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I see the Republicans are at it again... now Obama's father was a communist?


Posted 10:23 am, 09/22/2012

So if we're supposed to care about the fathers of the presidental candidates, I want to know why Willard Mitt Romney won't release 12 years of tax records the way his daddy did.

Do you think he would agree with Mitt that they contain information that would damage him in the eyes of the American voter?

Trust me, Mitt says.


And which version of what you've said should we trust?


Posted 10:20 am, 09/22/2012

Posted 10:08 am, 09/22/2012

Talking about kicking Republicans on here. Wow, you guys been trying to convince everybody that the election is 'in the bag' for Obama so why do you want to kick Republicans?

just voting for g. bush is reason enough. the ones that voted for him 2 times should be put to death.they havent the i.q. to contribute anything useful to society.just a waste of good air and water.not to mention making a laughing stock out of the u.s. when they ran sarah palin for v.p.


Posted 10:08 am, 09/22/2012

Talking about kicking Republicans on here. Wow, you guys been trying to convince everybody that the election is 'in the bag' for Obama so why do you want to kick Republicans?


Posted 9:22 am, 09/22/2012

tmann (view profile)
Posted 1:00 am, 09/22/2012
At this point does it matter? Not really, his failure to lead and total lack of vision has resulted in our current situation. It's beyond my ability to comprehend how any American of good conscience with an ounce of patriotism could cast a vote for a man who has so little connection, love and dedication to the country.
You give an excellent description of Romney!


Posted 8:22 am, 09/22/2012

Wilbar is taking about himself.


Posted 7:32 am, 09/22/2012

Yet another post that confirms when libtards can't discuss on the facts, they resort to threats of violence...either that, or other inane attempts to change the topic (lolol).


Posted 1:00 am, 09/22/2012

At this point does it matter? Not really, his failure to lead and total lack of vision has resulted in our current situation. It's beyond my ability to comprehend how any American of good conscience with an ounce of patriotism could cast a vote for a man who has so little connection, love and dedication to the country.

Really Old Fart

Posted 11:39 pm, 09/21/2012


His sperm donor was a communist,

his mother was a communist,

his adopted father was a communist who embraced capitalist inroads,

his communist mother left his adotped father because he ceased being a die hard communist,

his communist mother, like his communist sperm donor, ABANDONED, Barack to live with his grandparents so she could tour the world having various sexual flings with various communist figures,

his grandfather found him a communist menotr to give him a "good role model" while growing up in Hawaii,

his communist mother came back to Hawaii when Obama was an adult to die of cancer,

Obama wanted nothing to do with the liberal communist mother who cafed so little for him and he let her die without him.

Obama blames Bush for not allowing his parents to love him.

How do you make a liberal?

You give him parents who don't love him.

Barack's story is every liberals story.

It is what it is.

You can't hide from the truth.


Posted 11:34 pm, 09/21/2012

I second that, Prank.. Take me to Washington and let me kick a few too...

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 11:31 pm, 09/21/2012


Yet another person on my "deserves a punch in the d***" list.

I'd love to get a time machine, find Lincoln, bring him to the present and show him just monumentally important the Emancipation Proclamation really was. You know, drive him to the White House, usher him into the Oval Office and say, "See that nice looking gentleman behind the desk? Because of you, that man is President of the United States. Thank you."

Then I'd take him down to the Capitol and have him personally kick in the yambags of every single "Republican" in Congress. Just on sheer principle.

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