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lead guitarist


Posted 11:36 am, 09/02/2015



Posted 11:14 am, 09/02/2015


Posted 9:20 am, 09/02/2015

If you're so great why are you on this site waiting your time? Shouldn't fans come to your defense or couldn't you post links to articles claiming your greatness? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/...ty_complex


Posted 8:15 am, 09/02/2015

I cannot find where BKL's dad was a co-founder of MereleFest. I see where he played at the 1st Merlefest, but not reference to co-founding. I am a huge MereleFest fan!

Feel Burger

Posted 7:50 am, 09/02/2015

I did not once say how great I am. Don't be ticked because I have skills.

A contradiction within the next sentence.

Feel Burger

Posted 7:47 am, 09/02/2015

Did his device autocorrect to Medicare?

You can't make that stuff up.

Don't judge my Medicare career. LoL


Posted 3:17 am, 09/02/2015

"Irrelevant to you is fine. If I'm so irrelevant you sure do go out of your way to try to contradict me. As far as Merle being geriatric or irrelevant, he and Willie recently released a cd that went to #1 the first week on Billboard with no radio or label support."

Many people still love Willie. Merle should thank him for letting him participate so that he could finally have his first Top Ten Album on the Billboard 200 Charts.

"I've read other posts in sections, and what I see is a bunch of people who feel the need to insult, no matter what the topic."

This is often the case.

"I was told there was a post about me, and people who don't know me talking smack over a Facebook post."

So it was okay for you to go onto a public forum and bash people, but unfair for them to do the same to you on another forum? Seems a little hypocritical doesn't it?

"When you have my resume, please feel free to let me know how irrelevant I am."

Why would I want your resume? You're obviously not happy with it or you wouldn't be constantly trying to prove your self-worth. You'll know when I have a resume that I'm satisfied by because I won't feel an inherent need to prove that it is worth being satisfied by.

"Until then, I'd suggest you shut up. Just another internet Rambo.

I'm just offering my opinions. I'm not threatening you with violence or trying to be a tough-guy. I'd like to think that I'm grown up enough to express my opinions and to respectfully accept the opinions of others, including those that I disagree with. While I'm no "Internet Rambo," I would like to think that I'm strong enough to express my opinions and be receptive to the opinions of others without having to resort to the "you wanna' fight about it" B.S.

"At least you have some sort of vocabulary-perfect for talking in circles and making no point."

If you're having a difficult time understanding my point, perhaps you should consider the possibility that it's you. If you have questions, I can try to dumb it down for you a lil' bit.


Posted 2:46 am, 09/02/2015

Irrelevant to you is fine. If I'm so irrelevant you sure do go out of your way to try to contradict me. As far as Merle being geriatric or irrelevant, he and Willie recently released a cd that went to #1 the first week on Billboard with no radio or label support. I've read other posts in sections, and what I see is a bunch of people who feel the need to insult, no matter what the topic. That's pathetic. I was told there was a post about me, and people who don't know me talking smack over a Facebook post. When you have my resume, please feel free to let me know how irrelevant I am. Until then, I'd suggest you shut up. Just another internet Rambo. At least you have some sort of vocabulary-perfect for talking in circles and making no point.


Posted 2:31 am, 09/02/2015

"Grayson do some research before you judge my Medicare career."


"As far as someone not knowing about my sister, these posters don't know me. When has that stopped them?"

We all paint a portrait by which we are perceived when interacting with others, even online. They may not know you personally in the "real world," but they know what they believe to be you by the picture that your words paint for them and the manner in which their perception translates the colors used. The point is, although the peeps herein may not "know you", they still know you in that you have provided information by which they can form opinions about the person that you have represented yourself to be to them.

"I did not once say how great I am. Don't be ticked because I have skills."

Sure you have. You have repeatedly attempted to suggest that your "skills" make you superior to others herein. In fact, you could barely even finish the attempt to deny doing so in one sentence without contradicting your own assertion in the following sentence. Be that as it may, your skills are as irrelevant to me as they are to almost everyone else on this planet. For me, your constant attempts to promote your self-worth only demonstrate the lack thereof. Why would I "be ticked" by the "skills" and accomplishments of a man so obviously unsatisfied with both?


Posted 1:50 am, 09/02/2015

Grayson do some research before you judge my Medicare career. As far as someone not knowing about my sister, these posters don't know me. When has that stopped them? I did not once say how great I am. Don't be ticked because I have skills.


Posted 1:24 am, 09/02/2015

You suggested I was referring to Trinity. No, I wasn't. You assumed Trinity is the sister. I don't understand why you assumed she is his sister."

