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Lamb's book of life.


Posted 5:24 pm, 03/31/2015

That is very good that your parents were loving, understanding, and you have great kids. Then why do you have such a problem with a loving Heavenly Father.

Top Soil

Posted 5:03 pm, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 4:45 pm, 03/31/2015

We have really gone down the wrong road when we compare our Fathers of days gone by to terrorist

umm, Both are religous fanatics
Both stoned adulterers

Both stoned h*mosexuals to death.

Both slaughtered women and children from foreign nations

Both grew beards, forbid bacon,

Both are making claims about real estate being bestowed upon them by a god.

Both viewed women as lesser beings.

the list goes on, so if you really want to open this can of worms...

Top Soil

Posted 4:59 pm, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 4:51 pm, 03/31/2015

What did you do when your Father tried to correct you, threaten to call dss or law enforcement on him, oh that right you question authority

I asked questions like "why is it like that" and my parents showed me.

I also had parents that did an outstanding job at explaining why they did things, so that I understood them. There was never a threat of violence, or a "because I said so"

I had outstanding parents, and tell them every chance I get. I emulate how they raised me, and so far, my children have been well behaved, and top of their class.


Posted 4:54 pm, 03/31/2015



Posted 4:51 pm, 03/31/2015

What did you do when your Father tried to correct you, threaten to call dss or law enforcement on him, oh that right you question authority


Posted 4:45 pm, 03/31/2015

so..Because I question authority by asking for proof and evidence I should be beaten?

Tell me again why you people dislike the ways of terrorists?

We have really gone down the wrong road when we compare our Fathers of days gone by to terrorist

Top Soil

Posted 3:42 pm, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 2:25 pm, 03/31/2015

sounds like you have gotten by too long without the rod of correction. if you can't make up the rules, you will take your ball and go home.

so..Because I question authority by asking for proof and evidence I should be beaten?

Tell me again why you people dislike the ways of terrorists?

Top Soil

Posted 3:38 pm, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 2:38 pm, 03/31/2015

The truth is God knows little Timmy can't handle that thousand mile pre hour fastball, and he doesn't want him to get hurt. Now if Timmy persist he may have to be dusted so he can see for himself.

But, according to the bible, god was showing himself left and right, performing miracles all over the place. now that celluloid film has been invented...nothing. Did god run out of manna? Little Timmy is just asking for the same proof.


Posted 2:38 pm, 03/31/2015

The truth is God knows little Timmy can't handle that thousand mile pre hour fastball, and he doesn't want him to get hurt. Now if Timmy persist he may have to be dusted so he can see for himself.


Posted 2:25 pm, 03/31/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

Posted 12:15 pm, 03/31/2015

So.....The one thing that will "save me" and convert me into believing, god won't do. Sounds like a elementary school yard blow hard.

God: "I can throw a baseball one thousand miles per hour"

Little Timmy: "Ok,can we see?"

God: "Of course not! why should I show you!"

Little Timmy: "because we want to play baseball"

God: " well your baseball game is going to suck without me, and if you don't let me play, I'm going to beat you up everyday forever till the end of the school year!"
sounds like you have gotten by too long without the rod of correction. if you can't make up the rules, you will take your ball and go home.

Top Soil

Posted 12:15 pm, 03/31/2015

So.....The one thing that will "save me" and convert me into believing, god won't do. Sounds like a elementary school yard blow hard.

God: "I can throw a baseball one thousand miles per hour"

Little Timmy: "Ok,can we see?"

God: "Of course not! why should I show you!"

Little Timmy: "because we want to play baseball"

God: " well your baseball game is going to suck without me, and if you don't let me play, I'm going to beat you up everyday forever till the end of the school year!"


Posted 12:02 pm, 03/31/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

Posted 9:05 am, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 8:50 am, 03/31/2015

It's not a matter of choosing to believe, it's a matter of choosing to accept, the faith will come as he opens his word to you.

This is a play on words, and just complicates the conversation even further.
How does someone choose to accept to believe in faith?
Matthew 12:

38Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.

39But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

40For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

41The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

Top Soil

Posted 9:05 am, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 8:50 am, 03/31/2015

It's not a matter of choosing to believe, it's a matter of choosing to accept, the faith will come as he opens his word to you.

This is a play on words, and just complicates the conversation even further.

How does someone choose to accept to believe in faith?


Posted 8:50 am, 03/31/2015

Ahh, yes the 'Choose' argument.

How does a person "choose" to believe?

It's not a matter of choosing to believe, it's a matter of choosing to accept, the faith will come as he opens his word to you.

Top Soil

Posted 8:07 am, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 4:32 pm, 03/30/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

Posted 4:28 pm, 03/30/2015

so... nope.
That's too bad, Your choice
Ahh, yes the 'Choose' argument.

How does a person "choose" to believe?


Posted 10:57 pm, 03/30/2015

Millions have died for the advancement for every religion on Earth. Yet, nothing has changed or improved for the people who follow.


Posted 9:24 pm, 03/30/2015

Acts 7 : 2- 60 did Saul think about Stephen as he was killed . ?? Chapter 8 & 9


Posted 7:21 pm, 03/30/2015

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 5:55 pm, 03/30/2015

I think goddess is saying that it is not her place to judge someone's soul.

That has never been the object of my thread, even though you keep trying to take it there.


Posted 5:55 pm, 03/30/2015

I think goddess is saying that it is not her place to judge someone's soul.


Posted 5:52 pm, 03/30/2015

Posted 12:06 pm, 03/30/2015

When we hear you singing the song of deliverance, then everyone will know.
"everyone will know"....what exactly??? I don't want anyone to know anything from me as far as their soul is concerned...that's above way above my pay grade!

Oh that will be the day you get your promotion

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