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Justice Dept Threatens Millions of Decent North Carolinians


Posted 11:05 pm, 05/05/2016

Not according to this law....I am not allowed in the same facilities as my sons which is kind of the point I was trying to make. Everyone seems to be so worried about what the evil tranny is going to do to precious that they forgot that this law totally removes any protection a little boy had from his mother in a public restroom setting. Being that my children are passed the age where they need my help in the restroom and are taller than me, I don't accompany them into the mensroom but I'd rebel against anything that put my child in danger.


Posted 10:52 pm, 05/05/2016

first and foremost... if you're worried about your kid's safety in a public restroom, then you're a bad parent because you're not with them. Parents should be with their kids in public. period. whether it's a bathroom, a store, a gym shower, or getting ice cream from some shady van with a picture of a clown and a snow cone on the side... they should worry about them as alter boys and scouts.... It's your job to protect YOUR kids.


Posted 10:47 pm, 05/05/2016

How is HB2 going to be enforced? Restroom monitors? How the **** do you determine who to question in the first place? Where is the protection for little boys having to share the restroom with pedophiles? (The ones that claim both Christianity and heterosexuality?) It seems to me that would be a more realistic threat. What about people providing medical care to a person of a different gender? What about patients suffering from medical conditions that due to hormonal and other complicated biological issues, their physical gender may not represent their true gender which could take medical pros decades to discover. These people could physically resemble either gender. Who is going to protect the little boy in the restroom who's only "crime" was to grow his hair too long or the tomboy who is too busy trying to impress dad to bother with looking girly from the weak-minded idiot immature enough to still use the word "freak"? So many questions.....


Posted 10:32 pm, 05/05/2016

if they look like a woman im pretty sure they were already going in bathroom they chose. I don't agree with it at all, a little sick to me, but y is it even an issue? y not just go where u wanna go.


Posted 10:22 pm, 05/05/2016

I have no problem with transgender people. I realize that some are not in the bodies they feel like they are supposed to be in, but this law gives license to any criminal to go into women's restrooms with the opportunity to molest women and girls. A restroom is a secluded place that is perfect for criminal activity and the law is a violation of women's rights to safety as well as privacy.


Posted 9:20 pm, 05/05/2016

IMO all of the politicians from both sides from Charlotte and Raleigh have hurt the entire state and everybody in the state.

Politicians SUCK THE BIG BOOT! ALL Politicians suck the big boot!


Posted 8:27 pm, 05/05/2016

ALL of them, on BOTH sides.


Posted 8:26 pm, 05/05/2016

Charlotte's leadership has done more harm to our state than the Gov.


Posted 8:20 pm, 05/05/2016

Oh please Chadro... it's already been "illegal" to be gay. It's 2016, not 1812, or 1940 even....

This all started because a child identified as being transgender. Her parents supported her, took her to doctors and psychologists to understand and help her, and to try and keep her from committing suicide. After all of the "help" they could muster, she was diagnosed by professionals in the medical and psychological field as a transgender. But, they decided to bring it a step further from their home because she felt uncomfortable and wrong going in the boys room where she could be picked on or hurt, and where she felt she didn't belong. The child in question was 12 at the time. They requested that the child be allowed to use the girls room. When the school said no, the parents took it further. As a result, Charlotte, through due process, made it OK for this child to use the bathroom she felt most comfortable in.
My personal opinion is the parents should have left well enough alone. I applaud them for supporting their child. I applaud them for accepting their child's transgender diagnosis. I think that this poor child should be applauded for her bravery and strength. BUT... children are children. Children can be cruel... (but not as cruel as adults) The parents and school should have allowed use of a faculty bathroom or the nurses bathroom and protected the child from all of this.
The republicans got mad, put together HB2 using the bathroom as the header line, shoved in a bunch of discriminatory hidden agenda into it, and rushed it through with a midnight signature from idiot McCrory.
As a result... smarmy McCrory is feeling like he just got prison r@ped. He looks like someone put him through a close dryer for an hour. He's ruined his chances of re-election, and he's hurt our state. Both sides in my opinion are wrong here. Things should have been left well enough alone. This was never an issue until now and now both sides are using it for political gain or to gain an edge over their opposition...


Posted 6:36 pm, 05/05/2016

It legalizes all sorts of discrimination.

By the way, federal law already states transgender can change the gender on the social security card and any government issued records.


Posted 6:05 pm, 05/05/2016

Forget the "bathroom bill," if your paranoid mind can let it go for a minute.

You must be a lock-step conservative. Nobody wants to be in your stall......nor your husband's, nor your son's, nor your daughter's, nor your Aunt Minnie's nor your Uncle Ralph's.

Some of you are just so weird. It is like paranoia DEFINES you.


Posted 5:02 pm, 05/05/2016

i really think they should outlaw being gay anyway. I mean everything we have was illegal first

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 5:01 pm, 05/05/2016

By "bathroom bill" you mean the Charlotte Bill that allowed anyone to use any bathroom they seemed fit even it meant a 50 year old man in the stall next to your 8 year old daughter? Of course it stirred up the Republican base, that's why Charlotte passed the bill. Thank goodness the state responded quickly.


Posted 4:58 pm, 05/05/2016

I don't think people do, chadro.


Posted 4:56 pm, 05/05/2016

This is all rubbish. You don't wake up and say i think I'm a woman or I think I'm a man.


Posted 4:54 pm, 05/05/2016

Back to the bathroom bill for just a moment. It was enacted to stir up the repub base....folks who would freak out at the mere mention of a trans person being in the vicinity of a public bathroom. It even PROPOSED the thought that "women and little girls" would not be safe in bathrooms.

HETEROSEXUAL men are the predators who are most likely to assault sexually.

You can call LBGT folks "perverts" all you want, but your opinion doesn't equal facts. I'm sure there pervs among them, but they are no more likely to sexually assault than other groups.


Posted 4:54 pm, 05/05/2016

I'm curious how the transgender folks checked the sex block on applications for employment, to obtain drivers license, for loans from lending institutions or the US census etc. Where does it end how about race, "I was born Caucasian, but I identify as insert other race so therefore I am now insert other race" or better yet, "I was born a human male but I more identify as a female panda bear".


Posted 4:50 pm, 05/05/2016

Thanks, hangs. I think I may be wrong and springy may be right so please clarify. Does HB2 take rights away for all protected classes at state level? I was looking again, and I think it maybe it does.


Posted 4:48 pm, 05/05/2016


Posted 3:06 pm, 05/05/2016

Many of us could somehow find ourselves in a job where our supervisor disliked certain "characteristics."
How would you like to be great in performing your job, but still be fired because you are a woman, or Asian, or gay, or black, or a man, or Jewish, or older, or Christian, or white, or agnostic?

HB2 took away the right to have discrimination cases heard in NC courts. The only other option is taking the cases to federal court.

That presents quite a roadblock, doesn't it? The politicians who created HB2 sought to make it discouraging to go the legal route.

EXACTLY!!!!! All your wonderful governor keeps talking about is bathrooms, never mind the fact that it is the biggest step backwards in civil rights since the civil rights act was passed.

The state CAN NOT make any law against the Constitution.


Posted 4:41 pm, 05/05/2016

You need to study HB2, with the passage of this law and employee will not be able to seek recourse in state court, it would need to go to Federal. Good luck, they'll have to mortgage their home to get a lawyer.

Oh well.

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