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H.S. Football


Posted 8:58 am, 10/25/2014

Lol... There's always a way to blame Obama! Even for the crappy Wilkes Co football teams!


Posted 8:30 am, 10/25/2014

Don't feed them all those Obama free lunches. Put a little grease and salt in their diet. I knew when they started that here it would spawn a bunch of losers.

Clean it up

Posted 8:26 am, 10/25/2014

Looks like all the county teams got smoked again last night.


Posted 5:14 pm, 10/20/2014

Do you like showing your ignorance by always making blind assumptions? Its not my fault you dont know how to process data and understand a conclusion. Just understand, you are misinterpreting the study


Posted 5:00 pm, 10/20/2014

Listen stupid, you will always stick to your theory because you are still haunted by not being able to climb the rope in gym class. Therefor all jocks are stupid. Get over it moron.


Posted 4:47 pm, 10/20/2014

No they didnt Stupid. You are assuming it says what you want it to say. But you arent actually paying attention to what the research found.


Posted 3:42 pm, 10/20/2014

Absolutely not true. They considered your theory and found it not factual. Again, based on the scores of the students over all.


Posted 3:41 pm, 10/20/2014

mommo, have you ever seen a thread on this site with people asking what can be done to improve the education system in Wilkes?

Nope. I haven't now that you mention it. But I also believe that education is like many things in life....you get back what you put into it. BUT, let's be honest. Some kids ARE NOT going to excel academically. Regardless, sometimes even if they try. That's just life. Here's where we're probably gonna disagree, lol.....I think that's part of the cool thing about sports. Sometimes those kids that aren't blessed academically are really good athletes. I know...I know....I'm not saying we should pass them if they don't deserve it. I just think that kids need a chance to succeed at something they are good at. Make sense?


Posted 3:35 pm, 10/20/2014

No Stupid, the Columbia study only looked at if student athletes perform better than nonathletes. It didnt actually put in the research to see if sports was why they perform better.


Posted 3:29 pm, 10/20/2014

The reason they debunked your theory, was because of the GPAs and ACT scores.


Posted 3:20 pm, 10/20/2014

That is only your opinion, show us the facts to back up your ignorance. The study from Columbia looked at all student environments, and the result was still the same.


Posted 3:19 pm, 10/20/2014

Another issue that those studies do not look at is how many student athletes (primarily football and basketball) get passed along through the system and graduated so that they can keep playing and keep the school winning games? Students that could never pass on their own merit.


Posted 3:17 pm, 10/20/2014

But what you, Stupid, still fail to figure out is that those studies did not look at if sports were a cause, or just a commonality. Students that play sports typically have a more typical home life and supportive parents that take an interest in their children. Their playing sports and graduating are both results of another factor. One is not the cause of the other.


Posted 3:12 pm, 10/20/2014

Fins still bounces around the several studies that been done that show student athletes have a higher graduation rate than non student athletes. There is a reason for it. Columbia University, Harvard, and The University of Kansas all found the same thing. And the GPA's are higher in student athletes. They must be doing something right besides eating in the Cafeteria.


Posted 3:11 pm, 10/20/2014

mommo, have you ever seen a thread on this site with people asking what can be done to improve the education system in Wilkes? I havent. Ive lost count of the number of threads Ive seen started about high school football, homecoming, grudges with teachers or faculty, main office administrators, and which cheerleader is pregnant. But never, what can be done to give students a better chance in the world.


Posted 3:08 pm, 10/20/2014

It's from the movie "Waterboy". He was there to get his educated not be play the debuls foosball.


Posted 2:24 pm, 10/20/2014

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 2:15 pm, 10/20/2014

sports should be removed from schools. The school system is there is educated not play foosball.

Hangsleft......um....did you play football?


Posted 2:21 pm, 10/20/2014

Most coaches really only care about wins.

Yep...I'll take it a step further and say that it's really just their job to care about wins. It's the parents, teachers and the students place to worry about academics. Too many lazy parents try to let coaches and teachers raise their kids. Football (or any sport) is an extracurricular activity....meaning in addition to education. Some coaches do go above and beyond . They're out there.


Posted 2:20 pm, 10/20/2014

You'll never get people around here to understand that


Posted 2:15 pm, 10/20/2014

sports should be removed from schools. The school system is there is educated not play foosball.

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