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H.S. Football


Posted 1:48 pm, 10/20/2014

Momotwo, outstanding! I'm glad to see at least one person can get it. The only thing I somewhat disagree with you on is probably the amount of poor performing students that are benefited by sports and coaches. Sure, there are some, but they are a small number. Just as are coaches that actually care. Most coaches really only care about wins. That gets worse the further up the educational system the you go.

Since someone finally figured it out, I'll explain my point to the others. We have a problem locally where adults are more concerned about a high school having a winning football team than they are about what SAT scores are. That's just sad. In the end, that football team will get those kids nothing.

Eating in the cafeteria has nothing to do with how successful someone is. Just as if they played sports doesn't ether. If someone could find the numbers, I would say the percent of millionaires that ate school lunches is about the same as those that played sports. But that means nothing because there is no actual research to see if there is any connection.


Posted 1:22 pm, 10/20/2014

Elkin used to have great football teams when they had a coach who could care less who your parents were. The one they have now is all about impressing the elite. They have just got lucky lately and won some key games, but the coach will never have the teams that the former coach had because his boys have no respect for him.


Posted 12:09 pm, 10/20/2014

Outstanding question.


Posted 9:45 am, 10/20/2014

What does the cafeteria have to do with student athletes having a higher graduation rate and GPA. I think that was the original statement by WTFO. My old boss, who is a millionaire ten times over ate in the cafeteria. All three of his kids ate in the cafeteria.


Posted 9:43 am, 10/20/2014

"At risk" kids don't typically get to participate in sports like those that have a huge amount of parental involvement. Occasionally you will find a coach that sees athletic ability in an "at risk" child and takes the initiative to push that child and take interest in their success. But those cases are few and far between. I don't think that any success of the "at risk" kids are due to sports. I think it would be more due to someone taking an interest in them and pushing them to succeed....at whatever.


Posted 9:34 am, 10/20/2014

I don't know about now but back when I went to West Starmount players were a lot bigger and more athletic than our players. On the field it looked like a high school team vs a college football team. Their smallest players were bigger than our linemen.

I chuckled just a little when I read this. Starmount in recent years has been known for playing their smaller, more athletic players. My son was a 152 pound lineman and he started over 250, 300 pound kids. The reason? It's hard to be 250 pounds when you go through the workout those guys do. Starmount high school has a great coach and a ton of community support.

Fins, I doubt playing sports has a lot to do with success or failure in life....it's just that those who excel( not just play) in sports typically have a huge amount of drive and a competitive nature. I get that the schools and parents should focus on academics. Yes, they should. But, I've found that the kids that are not going to succeed in academics aren't going to benefit from having more free time on their hands. Combine excess free time with kids that may be prone to struggle and you usually have a problem. Lots of times coaches are the only people that take a true interest in the life of a child. They may be the only person pushing that child to be the best that they can be and keep their nose clean. Sad....but sometimes that's just the case.


Posted 8:41 am, 10/20/2014

Did you figure out what percentage of millionaires ate lunch in the cafeteria?


Posted 7:51 am, 10/20/2014

I see fins is still blowing smoke with his brilliance. Always dancing around the original issue with his side bars.


Posted 10:33 pm, 10/19/2014

Clean it up (view profile)

Posted 11:04 pm, 10/17/2014

Why can't Wilkes have good football teams like Ashe County, Elkin, and Starmount etc etc etc.....

I don't know about now but back when I went to West Starmount players were a lot bigger and more athletic than our players. On the field it looked like a high school team vs a college football team. Their smallest players were bigger than our linemen. Starmount would mow over the offensive line before the quarterback received the snap. I remember other schools would hurt the star players at West because they could. It was so bad one year the coaches talked about forfeiting some games because they didn't have enough players.


Posted 7:55 pm, 10/19/2014

You repeating my posts isn't going to get you to the answer.

How many of those kids ate in the cafeteria instead of packing their lunch?


Posted 7:37 pm, 10/19/2014

you are getting closer to the answer fins keep digging.


Posted 6:18 pm, 10/19/2014

Yep, you're a good dancer Sammy. Now try putting stuff together


Posted 5:47 pm, 10/19/2014

Tappity Tap, Tappity tap Tap Tap tapitty Tap.


Posted 5:45 pm, 10/19/2014

Come on, Moron, put the pieces together. Even you can try. You got so close, but you just can't see the whole picture


Posted 5:40 pm, 10/19/2014

You are such a loser. Just keep tap dancing around the question.


Posted 5:32 pm, 10/19/2014

Come on, look hard and try to find the answer. How many ate in the cafeteria?


Posted 5:28 pm, 10/19/2014

Actually moron you never answered my question.


Posted 5:26 pm, 10/19/2014

Hey Stupid, are you still trying to figure out the answers to the questions? Or did you give up?

Got another question for you. Of those millionaires that you mentioned, what percentage of them ate the school lunch and how many of them packed their lunch? Come on, this is important to the conclusion.


Posted 4:43 pm, 10/19/2014

I guess you all did not get the Chess part. Losers


Posted 4:31 pm, 10/19/2014


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