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Justice Dept Threatens Millions of Decent North Carolinians


Posted 10:38 pm, 05/06/2016

It is totally obvious that the majority of the people commenting on this thread have NOT read the bill. If you have not taken the time to read it you should not be commenting on it. This is America and in this country EVERY person has rights. Even those of you that are obviously racist bigots. If the majority of us can put up with you then you can sure as heck put up with someone using the bathroom of their chosen sex. Transgender people have always been here they have always used the bathrooms of their gender choice and it never even crossed your mind before this ridiculous discriminatory bill was passed. Your children are in more danger from a fat rich white republican then they will ever be from a transgender person. Why don't you put your energy towards helping our state and getting these idiots out of office so that we can become the most livable state in America again! HB2 hurts a lot more than just transgender and gay people; read it you might learn something.


Posted 1:08 pm, 05/06/2016

I think the Trans people are trying to equate that proposal with the "Separate but Equal " argument once proposed for race based segregation.


Posted 1:05 pm, 05/06/2016

This is the craziest law I have ever seen. We are already doing it and it is so easily solved. Go to Walmart, They have a mens room & a ladies room & a family room for either gender. Solved,


Posted 11:11 am, 05/06/2016

BlackRose258 (view profile)

Posted 7:07 am, 05/06/2016

Being trans is a fantasy as they're dressing up like the opposite sex and wearing nothing but a costume and calling themselves a women is a total fantasy itself so why is me dressing up like a little girl which say I'm 40 yrs old for example anything different then what they're doing? Or the other stuff I described?

Uneducated on the subject matter.


Posted 9:49 am, 05/06/2016

HB2 has taken the right to sue from every citizen of NC. HB2 has extended the right to work law. It gives employers more control over workers rights.


Posted 9:44 am, 05/06/2016



Posted 9:33 am, 05/06/2016

Stop the violence.


Posted 8:55 am, 05/06/2016

Hillary is a murderer (view profile)

Posted 8:53 am, 05/06/2016

I suggest you move out of state Springy.

I suggest you come over here and move, if you have the balls.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:53 am, 05/06/2016

I suggest you move out of state Springy.


Posted 8:35 am, 05/06/2016

As far as I am concerned the state of North Carolina is an outlaw state. It is an enemy of the American people and an enemy of the USA.


Posted 8:25 am, 05/06/2016

picture of the female to a male like the end of my last post the mans name is Buck Angel


Posted 8:21 am, 05/06/2016

No I don't understand all about transgender but, I'm not going to hate on someone or a group of people that I do not understand. Same with religion, or culture. But since you hate on them and don't want a transgender in a certain bathroom,... would you want a male in a males restroom, who IDENTIFIES as female but is a MALE biologically' that has underwent some changes.(HB2 is saying that a male in a males restroom, female in a females). He grew his hair out (which a lot of men do and have always done), he wears make up and he has started the hormonal changes that his doctors have prescribed, he has already had surgery on his breast and he looks just like a female except he currently does not have enough money saved to get the genitalia surgery. My question is, would you want him in the bathroom with your son? he looks just like a woman Probably not. Your son wouldn't know the difference unless you or him was looking up his skirt. just let him use the women's restroom (he looks just like a woman like in the pictures I sent) they have stalls chances are if he is getting a change he wouldn't want to use a urinal anyways and like a previous post your children are not going to be going in the bathroom alone so that's not even a reason to stress unless you are an irresponsible parent that lets them use the bathrooms by themselves. He is getting ready to finish his surgery anyways, so sooner or later he's going to be she and she is going to be in the women's bathroom in the end, and you would never know that SHE used to be a HE. Or vice versa.

You want him in the females restroom??? He is biologically a she. He looks just like any other male.


Posted 7:30 am, 05/06/2016

Cross-dressers (dressing up)

don't associate with the LGBTQ community and don't see themselves as anything but straight/heterosexual. Drag queens and drag kings are not usually labeled as cross-dressers/transvestites. Why? Good question, actually. People that dress in drag tend to be gay and cross-dressers tend to be straight.
Trans gender Definition: A person who identifies as a member of the opposite sex. Transsexuals usually desire physical alteration of their bodies to bring them closer to the sex in which they identify.
For years whether you are a man or a woman in the stall beside you, you have been beside a transgender at least once and you didn't even know it. So why such an uproar now? So the state can cause another issue with the LGBT community and like I said before put in all the hidden messages. Check out this site bet you would have never believed that they are transgender, http://www.buzzbeagle.com/e...sgender/17 WOW!


