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Is it safe to eat at Mexican places?


Posted 11:21 pm, 02/22/2017

You can't reason with these people. They have brown people to hate. The only thing important to them is that they are brown people.


Posted 11:21 pm, 02/22/2017

Well I rarely go out to eat because I'm a great cook and my husband is cheap but after seeing all this hate (I am more conservative than liberal by the way, thanks for swaying me with your hate to care for a cause I didn't really have an opinion on before) it just makes me want to have a regular weekly outing at the local Mexican restaurants. And I always order the most most expensive thing on the menu, "camerones a la diablo," I just love those spicy shrimp! And I have three other hungry family members to feed each meal who love to eat so we should offset some of y'all's hate!!


Posted 11:19 pm, 02/22/2017

Like I said before, Monte de Rey already replied to this and said that they closed because employees weren't going to show. They had to choose between opening with no staff and giving bad food and service, or just closing.

So you're calling for a boycott when it's not their fault. Which is stupid.

Regardless, the protest was called "Day Without Immigants." It had nothing to do with illegal immigrants, it was showing the nation the value of immigrants in general.

I've shown before that, from an economic standpoint, we should all be cheering for illegal immigrants, and pushing for more of them! Every illegal immigrant we have means less taxes for the rest of us. It's bed time for me now, but I'm sure you can find that post if you look for it. I was explaining it to Honest Johnii.


Posted 11:12 pm, 02/22/2017

News flash It is not your America.

Black Pearl

Posted 11:01 pm, 02/22/2017

It will hurt. Spread the word that they support illegals and are a bunch of racist.


Posted 10:55 pm, 02/22/2017

I don't know if it will hurt them or not. But i guarantee they are doing without $20 a week they were getting from me. $20 x 52 = $1040 a year

I will but\y my food from businesses that are not Anti-American.

Black Pearl

Posted 10:54 pm, 02/22/2017

Americans, well real ones anyway, are taking a stand and reclaiming our country.
If not eating at a restaurant helpsndo that then we will do that.
I honestly didn't know they were so racist till they pulled this stunt. Now plenty of us are pretty mad and its time to show we will not forget. No more chances. You do something this rude to us and tnats it. Its over. No second chances for those working to destroy our country.


Posted 10:54 pm, 02/22/2017

I am proud to have your type as enemies. I am happy that no one can identify me with you.


Posted 10:52 pm, 02/22/2017

I doubt that you brown people haters are going to hurt Monte business at all. No one is going to pay any attention to your crazy as.


Posted 10:51 pm, 02/22/2017

Black Pearl (view profile)

Posted 10:50 pm, 02/22/2017

Riverworks, so what? You going cry or have you stopped since the election?
Hahahahaha we won you lost. Nothing you say will make it better for you.

hillary and riverworks want open borders and amnesty. America defeated them

Black Pearl

Posted 10:50 pm, 02/22/2017

Riverworks, so what? You going cry or have you stopped since the election?

Hahahahaha we won you lost. Nothing you say will make it better for you.


Posted 10:49 pm, 02/22/2017

I'm not sure the mexican places pay their taxes like the American chains do

Black Pearl

Posted 10:48 pm, 02/22/2017

Okay, Arturo, Junior, and everyone else at Monte, goodbye and I hope you get deported.


Posted 10:48 pm, 02/22/2017

Black, everyone on here know what an idiot you are now. Everyone knows redfly is a brown people hater.


Posted 10:48 pm, 02/22/2017

Black Pearl

Posted 10:46 pm, 02/22/2017

Okay redfly my mistake, sorry.


Posted 10:45 pm, 02/22/2017

I DO NOT support Illegals, or Mooslimes


Posted 10:44 pm, 02/22/2017

It is no different then what Papa John does or Chick fl a. By the way I don't eat their food.

Black Pearl

Posted 10:43 pm, 02/22/2017

Redfly, do you support illegals or not?

Black Pearl

Posted 10:43 pm, 02/22/2017

I don't hate Mexicans. I hate illegals. And what those restaurants did really is a poke in the eye of all Americans.

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