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It's Tarot Time...


Posted 9:28 am, 09/21/2015

Hot Mess...you better duck

Hot Mess

Posted 9:25 am, 09/21/2015

Hey we got an exciting week coming up...Mabon Sabbat on Wednesday and on Saturday a Super Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse. It could be a dooozy this week!!!!


Posted 11:47 pm, 09/20/2015

Todays tarot...

Four of Pentacles...hanging on...can't let go! Pentacles are associated with money and material possessions...which are hard to come by for some of us...and most of us take care of that which we possess...but some of us are just stingy, hoarders even. But this card to can associate with our relationships, beliefs and opinions. Most of just can't be moved...moved by anything or anyone. This is where the problems begin...sometimes we just work to much and too hard ...or we hold on so tightly to the relationship that the light of love we thought we were fueling...suddenly just blows out. This card actually suggest that like last nights reading...we might need to find a little balance...so that neither our work and material possessions along with our relationships...do not fail.

In other words...it's really easy for us to absolutely just choke the life out of the things in our lives that we need and or cherish.

Hey we got an exciting week coming up...Mabon Sabbat on Wednesday and on Saturday a Super Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse. It could be a dooozy this week!!!!


Posted 12:28 am, 09/20/2015

I would love to get a reading 1goddess! If you could pm me that would be great!


Posted 10:08 pm, 09/19/2015

Thank you, Bestill!


Posted 10:07 pm, 09/19/2015

What an appropriate meditation!


Posted 9:50 pm, 09/19/2015

Todays Tarot...

1st card...Justice...balance and harmony, both of which most of us have very little of. Karma is a perfect example of justice...it reflects that our actions do have consequences.

If your astrological sign is Libra, this is your card...as both carry the scales of Justice with them.


Posted 10:09 pm, 09/18/2015

Great reading, very, very true about friends,


Posted 9:37 pm, 09/18/2015

Todays Tarot...

again, I'll use a plain deck of playing cards...

!st card...Queen of Clubs...oh she's a party girl..bringing cheerfulness and fun to the party

2nd card...Jack of Clubs...hard work is recognized and rewarded...and it's a good time to think of starting a business...this Jack is very successful!

3rd card...Jack of Hearts...here we got a mystery going on...hopefully when you've discover the secrets of your mystery...it will be for the better!

4th card...4 of Diamonds...if you should find your friends near...it is true, if you should find them from afar...beware...not all are truly your friend.

Well, we started with a party, then on to work and success...then the mystery began, all for the good though, the lesson...keep your friends close...and those distanced from us...take care..not all are what we think them to be!


Posted 10:30 pm, 09/17/2015

Its the Debil !!!


Posted 9:23 pm, 09/17/2015

Todays Tarot...

The Chariot...balance and being centered, knowing your purpose, leading one to ambition and success. There is no defeat in this Chariot! But it's not without conflict...the conflict is within ourselves, taking us to a level of self discipline and self control even in the midst of our conflicting interest. Basically suggesting that our situations will for the most part work themselves out...making each one of us in charge of our journey and future, by being aware of ourselves.


Posted 10:19 pm, 09/16/2015

Todays Tarot..

Wheel of Fortune...good luck, opportunity, improvements...The wheels on the bus go round and round....and with each turn....we've gone further into our futures...these new cycles bring with it, of course the obvious...that a situation is ending and a new matter is beginning with a better foundation of seeing it's way as a completed task, maybe there were some life lessons learned, after all.
And in some situations...there is literally a purchase of a new set of wheels

No matter, it's all about destiny, fate and Tao. What will yours be...


Posted 10:04 pm, 09/15/2015

Todays Tarot..

Temperance..acceptance, harmony..of all. A chance to open our world...the beginning of new relationships with others...others meaning not of our culture/race/creed. cooperation and moderation is the key to success. Some folks are so quick to move on or move away from that which is different from ourselves...take a minute slow down reevaluate and be open to compromise. If there is difficulty from your past...it's still true...with the passage of time...healing can begin.

to be or not to be

Posted 10:00 pm, 09/15/2015

1goddess I am also interested in a private reading


Posted 9:10 am, 09/15/2015

of course, would you prefer on thread or in private message?


Posted 8:58 am, 09/15/2015

I'm interested in a reading goddess. Would that be possible?


Posted 8:56 am, 09/15/2015

Everyone, deserves good things everyday!


Posted 7:34 am, 09/15/2015

...... today brings good things to them that deserve......


Posted 11:01 pm, 09/14/2015

I agree with you kat. Gifts like that do exist. No arguments here.


Posted 10:46 pm, 09/14/2015

You can easily explain away the mother and child connection but what about the teenage girl who spaced out during school and saw her ex boyfriend lose control of his car like it was playing on a movie screen right before her eyes. Sure I dismissed this myself as wishful thinking, after all, they had just split up. But when I called her ex bf up to wish him a happy birthday he was in the hospital. His brakes failed and he went into the embankment. He described the wreak almost like the girl did.

I'm not saying that these people are prophets but they do illustrate the fact that some people actually do possess a extra sensory gift. Some people are more connected with the ebbs and flow of the universe and its energies. Or just maybe the force is strong within some one other than just Luke Skywalker.

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