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if this happened everytime a police abused their power .the abuse would end very soon


Posted 6:32 pm, 08/20/2014



Posted 6:27 pm, 08/20/2014

"Just because you don't agree with what he says doesn't mean he is a white supremacist. I'd be more inclined to listen if you could attack his stats instead of him".

The first dna exoneration took place in 1989. What race of people were the ones exonerated the most? Thats right..... Black/African American people. That right there alone proves that there have been alot of black men and women charged with crimes they didn't commit.

Out of 317 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States there were 199 African Americans, 22 Latinos, 2 Asian Americans and 94 Caucasians. To go by a crime statistic alone is absurd because Crime statistics involve the innocent charged. Racist are known to be biased against those who don't look like them. It would not be in Jared Taylor's or any white supremacist best interest to bring up what I just did. The racist intent is to destroy it's target, and to accuse a race of people of committing most of the crime would give others a good reason to further hate and destroy them, rather they did anything or not.

You presented a Dangerous black propaganda book by Jared Taylor.


Posted 4:27 pm, 08/20/2014

"Our rulers and media executives will try to turn the story of Hurricane Katrina into yet another morality tale of downtrodden blacks and heartless whites... . [But m]any whites will realize � some for the first time � that we have Africa in our midst, that utterly alien Africa of road-side corpses, cruelty, and anarchy that they thought could never wash up on our shores."
American Renaissance, 2005

Jared Taylor


Posted 4:26 pm, 08/20/2014

"Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization � any kind of civilization � disappears."
American Renaissance, 2005

Jared Taylor


Posted 4:25 pm, 08/20/2014

Mommo. Have you read anything by Jared Taylor?

It's obvious he is racist.


Posted 4:24 pm, 08/20/2014

This is another reason why more Blacks fill the prison systems.



Posted 3:53 pm, 08/20/2014

I don't have anything to prove, there Cajahah. I truly don't care what someone that doesn't even know me thinks about me. I have formed an opinion based on what I have read about the situation and poof "I'm racist". Maybe this fella got labeled racist the same way.


Posted 3:38 pm, 08/20/2014

No Mommo. Jared Taylor is a racist. Look at his quotes and writings.

Your not helping yourself appear non-racist.

Top Soil

Posted 3:35 pm, 08/20/2014

moving101 (view profile)

Posted 3:04 pm, 08/20/2014

I almost forgot...

White America (view profile)

Posted 1:47 pm, 08/20/2014
Oh look moving and heptis are the same person. Must have forgot to log out.

Now how in the world did you reach that conclusion? Whatever powers or skills you think you possess, have failed you. Heps and moving ARE NOT the same person. I can only speak for myself, but, I don't feel the need to come on GW as more than one person to bolster my point of view like those on the right tend to do.

You have issues.
he has a guilty conscience.


Posted 3:26 pm, 08/20/2014

Just because you don't agree with what he says doesn't mean he is a white supremacist. I'd be more inclined to listen if you could attack his stats instead of him.


Posted 3:09 pm, 08/20/2014


Interesting read.

Jared Taylor a white supremacist who founded New Century Foundation printed that book you presented.


Posted 3:04 pm, 08/20/2014

I almost forgot...

White America (view profile)

Posted 1:47 pm, 08/20/2014

Oh look moving and heptis are the same person. Must have forgot to log out.

Now how in the world did you reach that conclusion? Whatever powers or skills you think you possess, have failed you. Heps and moving ARE NOT the same person. I can only speak for myself, but, I don't feel the need to come on GW as more than one person to bolster my point of view like those on the right tend to do.

You have issues.


Posted 2:54 pm, 08/20/2014

I understand the tool of profiling and the benefits it offers, but, it also creates unbalance which is even greater IF the police just happen to be racist.

Like it or not, racism is still very much alive and well here in the melting pot. It has been my experience that those that blow racism off are generally the most racist. JMO

SOME people of color DO use race/nationality as a crutch. There are the "poor ole pitiful mes" in every group of people. That is a separate issue, not to be confused with racism. JMO


Posted 2:36 pm, 08/20/2014

You guys do know the history of police in the US? Right?


Posted 2:36 pm, 08/20/2014

It's systematic.


Posted 2:34 pm, 08/20/2014

That was my next question. Did they do the same to you? If not and you were doing the same thing, then yea....maybe they were being racist.


Posted 2:34 pm, 08/20/2014

moving, I will agree that poor people commit more crimes. But blacks still commit more crimes than whites and are listed more as suspects by victims (victims not police).


Posted 2:31 pm, 08/20/2014

Most crime stats are based on convictions. If the conviction rate is less for white people, reduced to lesser charges, etc., that will make the crime rate for minorities seem bigger than reality. Also, more white people can afford to lawyer up and get better breaks from the judicial system.

More minorities live in poverty, are less educated, and more apt to be unemployed, which are major factors for crime.


Posted 2:31 pm, 08/20/2014

Yes. And I was probably the mouthiest about the injustice. And was treated the nicest.

Just because it's something you've never witnessed in your small world existence. Doesn't make it a hoax.

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