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Is it safe to eat at Mexican places?


Posted 10:08 pm, 02/24/2017

Black Pearl (view profile)

Posted 3:25 pm, 02/23/2017

Like a true lib you can't stop doubling down on stupid.
You love illegals and Muslims. You hate Americans.
So tell me more about the "native americans".

BP you know nothing about me, as your statements show. It seems that you are projecting your views on me, don't bother. The rudest crudest mouth in the room is not usually the right one, but you do remind me of the current collection of Trump wannabes on GW, all trying to outdo each other with name calling and B.S.


Posted 9:19 pm, 02/24/2017

Today was my first Friday of "No Mexican This Friday"

I usually get Mexican every Friday. I'm sure the owners can do fine without my usual $20 but I wonder if the waitress cares about not getting the $5 tip I always leave?

Mexicans don't like us so I won't eat there.

Black Pearl

Posted 11:04 pm, 02/23/2017

The racist Mexicans may spit in your food.


Posted 8:32 pm, 02/23/2017

If you eat at a Mexican restaurant watch out for the cucaracha baracho.


Posted 8:30 pm, 02/23/2017

I removed several posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 6:08 pm, 02/23/2017

ok the subject at hand. Good grief no. I don't fear eating at mexican restaurants.....the more authenic and hot, the better.....I'm not sitting bowed up in a corner thinkin'.....ooooh lawd, they gonna get whitey now!

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier off topic posts.


Posted 4:05 pm, 02/23/2017

"Grayson Your insane ramblings are of no surprise. Neither is your support of illegal aliens over your fellow Americans. Have fun eating with those that hate you."

I didn't express support for any particular side of the immigration debate in my statements. I expressed support for freedom of expression.

"Oh yeah, hillary lost get over it sometime in the next 8 years. Or just keep looking like the traitor you are."

I don't know why you ignorant peeps keep reminding people that Hillary lost as if it is an effective insult. It's not. Given the options available, I voted for Hillary, but it's not like I had sold my home, quit my job and bought an airplane ticket to Washington because I was under the impression that she'd take me to the White House with her. As for my being a traitor, I'd once again point out that exercising a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution doesn't make one a "traitor."

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier trolling.

Black Pearl

Posted 3:25 pm, 02/23/2017

Like a true lib you can't stop doubling down on stupid.
You love illegals and Muslims. You hate Americans.
So tell me more about the "native americans".


Posted 2:57 pm, 02/23/2017

BP I love this country, it's the best one on earth.

I didn't realize that you are the "very first American".

You have a lot to say I notice. My experience is that he who talks the loudest, rudest, and the most, knows the least about the subject.

Black Pearl

Posted 2:50 pm, 02/23/2017

Yes you are the latter.


Posted 2:49 pm, 02/23/2017

I am one of those Americans.

Black Pearl

Posted 2:46 pm, 02/23/2017

I know Americans who work hard, raise families, and pay their taxes.

Most of you are not those Americans. You are Godless heathens who never side with America on anything.


Posted 2:43 pm, 02/23/2017

Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with some Americans, BP. Get to know our country and who we are.

Black Pearl

Posted 2:27 pm, 02/23/2017

You know what, keep up the hate. Americans are suck of you.

Keep on siding with everyone but your country. Hopefully it will insure the demise of the democrat party sooner.

Black Pearl

Posted 2:24 pm, 02/23/2017

Anyone who wants to know why Hillary lost can look at this thread to see.

Liberals take up for everyone over their own countrymen. They actually dide with the enemy on every issue.

They are Godless heathens.

Black Pearl

Posted 2:22 pm, 02/23/2017

There is no such thing as native americans.

Unless you have archiological evidence you would like to share.

And way to take up for the illegal invasion. Liberals hate Americans. Shame on you.


Posted 2:10 pm, 02/23/2017

Black Pearl (view profile)

Posted 10:35 pm, 02/22/2017

They are very nice people. Then they showed what they were by closing in support of illegal aliens.
This is our country and we will not be strongarmed by people who have no business here.

Black Pearl, have you asked any Native Americans their opinion of your views? Maybe you should pack your bags.

Black Pearl

Posted 8:18 am, 02/23/2017

Notice the lefts playbook?

Patriotic hard working Americans say....I will not support a business that puts illegals over Americans.

The left says....racist racist racist.....because that is all they have and that is why they lost.

Black Pearl

Posted 8:15 am, 02/23/2017

Your insane ramblings are of no surprise. Neither is your support of illegal aliens over your fellow Americans.
Have fun eating with those that hate you.

Oh yeah, hillary lost get over it sometime in the next 8 years. Or just keep looking like the traitor you are.

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed for trolling.


Posted 11:42 pm, 02/22/2017

"Americans, well real ones anyway, are taking a stand and reclaiming our country. If not eating at a restaurant helpsndo that then we will do that."

The fact that you only consider those that are like you "real Americans" speaks volumes about your intolerance and ignorance. The diversity that is part of the fabric of the United States began with expression and fair representation. Accepting diversity in terms of objective personal perspective was necessary for this country to even exist. Your whole, "the people that don't think like, believe like, look like and act like I do aren't real Americans" is the exact opposite of what this country was founded on. Our founding fathers didn't all agree on everything. Some of them hated one another. However, they recognized their differences, expressed and debated them openly and freely and worked together to compromise and find common ground. That work and subsequent common ground is the very foundation of this nation. So get the **** out of here with that, "I don't agree with you so you're not an American" bull****.

"I honestly didn't know they were so racist till they pulled this stunt."

In what specific way were their actions racist?

"Now plenty of us are pretty mad and its time to show we will not forget. No more chances. You do something this rude to us and tnats it. Its over. No second chances for those working to destroy our country."

1st. You've been mad and never have forgot. You're a racist prick. You didn't forget how to be a racist prick because that's what you are. You don't forget to take a dump when you're still sitting on the toilet and you sir, are still sitting on the toilet.

2. Self expression and civil disobedience aren't destroying the nation. I know that it's hard on some of you weak-*** people to accept that you're unable to keep everyone else under your thumb so that you can force all of the American dough into your ****-up cookie-cutter mold, but you can't. Don't get me wrong. You are who you are and if you and I are different, it's all gravy. However, you peeps can't just stop at embracing all of your negativity and hate so that it can consume you. You have to try to dictate everyone else's life with it in the hopes that it will consume the world. You people are a ****g disease. I hope that one day, the world can be cured.

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