to no avail. So, at this point, I call it a draw and will not open any thread with his name atached to it. I am secure i my salvation and beliefs, therefore I do not need the incoherent ramblings of a pseudo-fundamentalist to cause me another stress headache.


Posted 8:09 am, 05/24/2015

that's pretty much a given Guitar.


Posted 8:02 am, 05/24/2015

That Goddes I agree with you. Maybe the fight isn't with us at all but maybe it's within himself.


Posted 7:42 am, 05/24/2015

He may not give up as you say, but at this point there is no purpose to his fight!


Posted 6:16 am, 05/24/2015

I agree totally with Jude, Mike's threads can be easily ignored. I said basically the same concerning Religion on a thread several days ago it was met with discord, It was my own fault for ever stating my opinion without making myself Clear as to my intentions my mistake. That being said, Jude, like you I just ignore certain posts or threads for the most part. It's not just Mike's threads or posts, it's basically any threads concerning religion or politics that I try to ignore. By me stating that does not mean I am trying to stop anyone from posting their opinions, I'm just simply stating my own opinion. If people want to argue non stop let the people play. Have at it, go for it, make your day, play, argue, cuss whatever floats the boat. Clear?

Have to give Mike credit for one thing, the dude just doesn't give up. Mike reminds me of an old Bull Dog, he just doesn't give up.


Posted 12:04 am, 05/24/2015

yep, in our little neck of the woods...it's nmad near is perfect!


Posted 12:03 am, 05/24/2015

Oh well goddess, rekon the worlds perfect everywhere else .


Posted 11:56 pm, 05/23/2015

in other words you find most of us quite boring and tiresome

Busy Body

Posted 11:54 pm, 05/23/2015

I may have responded a time or two to one of his threads, I really don't remember, but I'm like Jude, I rather not waste my time and energy on his incoherent ramblings, or on any the political or religious threads where the posts are just as bad. Dems hate the Pubs, Pubs hate the Dems, same way with the religious threads, it's the same old blah, blah, blah from the same tiring posters. JMO


Posted 11:53 pm, 05/23/2015

No intrusion and no apology necessary shag...and sadly you are absolutely correct regarding mikey. We've all tried to explain just that to him.


Posted 11:42 pm, 05/23/2015

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 11:21 pm, 05/23/2015

agreed Jude, I'll concede to mikey that he absolutey is wasting all his energies with whatever it is that he is trying to do on gowilkes or any other site. I suppose there are those in which incoherency entertains them, as well as explains all the whys of the worlds ills as well.

I know you are not talking to me goodness but let me say if you are right then he can not really believe in the Bible or he would know God would punish him for it. Ether way he does not understand how to spread the Gospel. To spread the word you have to talk to people answer their questions and make them want what the word offers. Instead he uses it to make feel he is better than the rest of us. I have tricked him into calling me names and admitting to it. I respect revere anyone that follows God's word but he is a proven hypocrite. Sorry for intruding on your conversation.


Posted 11:21 pm, 05/23/2015

agreed Jude, I'll concede to mikey that he absolutey is wasting all his energies with whatever it is that he is trying to do on gowilkes or any other site. I suppose there are those in which incoherency entertains them, as well as explains all the whys of the worlds ills as well.


Posted 10:51 pm, 05/23/2015

lol...well at least he's consistent.


Posted 10:45 pm, 05/23/2015

I do not like it when a poster makes it a mission to go after another poster every time they are on line. There was one such poster that use to do that to me when it was unprovoked. Instead of enjoying my time on GW I would end up playing t*t for tat which can be fun but gets old after a while. With that being said if anyone pays attention in the past when I frequented GW I would call out mister Mikey every chance I got. My justification all be it wrong even in my own eyes was in response to private messages sent by him. I'm sure some of you have received the same messages when you never reached out to him so you know what I'm talking about.
In my past back and forth with Mike it was clear that he lacks the ability to comprehend any statement that was the least bit complex. He could not understand when two statements had the same meaning when they were not worded the same. That is the reason why his responses to any given post never make sense. At first I thought he might be cleaver in playing beat around the bush but I discovered he might be mentally challenged.

The best thing to do is ignore him. If you try to battle him in a game of wits how can you beat him when he can not understand when and how you got the best of him? I know he can get on your nerves "I know he gets on mine" so the best thing to do in not read what he post because it never makes sense. I'm sure many feel the same way about me.


Posted 10:42 pm, 05/23/2015

Goddess as true as it appears on his conversational skills being one sided. It is fair to say the same on (political) threads by certain people that copy and paste another person's thought and ideas instead of their own. To me, it just seems as if more than less try to incite the same reaction (change) over and over on his threads....
redundant, and extremely lacking humour in belittling as if that approach is going to alter someones personal beliefs. but to each their own I personally don't care one way or another as everyone is free to post and comment. I just simply find avoiding certain topics as well as posters a better option. I do admitted when I first joined gowilkes. It annoyed the **** out of me but, it gave me no sense or comfort in knowing badgering a person who is steady in their ideas are going to be anymore open to my ideas or thoughts. It's just beating a dead horse. Jmo


Posted 10:17 pm, 05/23/2015

I think we all have decided that Mikey is right and all the rest of us are doomed. If everyone is as hard to hold a conversation with as Mikey do we really want to go where he is always preaching about?. Trying to talk to him in person would be even worse than trying to figure out what he is saying on GoWilkes.


Posted 10:04 pm, 05/23/2015

I don't follow his threads but I've read enough to know he probably doesn't care what anyone thinks.

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