You said that his sister (specifically) had been disrespected. It seemed as though Feel Burger had directly addressed Brian and Trinity. While I now understand that you and Brian jumped at the chance to make Brian the victim via his sister, it initially seemed that you must have been referring to Trinity, as she was directly addressed.

"Naturally, some individuals, not only but including BrianKLowe would feel their loved one had been disrespected whether the comment was directive...or not."

Sure, if one cultivates their own perceived victimization. I understand not appreciating the statement. I don't personally like the statement myself. I find it offensive. However, it is typically not a direct insult to a specific individual unless it is directed at the individual. In my mind, there is a difference in saying, "Someone close to me suffers from cognitive difficulty and I find that statement offensive" as opposed to saying, "you have just disrespected my sister." And as I mentioned, I think that intent matters. If I am trying to (physically) point something out to you (visually) and you fail to see it and I say, "Jesus, you're ****g blind as a bat wearing a blindfold," that doesn't mean that I'm trying to disrespect your blind uncle. Especially if I don't even know that you've got a blind uncle- which I am assuming that Feel Burger had no knowledge of Brian's sister or her any cognitive difficulties that she may experience.

You and Brian immediately attached the insult to his sister specifically as if it were implied that the comment was directed at her and it wasn't. You didn't say, "that statement is offensive." You said, it was "disrespectful" to an unknown individual, not part of and probably not even aware of the conversation. Brian jumped at the sister's difficulties with intellectual capacity as a means to further his attempts to play the victim on a thread in which he has proclaimed that he is the best thing since sliced bread while everyone, except for the sons of geriatric country singers/musicians, is beneath him.

Feel Burger

Posted 12:18 am, 09/02/2015


I'm a fan GrayMan.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:16 am, 09/02/2015

You suggested I was referring to Trinity. No, I wasn't.

You assumed Trinity is the sister. I don't understand why you assumed she is his sister.

Naturally, some individuals, not only but including BrianKLowe would feel their loved one had been disrespected whether the comment was directive...or not.


Posted 12:05 am, 09/02/2015

"If you will familiarize yourself with the discussion, BrianKLowe indicated his sister has special needs."

Help me get familiarized. Where did Feel Burger disrespect his sister? By the "you went full retard" comment? Wasn't that directed at Brian? If we're not talking about Trinity, I don't see where an insult was directed at the sister. I'm not really a fan of that phrase, but it's a leap to pretend as though Feel Burger intended to insult anyone other than Brian.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:57 pm, 09/01/2015

Actually, no.

If you will familiarize yourself with the discussion, BrianKLowe indicated his sister has special needs.


Posted 11:51 pm, 09/01/2015

"I'm leaving this thread. Say what you want. I'm not butt hurt, you are just beneath me. Jason...I hope you read all this stuff...I talked to a lawyer. You sir, are liable. Metal trucker should have put you out of your misery. You'll hear from my lawyer."

What could Jason possibly be liable for? For the perspectives and opinions of individual anonymous users? For the people herein not being convinced that you are as special as you would have us believe that you are? You're a joke. This thread was started by one anonymous user to blast a completely anonymous individual. Although username BrianKLowe introduced himself as the subject, the users herein have no proof that he is indeed Brian K. Lowe, as proof of identity isn't required to claim a username/moniker on this site. Just because someone herein claims the username of Lazarus doesn't mean that they've actually been reanimated by Jeebus.

As for your "success" as a musician, it is mediocre at best. By your repeated attempts at bragging herein, you're claim to fame seems to be that you played guitar on a stage with the son of some dude who hasn't had a hit in almost 30 years and hasn't been relevant in the music industry for quite a few years.

"His talent has been dissed, his credentials questioned, his sister disrespected...
C'mon. No one deserves that."

His general attitude and prickish nature were dissed. His talent wasn't dissed until he made a point of trying to convince everyone that he was the second coming of Christ with a guitar- whilst pointing out that ery'one else ain't worth ****. Regardless, musical talent and appreciation are subject to personal opinion. He announced his greatness and others responded according to their own perspective. Given his attitude, the things that he's stated herein and his own assertions, he probably got less than he deserved. As for his sister, I'm assuming that you're referring to Trinity. If that is the case, she jumped into the ring herself and was an active participant in the back and forth.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:21 pm, 09/01/2015


I worked "hard" for that.

Get it right

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:19 pm, 09/01/2015

Feel Burger, your superciliousness isn't exactly your greatest virtue.

Feel Burger

Posted 11:18 pm, 09/01/2015

Or wet. Or something.


Feel Burger

Posted 11:08 pm, 09/01/2015

Another roadie/ groupie.

But Brian. Glitter has been as they say road rough and put up hard.

I think I got that backwards

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