Posted 7:12 am, 05/06/2016

Although HB 2 targets LGBT people, it harms all North Carolina workers.

    The law preempts local employment regulations relating to compensation or employee benefits. A local government cannot, for example, enact a city-wide minimum wage that is higher than the state's, or require that employers in a certain locality provide other employee benefits not guaranteed by state or federal law, such as access to a minimum number of paid sick days.The law eliminates the ability of those who have been wrongfully terminated in violation of the state's existing policy against discrimination to file a claim in state court, by expressly stating that there is no right of action based upon the nondiscrimination policy of the state. Although people can still file claims in federal court, the timeline for filing in federal court versus state is much shorter, and is potentially much more expensive. This change makes North Carolina one of only two states�the other being Mississippi�that does not provide its residents with the option of filing a wrongful termination discrimination claim in state court.
This page is adapted from a fact sheet prepared by our partners at ACLU of North Carolina.

So therefore, if you have a job you can be fired just because you are white, black, Hispanic, man, woman, Christian, atheist, Rastafarian, Muslim etc. there is nothing you can do about it. So if you want to be able to not have a voice about that keep pushing forward for HB2 because YOU think its a "bathroom bill" all about trans-genders, and the lgbt community. Yes it may have been targeted toward that but, underneath that was a part the state did not want you to pay attention to... and most everyone didn't because they were pro- HB2 because it stated it was a so called bathroom bill... It may have been ,but like I said there are underlying issues with it that will effect EVERYONE.


Posted 7:07 am, 05/06/2016

Being trans is a fantasy as they're dressing up like the opposite sex and wearing nothing but a costume and calling themselves a women is a total fantasy itself so why is me dressing up like a little girl which say I'm 40 yrs old for example anything different then what they're doing? Or the other stuff I described?


Posted 7:05 am, 05/06/2016

aaahhh haaa seee there you just cherry picked it like a christain does in the bible. So now your a total bigot.


Posted 6:48 am, 05/06/2016

It was a stupid question based on stupid fantasy. It don't deserve an answer.


Posted 6:28 am, 05/06/2016

Still haven't answered that question spring.That is not what I asked.


Posted 4:47 am, 05/06/2016

This law HB2 is a hate law aimed at the gay community. It was passed in retaliation for gay marriage.


Posted 11:16 pm, 05/05/2016

I just gotta question for Spring and this not menat to be racial.
If I say I'm black which I'm clearly quite but paint myself black and call someone "My n!@#$" Like the do on tv will you treat me as a black and except that because I feel like I'm of a different race?
Or if that not good enough, if I claim I'm a little girl and wanna go to a play ground which I'm let say 40 yrs old but dress like a child and say it's my right to be here and play with your children are you gonna defend that? Because you know it's discrimination right?
Or lets say I'm a dog and I wanna piss on your wall or crap in the front lawn of say walmart? Are you gonna stop me? Because I feel like I'm a dog? Are you gonna discriminate against me because I feel more at home taking a dump with the animals outside?
Now that's what I call double edged sword because if you won't then it total hypocritcy that I can't express myself have the constitutional right to be comfortable on my own body like TRANS people.
I'm gonna start carrying my pepper spray and reminding them of their gender when I kick them in balls until they black and blue.
I agree they should have a bigot bathroom for me and those who are uncomfortable because we'll be so glad to walk in their but unfortionatly they won't make a religous bathroom cause the gays and trans will get lonely and demand to use that bathroom too.Because you know, they're a women, until you have period, cramps and giving birth to children then you not entitled too inavde someone privacy. That had some sick guy in a locker room not one but twice come inside with the women asking him to leave and he stripped down saying it was his right in washington too be there.Yha it was his right to be gross and inconsiderate and look at women changing and as you can see even people up in the state are uncomfortable and he wasn't even trans, in fact he abused that.

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