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I�m voting for Hagan because more Minority Babies need to Die!


Posted 10:39 pm, 10/21/2014

It seems to be a male dominated subject , heaven forbid that a woman has a right to take care of her own body.


Posted 10:37 pm, 10/21/2014

sparkling water (view profile)
Posted 10:29 pm, 10/21/2014
What then does PP do?

You're kidding right? Maybe you should go back and regroup. If you do not understand or are not aware of the topic, maybe take a class or something, read.
Regarding worldview, it does not make sense saying a person's worldview is wrong, unless you do not know what a worldview is.

sparkling water

Posted 10:37 pm, 10/21/2014

I think I'll trust empowers judgment.

sparkling water

Posted 10:35 pm, 10/21/2014

I was hoping to benefit from your wisdom on the matter.


Posted 10:31 pm, 10/21/2014

If you would take ten minutes to educate yourself, you would see Planned Parenthood provides a number of vital health services to women.

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 10:31 pm, 10/21/2014

your name fits you well O CRAP... that is all that your brain is spewing......

sparkling water

Posted 10:29 pm, 10/21/2014

What then does PP do?


Posted 10:28 pm, 10/21/2014

Posted 9:59 pm, 10/21/2014
So Hagan and Planned Parenthood are friends to women? I beg to differ. You can see it in our entertainment industry, in our schools, in our social media - the push for immorality. The reality is as a female you are expected to be a hussy. That makes more money for the abortion clinics. Therefore, those pushing planned parenthood are not friends of women.

That makes no living sense. So only Hussies use birth control?

I was told once by my 2nd husband when we found out I was pregnant for the second time.."You may as well get rid of it, I'll never support it." Broke my heart. I even called the abortion clinic in Winston Salem out of the hurt and anger. But something inside me made me know that I could never do that and so I didn't. She is now 32 years old, married with two children. Thank God I didn't do it! Anyone pushing abortion would not be my friend and so I could never vote for that person. (My husband, who became an ex and had pushed for me to have an abortion passed away almost two years ago.)

Where do you get the idea that anyone pushes abortions? Certainly NOT planned Parenthood.

sparkling water

Posted 10:16 pm, 10/21/2014

Just get out of her way, pine knot.


Posted 10:14 pm, 10/21/2014

Empowers, I don't know which makes me feel worse...that I just read something so shamelessly misogynistic, or that it was composed by another woman.

sparkling water

Posted 10:00 pm, 10/21/2014

Thank you, Empowers.


Posted 9:59 pm, 10/21/2014

So Hagan and Planned Parenthood are friends to women? I beg to differ. You can see it in our entertainment industry, in our schools, in our social media - the push for immorality. The reality is as a female you are expected to be a hussy. That makes more money for the abortion clinics. Therefore, those pushing planned parenthood are not friends of women.

I was told once by my 2nd husband when we found out I was pregnant for the second time.."You may as well get rid of it, I'll never support it." Broke my heart. I even called the abortion clinic in Winston Salem out of the hurt and anger. But something inside me made me know that I could never do that and so I didn't. She is now 32 years old, married with two children. Thank God I didn't do it! Anyone pushing abortion would not be my friend and so I could never vote for that person. (My husband, who became an ex and had pushed for me to have an abortion passed away almost two years ago.)

sparkling water

Posted 9:57 pm, 10/21/2014

You folk are stuck with a wrong worldview. Conservatism does not need a program and attendant expenses. Conservatism says that you have all the tools you need within yourself to succeed. You don't need to come from a privileged background or to get a handout from big government. You need only have drive and determination and tenacity. You folk want to offer a bandaid and tell the patient that there will be an endless supply if band aids and that conservatives want to take away band aids. Truth is, conservatives do want to take away band aids because conservatives are interested in healing.

Get a job, better yourself, dont be a victim, don't ever suck at the govt teat, dream and make your own dreams reality. What can ever be wrong with that.


Posted 9:37 pm, 10/21/2014

Sniffer thread


Posted 9:36 pm, 10/21/2014

So you got nothing, spark?

sparkling water

Posted 9:36 pm, 10/21/2014

Do you really want to learn, padawan?


Posted 9:33 pm, 10/21/2014

You're the one who was challenged first. And, with each post that dodges and tries to deflect onto me, you prove you have absolutely nothing to back your original statement up with.

sparkling water

Posted 9:17 pm, 10/21/2014

So, you can't. How impotent of you.


Posted 9:16 pm, 10/21/2014

sparkling water (view profile)

The challenge is to you.

YOU are the one who made the statement that I challenged. This isn't second grade. You don't get to go, "I know you are, but what am I?"


Posted 9:08 pm, 10/21/2014

Let me pose a question. About the rights of women with planed parent hood.

What about if that baby is a girl. Do we just say ship on its rights. Does that girl not have rights. Also.
Or should that decision be left up to the woman and a doctor.

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