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Lamb's book of life.


Posted 8:53 pm, 04/01/2015

1047, it was YOU who offered the analogy of "Timmy." We only pointed out that Timmy's dad did not do a good job in protecting his son, and was probably complicit in causing Timmy's death. After all, he did leave his son alone with something very dangerous and which he KNEW was very dangerous. I'm sure you will agree that Timmy's dad had PRIOR KNOWLEDGE insofar as to what Timmy would do. Timmy's dad KNEW that these actions would result in Timmy's death, as well as the death of Timmy's friend (was her name EVE?)

I don't know about you, but I have NEVER left my children home alone with dangerous things. I love them too much to take that chance.

However, if a child of mine disobeyed me, even to a GREAT DEGREE, why would I make good on a threat to not only punish him, but also his children, and his grandchildren, and his great grandchildren, etc.? Does my anger and disappointment know no boundaries?

I wonder if there is a Mrs. God. Does she ever put her hand on God's shoulder and say, "Okay, you just need to calm down now. You've been stressed ever since that nice young couple in the Garden of Eden ate one of your apples. There are still plenty enough apples left to make you a pie. Bring me some goat's milk and I'll even make whipped cream and it will be just the way you like it.


Posted 8:30 pm, 04/01/2015

I think the story makes reasonable sense if you take away your slant toward judging God and excusing yourselves.


Posted 7:57 pm, 04/01/2015

Timmy's dad KNEW that Timmy would take his grandma's medicine and die. His dad KNEW it even before he left and gave Timmy access to the medicine. Doesn't that make Timmy's dad an accessory to murder?

Top Soil

Posted 6:53 pm, 04/01/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 5:54 pm, 04/01/2015

7But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, This tree had knowledge of both good and evil.

Let say a drug maker made a powerful drug that could keep grandma's heart going and thereby allowing her to live longer,taken as prescribed by her doctor. now Dad had told little Timmy to not touch this medicine
because it could be really harmful to him. Timmy's friend was over one day and dared Timmy to try it, aw it won't hurt you, go ahead whats the matter you chicken, go head. Well Timmy takes some and it is like poison to him, it stops his heart.
Your analogy is bad, and you should feel bad.
Maybe Little Timmys grandma should have done the responsible thing and not left it easily accessible to children...Like it says on the bottle.

I have dangerous items in my house, I tell my children not to touch or play with them, but I still lock them up. I lock them up, because I'm not all knowing.

If god is all knowing, Why did he leave the tree of good and evil out in the open where he knew Adam and Eve where going to eat from it?

He knew it was going to happen.He had the ability to prevent it from happening, He failed to prevent it from happening. and to top it all off...He punished humanity for all of time for doing something that he knew was going to happen but still failed to prevent it from happening.

Let say a drug maker made a powerful drug that could keep grandma's heart going and thereby allowing her to live longer,taken as prescribed by her doctor. now Dad knew Timmy was going to take the medicine and die so he told little Timmy to not touch this medicine because it could be really harmful to him. Timmy's friend was over one day and tricked Timmy to try it, aw it won't hurt you, It will turn you into an adult, go head. Well Timmy takes some and it is like poison to him, it stops his heart. Hours later Timmy wakes up in the ER and his loving Dad kicks him out of his house and threatens Timmy that he will beat him and all of his children, grand children, and great-great grand children forever if they don't obey him and love him back for kicking them out of his home.


Posted 6:48 pm, 04/01/2015

1047, please clarify. MY son?


Posted 6:40 pm, 04/01/2015

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 5:59 pm, 04/01/2015

1047, that does NOT mean that Timmy was evil.

No it means your son was for getting Timmy into trouble.


Posted 6:27 pm, 04/01/2015

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 5:59 pm, 04/01/2015

He probably also served a stretch in prison.
For what? not making a prisoner of his son


Posted 5:59 pm, 04/01/2015

1047, that does NOT mean that Timmy was evil. It means that his father should have done a better job of protecting him.

Timmy's dad should be charged with endangering the life of a child....the dad was neglectful and he caused Timmy's death because of it.

