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Lets.put Mikey in his place.


Posted 2:25 pm, 05/26/2015

I could have been all for it last week, but it seems I have sat outside waaay tooo much this weekend and my right to subdue and dominate has been voided. LOL!


Posted 2:07 pm, 05/26/2015

I think you nailed it Kraka.

So Mikey, what part of Kraka's link do you disagree with? Why not admit that you think just like Arnold Murray? Stop talking in riddles and proudly own your racism instead of trying to confuse people.


Posted 1:48 pm, 05/26/2015

Yea, kracka. I used to try to think that Mikey wasn't really as bad as I thought he was. He cleared that up REAL quick for me too, lol.


Posted 1:47 pm, 05/26/2015

Mikey I tried to give you a little bit of credit but you decided to post and took it all away in one swipe


Posted 1:39 pm, 05/26/2015



Posted 1:38 pm, 05/26/2015

Umpiree can you read? Jeremiah 31:31-35 now shut up.


Posted 1:36 pm, 05/26/2015

Very good sgt you can copy and paste.


Posted 1:36 pm, 05/26/2015



Posted 1:33 pm, 05/26/2015

Why not just read Genesis 1 dont go forward until you understand 6 day creation. Then go to day 7. Of chapter 2. . These arebyhe generation, how long?;hundreds thousands millions billions I do not know The Lord God dont say. But many years after the world and mankind The Lord God had seed and shrubs that needed to be planted. Adam was formed.


Posted 1:01 pm, 05/26/2015

Yea. I think you've almost kinda got it. White man (only those exactly like Mikey and definitely not women, lol) are supposed to subdue all other races and I'm pretty sure that there the only ones that are going to Mikeys heaven.


Posted 12:58 pm, 05/26/2015

Whoever Arnold Murray is....he seems to be the spearhead of this ideology


Posted 12:57 pm, 05/26/2015

Sorry the link didn't post...
Lemme try again....


Posted 12:55 pm, 05/26/2015

I think i found it truth......this seems to fit perfectly with Mikey's ramblings


Posted 12:42 pm, 05/26/2015

michaelhjsr (view profile)
Posted 8:07 am, 05/26/2015
Did The Lord God tell Adam to subdue or dominate the world?:Did GOD tell Adam anything about subding Animal ( zoos) fish (aquariums). If you can't see that Six Day Creation is Flesh man . How can you see The Lord God if you dont understant a simple thing as 6 day creaton was the Flesh the world .Not spiritual. Read what God told. 6 day creation who knows who Lord God Is. The Ruling God. The Lord God The God That had the Authority of The Father. Adam was Formed By The Lord . 6 day made themselves and God gave them life. They knew good and evil. Obedience and Disobedience.Lord God Jesus said. You will Surely Die if you eat from the tree of good and evil. Yes Satan flesh man . Adam was the First of The Lord God he was disobedient let listening to mankind . Let The Lord God Jesus Christ Mold You Jesus is Lord not no christian building up earthly temples to impress flesh man. Pagan sun worshiper.Satan says.you saved by grace. You will not die. Mark 7 Mark 10 Join Jesus John 8:31-32;51

Wow that cleared everything up.....thanks Mikey

* backing slowly away


Posted 12:31 pm, 05/26/2015

Goddess you are absolutely correct and when I said "weasled" I did mean that it was Christians that did the weaseling....I should have clarified that


Posted 12:26 pm, 05/26/2015

Wow.... OK I was way off..... on the 6 day creation....and perhaps I was giving him way too much credit on the other stuff


Posted 9:39 am, 05/26/2015

Kracka, what I have been able to ascertain from Mikey's ramblings about 6 th day creation is this:

He believes God created a race of men that he was not pleased with, they were the other than white people, THEN he created ADAM who Mikey thinks was white.

He has twisted everything he reads to try and " proove" his racist beliefs, but will not come straight out and say it because deep down he knows it is wrong.

I found a link to an article a while back regarding a racist religious cult that had the same philosophy but I don't remember their name. I had searched 6 th day creation to find it, though.


