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Kneeling protests at football (and other) sporting games


Posted 6:11 pm, 09/27/2017

All of you liberals who are crying, "Impeach Trump" are admitting he is the lawful President. You can't have it both ways.

Thematic element

Posted 6:03 pm, 09/27/2017

I predict that within 5 years, the NFL will outlaw tackling. You heard it here first.


Posted 12:59 pm, 09/27/2017



Posted 12:58 pm, 09/27/2017

Here's something that makes me mad about these ungrateful thugs. Just think about how many good things could be done for school systems if we didn't fund the NFL. http://dailysignal.com/2017...taxpayers/

Ole Sarge

Posted 12:56 pm, 09/27/2017

Get out of the way we are in the process of MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN


Posted 12:52 pm, 09/27/2017


Ole Sarge

Posted 12:51 pm, 09/27/2017

I heard there are not many churches in North Korea. Now, there is you a place to live free


Posted 11:40 am, 09/27/2017

GG do you have my actual response saved as well? Where I said get rid of churches because that's where the trouble starts. You didn't like that response. Now move on.

Emp - how was I twisting anything? Your failure to understand does not equate to me twisting words.

The owners are backing their employees because they know their employees have a right to peacefully protest.

I guess these same owners could fire an employee for praying before a game, if they so choose. But they don't, they respect the players right.

can't fool me

Posted 11:33 am, 09/27/2017

I'll wager that if or when players kneeling during the National Anthem starts to effect the ticket sales, merchandise sales, endorsement deals etc. and in response to that event the owners begin trimming the salaries of the players or companies drop controversial players from endorsements we will just how strong the players convictions are, I bet they fold very quickly. Remember when the LGBTQ spoke out against and asked for a boycott of Chick-Filet because of their owners stance on LGBTQ issues, they didn't get the response that they had hoped for, in fact I think I read where most outlets saw an increase in sales. Never under estimate the power of the consumer, without the fans no pro sports team exists.


Posted 11:05 am, 09/27/2017

From a retired attorney friend on kneeling:

“Don't let media coddling of those who think freedom of speech is absolute get the best of you. I can assure you that the law is that free enterprise employers can dismiss employees who commit controversial speech while on the job. In fact free enterprise employers can dismiss employees without any reason at all. Are not NFL owners free enterprise employers? Even though the players have contracts of employment I can assure that in the contracts they could be dismissed for cause. The owners are kowtowing to their BLM players because they make up more than 60% of their teams. The owners could easily write into contracts that players could not engage in controversial free speech while on the job. Remember the principal of the charter school who was fired because he engaged in off the job support of the Confederate monuments in New Orleans."

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 1:31 pm, 09/26/2017

Oh. So you're talking about this answer?

hangsleft (view profile)
Posted 3:33 pm, 08/18/2017
~glitter and glamour~ (view profile)
Posted 9:18 pm, 08/17/2017
How do you keep them from rallying, Hangs? On a Saturday? In the public?

I have a response to this but it is even to vile for me to say about you, so that's saying something.

You do like the drama and divide. That's clear now. It's why you lie. I'm all for the players "rights" to kneel. But, again, this evolves into a conversation about "rights" when their "rights" aren't in question.

What is in question is how people are interpreting their actions. I understand it. You, might, understand it. But much of the public is interpreting it a different way.


Posted 1:18 pm, 09/26/2017

Show us Specifically When Trump Defended The KKK


Posted 1:16 pm, 09/26/2017

As usual...Hangs is twisting what Old Sarge said, so typical of libbers and the 'news.' They are the kind of leaders we can do without.


Posted 1:15 pm, 09/26/2017

Unhinged Liberal hyperbole


Posted 1:08 pm, 09/26/2017

Oh good grief, that question was asked and answered multiple times. You didn't like the answer so you refuse to accept it.

Defend the KKK but not football players. It's OK. I guess that's the new normal in the USA.

Ole Sarge

Posted 1:02 pm, 09/26/2017

NO conservatives on here that I know endorsed the Nazi's or KKK. Neither did Trump. What he said was there were some good people there. You could say the same about the BLM marches, there are probably some good people associated with them too. However I would not turn my hand over between either group. Both are racist, both are filled with hate, and both of them are fringe group terrorist. What is the difference?


Posted 12:48 pm, 09/26/2017

The only thought that repubs had was getting Obama out of office, and going against everything he proposed.

They enjoyed dividing the country in a big way.


Posted 12:41 pm, 09/26/2017

I think the previous Admin. had the biggest hand in the "Divisiveness" of this country, which will never be fixed.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:30 pm, 09/26/2017

I understand now why you are retaliating. Because you couldn't answer my question, that I asked several times, to you and shoulda. My comments were that the Nazis/KKK received a permit to march. That is a statement. That, in no way, reflects my opinion of these hate groups. It's a statement. I think shoulda remarked that because they promote hate and violence, why should they be allowed, which is a very good question.

In turn, my question is\was how do you shut them down? Again, a question. It wasn't intended to be a "gotcha" question but a sincere question. I asked you, again, how you shut them down, you said you responded yesterday but it About religious groups, not these hate groups. This was the response when I called you out:

hangsleft (view profile)
Posted 7:34 pm, 08/17/2017
~glitter and glamour~ (view profile)
Posted 6:03 pm, 08/17/2017
Actually, no, you mentioned religious groups. You didn't mention the KKK, Nazis, etc...

Potato patato

~glitter and glamour~ (view profile)
Posted 8:04 pm, 08/17/2017
No, dolll...you skipped out again. You didn't say anything about the KKK, Nazis or white supremacists or how you suggest shutting them down.

Never, in any way, did I endorse the hate groups. You're still mad because you didn't have an answer. So now you're twisting and contorting what I said. You're lying. That's what a liar does.

Now. If you're just simple and can't retain or understand information, then I apologize. But ot's clear that you're, actually, part of the problem of the divisiveness of this country.


Posted 12:21 pm, 09/26/2017

You said they were "About" to 268.....

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