The truth is that Timmy's dad probably blamed himself and regretted his poor parenting for the rest of his life.

He probably also served a stretch in prison.


Posted 5:54 pm, 04/01/2015

7But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, This tree had knowledge of both good and evil.

Let say a drug maker made a powerful drug that could keep grandma's heart going and thereby allowing her to live longer,taken as prescribed by her doctor. now Dad had told little Timmy to not touch this medicine
because it could be really harmful to him. Timmy's friend was over one day and dared Timmy to try it, aw it won't hurt you, go ahead whats the matter you chicken, go head. Well Timmy takes some and it is like poison to him, it stops his heart.


Posted 5:53 pm, 04/01/2015

1047, come on, now. Yes, in the biblical account, Adam disobeyed. However, he had not yet eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You just can't assume that his disobedience happened because of his "evil."


Posted 5:27 pm, 04/01/2015

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 4:00 pm, 04/01/2015

In other words, how could Adam have known the act he was about to perform was evil, if he had not yet eaten an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Genesis 2
9And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If he had not made the tree of knowledge, you would accuse him of making man as a robot without the ability to choose.

16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Man was given the ability to make decisions on his own. He made a decision to disobey of his free will and thereby sin and death came into the creation for the first time.


Posted 4:00 pm, 04/01/2015

In other words, how could Adam have known the act he was about to perform was evil, if he had not yet eaten an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Top Soil

Posted 3:14 pm, 04/01/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 3:01 pm, 04/01/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

Posted 8:19 am, 04/01/2015


Didn't god create everything? This includes mountains, oceans, Anteaters, Zebras, Loa Loa Worms, Bone Cancer in children, Good and Evil, Life, Love....and Death and sin.
cognitive ability to understand that the actions he was about to perform were "evil".


Posted 3:01 pm, 04/01/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

Posted 8:19 am, 04/01/2015


Didn't god create everything? This includes mountains, oceans, Anteaters, Zebras, Loa Loa Worms, Bone Cancer in children, Good and Evil, Life, Love....and Death and sin.
cognitive ability to understand that the actions he was about to perform were "evil".

Top Soil

Posted 8:19 am, 04/01/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 12:00 am, 04/01/2015

While it hurts to think that the innocent son of God had to die on the cross for my sin, I am very grateful that he was willing to die for me. He not only paid my sin debt, he also was raised from the dead so that I might have life and have victory over sin and death forever. God didn't cause our sin and death. Man brought that on us through disobeiance .


Didn't god create everything? This includes mountains, oceans, Anteaters, Zebras, Loa Loa Worms, Bone Cancer in children, Good and Evil, Life, Love....and Death and sin.

If man did bring on sin, this happened after eating the apple of knowledge of good and evil. So man didn't have the cognitive ability to understand that the actions he was about to perform were "evil". This wouldn't give him a free pass, but even you will have to admit that it is very unjust to punish someones whole family for generations to come, because a great ancestor made a mistake that they didn't even know they were making.


Posted 12:00 am, 04/01/2015

While it hurts to think that the innocent son of God had to die on the cross for my sin, I am very grateful that he was willing to die for me. He not only paid my sin debt, he also was raised from the dead so that I might have life and have victory over sin and death forever. God didn't cause our sin and death. Man brought that on us through disobeiance .

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Top Soil

Posted 9:15 pm, 03/31/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 5:24 pm, 03/31/2015

That is very good that your parents were loving, understanding, and you have great kids. Then why do you have such a problem with a loving Heavenly Father.

Because a real father wouldn't let his son suffer, for any reason.


Posted 6:03 pm, 03/31/2015

"God works in mysterious ways."


Posted 5:44 pm, 03/31/2015

047pm (view profile)

Posted 5:24 pm, 03/31/2015

That is very good that your parents were loving, understanding, and you have great kids. Then why do you have such a problem with a loving Heavenly Father.

maybe because his "loving, understanding," father didn't send him to his death....


Posted 5:28 pm, 03/31/2015

There is no difference in the Christian Crusades and what the Muslims are doing now, IMO. And, yes, I am a Christian.

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