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Let's Try One More Time


Posted 9:04 pm, 05/15/2022

Ya know Jimbo, common sense can sometimes be almost a curse ? Sadly we often have to deal with so many that don't have any ?

I ask a simple question.....For exampleI like John Deere lawn mowers...I got several reasons....But I've not bragged on anybody...But I sure got a long list of things the Democrats have done for the masses....I've been called a liar even though the poster was wrong and not enough spine to admit it...And the majority of the Democrat accomplishments benefit most all of us....I am so thankful for SS, and Medicare..Had a co-worker to have a serious fall on a concrete floor once, and he did'nt have to pay a penny for medical treatment thanks to Workman's Compensation......Drawed a little un-employment over the years. The list goes on....But what in the Sam Hill has a **** Republican ever done for anybody that reads this post ? You gop'ers get an A+ for party loyalty but a big F for knowing the reasons why ? It's sort of ugly I guess, but it's fun to watch and imagine our Mooron lovers get their b/p out of whack he he


Posted 8:49 pm, 05/15/2022

Actually, you're a pathetic little lying troll. How many folks care what you think? Oh right, flakeyCONdrew and foxnit, two other little trolls.


Posted 8:03 pm, 05/15/2022

Gandydancer49 is a liberal Democrat liar


Posted 8:02 pm, 05/15/2022

Actually, most Americans think Biden sux


Posted 7:53 pm, 05/15/2022

Looks to me like, if Biden had accomplished 10% of what Gandy says he has that his approval rating would be more than the low 30s

Why do you think his approval rating is so low?


Posted 6:57 pm, 05/15/2022

YOU said I lied about the Civil Rights Act and I did not (what one gets trying to debate with ignorance I guess ?)


Posted 6:50 pm, 05/15/2022

Why are YOU demanding I apologize for pointing out the lies in your OP?


Posted 6:49 pm, 05/15/2022

And Fakey how bout knowing what you re talking bout when YOU call somebody a liar ??


Posted 6:46 pm, 05/15/2022

Has this got anything to do with why you stupid gop'ers can't even come up with a reasonable excuse you love your party and Mooron so much ? I got a wheel barrow load of things the Democrats have done ? Still waiting on my apology ? Don't have that much spine do ya ?


Posted 6:42 pm, 05/15/2022

Tell us more about how your demonRatZ obstructed and filibustered the passage.


Posted 6:38 pm, 05/15/2022

Fakefoot, The Civil Rights Act was signed into law July 2 1964 by then president Lyndon Johnson....Don't dare take my word for it, Google it yourself.....And by the way, if you got enough spine, you owe me an apology


Posted 5:56 pm, 05/15/2022

randy, were YOU lying when YOU cited the Civil Rights Act as something los demonRatZ accomplished in your OP?


Posted 2:51 pm, 05/15/2022

Yeah.. Let's move on....Surely somebody can tell us the glorious things the gop has done for somebody besides the millionaires and billionaires by now ??


Posted 2:31 pm, 05/15/2022


Posted 2:27 pm, 05/15/2022

It's futile to argue with brainlocked Rumplickers.


Posted 1:33 pm, 05/15/2022

Now the third entity of the "Galactic Triumvirate" has jumped on the bandwagon.

For fins, Flakey and unfried read; Moe, Curly and Larry.


Posted 1:22 pm, 05/15/2022



Posted 12:51 pm, 05/15/2022

Let's move on.

Coulda YOU boyZ share your feelings about how the demomnRatZ obstructed AND filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


Posted 12:46 pm, 05/15/2022

Who cares? If you're really trying to stretch that dixiecrats didn't change, then you're really not worth discussing with.


Posted 12:39 pm, 05/15/2022

When exactly were Democratics really republicans and how many times has it changed back and forth.

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