Posted 9:39 am, 05/26/2015

Not to pirate what Goddess has posted but lately I have read a great deal concerning one particular group of Pagan peoples.

I am going to add my 2 cents, If people get pissed or whatever it will not change my mind and I am not debating, arguing or trying to piss anybody off. Just stating my opinion on the Subject of Christianity and Paganism.

Pagan beliefs were taken into the Christian belief system and not just Christmas but several other rituals and holidays we now take part in and accept totally as Christian. A lot of people think Pagans were terrible peoples but they were anything but. People also have the misconception that Christians might have taken things from the Pagans and used it for their own gain. That's not necessarily true because history says they came together and merged some of their beliefs in order to live. Back in those days things were extremely difficult so they did what they had to do in order to survive. They did it in such away that their peoples could accept it without years of bloodshed. They had much wiser Kings than we do today.

History says Pagans traveled the world and made many contributions to Science and Technology. They discovered North America several 100 years before our history claims! They have never received the Historical Credits for their achievements for whatever reasons political or religious. Even though it has been proven time and time again they discovered North America and many other places long before other Explorers were even thought of.

They built great monuments that have stood the test of time such as Stonehenge and so many other marvels long before Christians ruled the day. Frankly, they have contributed so many things to Our Ways of life they shouldn't be ignored and should be given the credits due them. Their ships, their navigational skills went unmatched for 100's of years. I personally believe due to their contributions to Christianity and history instead of people looking at them as they have for the past several 100 years like some mad dog. I personally think it's shameful to the extent of being sinful and extremely deceptive.

Christians should embrace Pagan contributions and be thankful for them. If not for them I doubt seriously our World we live in would be as it is today nor would the religion we know as Christianity evolved to where it is today.

Personally Speaking I believe Paganism and Christianity walk hand in hand and without them our world wouldn't be the way it is. Christmas and many other holidays should be remembered not just for Christians and the birth of Christ but for our Pagan brothers. That's just how I see it.

Christianity Even with all it's faults it's much better than the Middle East where people are still being killed for their beliefs and who they love. If not for the Pagans who influenced Europe no doubts we'd still be cutting peoples heads off for their views.

Instead of trying to erase and lie about past history people need to wake up and know the truth about the religion we know as Christianity. I am not saying they shouldn't believe in God and the teachings of Jesus by any means I am saying we shouldn't believe that everything we've been taught is the truth Concerning that of Christian beliefs because it is lacking in truth. History tells the truth that Pagans contributed to today's religion in so many ways and they contributed greatly to our world.

In a our world a supposedly Christian world a world that is becoming more tolerant of other peoples beliefs maybe it's time people accept that our religion came to be as we know it because it merged with another. Be honest about it and stop denying it.

If you truly believe in God then you'll know God is truth and he doesn't like untruth or deceptions.

God Bless have a good day.


Posted 9:33 am, 05/26/2015

godess what did Jesus say about Good? . Not no one Good but One. Be righteous. That means Do What is pleasing to God.Do Right and not Wrong. What is the Will of God ?;Answer the will of God is to Believe in His Son to Follow in Faith.


Posted 8:07 am, 05/26/2015

Did The Lord God tell Adam to subdue or dominate the world?:Did GOD tell Adam anything about subding Animal ( zoos) fish (aquariums). If you can't see that Six Day Creation is Flesh man . How can you see The Lord God if you dont understant a simple thing as 6 day creaton was the Flesh the world .Not spiritual. Read what God told. 6 day creation who knows who Lord God Is. The Ruling God. The Lord God The God That had the Authority of The Father. Adam was Formed By The Lord . 6 day made themselves and God gave them life. They knew good and evil. Obedience and Disobedience.Lord God Jesus said. You will Surely Die if you eat from the tree of good and evil. Yes Satan flesh man . Adam was the First of The Lord God he was disobedient let listening to mankind . Let The Lord God Jesus Christ Mold You Jesus is Lord not no christian building up earthly temples to impress flesh man. Pagan sun worshiper.Satan says.you saved by grace. You will not die. Mark 7 Mark 10 Join Jesus John 8:31-32;51

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