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Posted 11:15 am, 04/15/2024

The MAGATS have got the orange tiger by its tail and they daren't let go. Step out of line and it's a trip to Mar a Lago and the woodshed!.


Posted 10:38 am, 04/15/2024

Its easier to play victim to the gullibles, much like hitler did.


Posted 10:32 am, 04/15/2024

Better yet many of the people involved in investigating and prosecuting "poor victim" Donnie are republicans, some are even Trump appointees.


Posted 10:16 am, 04/15/2024

Who was it hollering the "lock her up" chants and keeps swinging and missing on "crimes" by biden?

Show me a quote where biden has mentioned any of trumps charges.


Posted 10:15 am, 04/15/2024

Les, why don't you file that crap as Big Lie #3?

Lester White

Posted 10:09 am, 04/15/2024

Hitler's "Playbook" included arresting and charging political opponents for bogus charges. Sounds like Biden


Posted 9:53 am, 04/15/2024

Trump's knowledge of history is reflected by his followers the MAGATS. The only history of which he has any inkling is the rise of Hitler and even then, he fails to see the outcome. His servile supporters have so little knowledge of history that they are unable to see that he's following Hitler's playbook almost to the letter.

Trump and Hitler have many things in common, in fact the only differences that really stand out are Hitler was knowledgeable; Trump is ignorant, and Hitler was a decorated soldier; Trump is a (bone spur) draft dodger.


Posted 9:40 am, 04/15/2024

Hey jumBL0Wski, besides your own willfully ignorant knowledge of the Battle of Gettysburg, why did YOU abuse a spintwisted pull quote from billgatesnews to author yet another bogus thread set to smear AND bash President Donald J. Trump?

sparkling water

Posted 9:29 am, 04/15/2024

Leftists are desperate, presenting tired old nonsense tropes, pretending their standard bearer has a clue what world he is in, creating new polle to hide the plan to steal another election.

And aiding and abetting the loss of a once great country.


Posted 9:11 am, 04/15/2024

You go pedoFaker, now Trump and YOU are looking stupd on this thread. No surprise.


Posted 8:51 am, 04/15/2024

Hey gymBL0WZer, why do YOU feel compelled to fixate your limited attention AND cognition on just one of the several adjectives President Trump employed to describe the Battle of Gettysburg?

The epic battle raged for three days AND the US Army War College still uses it as a reference to instruct senior officers on tactics AND methods. It was fought on horseback AND foot AND at the end of the third day, when the Union forces had repelled Pickett's Charge, it became known as the high water mark of the Confederacy.

Do YOU know that sucking up too much billgatesnews, as YOU are compelled to do, makes YOU stupid?


Posted 8:16 am, 04/15/2024

And there will likely be a MAGAT rally outside the courthouse in Manhattan as the former clown-in-chief stands trial on criminal charges.

I wonder what shade of make-up he'll wear today, Lord knows if it gets any darker he'll look like one of the brown people he hates so much.


Posted 7:46 am, 04/15/2024

Hey flakeypedodumazzzzz, these are your GOD's own words. Why are you accusing him of spin?

"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was," Trump said while addressing the crowd in the town and wearing a Make America Great Again hat. "It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways-it represented such a big portion of the success of this country," he continued.

Tell us what was beautiful in so many different ways?


Posted 7:40 am, 04/15/2024

Yeah that's a lie.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 7:15 am, 04/15/2024

Calling for ? No. Do I feel it's coming? Yes. However not in same way as before.


Posted 7:15 am, 04/15/2024

Hey jimBL0Wsall, President trump used several adjectives to describe the Battle of Gettysburg in his speech.

Coulda YOU tell us why YOU felt compelled to regurgitate the spintwist from billgatesnews to smear AND bash him?


Posted 7:03 am, 04/15/2024

Once again this OP proves that no matter what Trump says, his cult will swoon and defend him.

Once again flakey babbles lies as foxnit showcases ignorance.

Hey flakey, who owns Newsweek?


Posted 6:54 am, 04/15/2024

OH NO! say it ain't so. I guess it is his success over the past 3 1/2 years. hahahaha


Posted 6:15 am, 04/15/2024

Hey jumBL0Wski, besides your own willfully ignorant knowledge of the Battle of Gettysburg, why did YOU abuse a spintwisted pull quote from billgatesnews to author yet another bogus thread set to smear AND bash President Donald J. Trump?


Posted 9:34 pm, 04/14/2024

Hobbes aint you been the one clamoring for civil war? Or have you realized the russia/china propaganda now?

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