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How much is the victim to blame?


Posted 9:30 am, 11/26/2014

According to some on here their daughter would deserve it if she were dressed sexy and had anything to drink. Oh and she'd better not be ashamed of it happening and tell everyone immediately or else they won't believe her.

River Song

Posted 9:19 am, 11/26/2014

First off this is not about if Cosby is guilty or not.(I do not have enough evidence yet.) This is about rape victims, and rapists.
A person who even considers rape as appropriate may rape someone no matter how they are dressed or behaving. 6 week old infants to 95 year old elderly women have all been raped in the last month in the news. I doubt any of them had on sexy clothes, up too late, or out on a date with the wrong man. Just because someone, male or female, has on sexy clothes, or decided to walk outside at a certain time, or even gets overwhelmed to see a childhood idol, because they said they could mentor them, does not mean they deserve to get raped. No is no. Most rape victims have already blamed themselves, and that is why so few have come forward, and these rapists stack up more and more victims, because they believe no one will believe them or think they deserve it. Next time you want to talk about if a person asked for being raped, just imagine if it was your son or daughter as a victim and how you would feel if someone was trying to decide if they deserve it. Yes we can all be smarter about who we trust and what situation, but that does not mean we requested to be raped. I would hate to think one victim in our area might think twice about reporting a rape because of victim shaming anywhere on this website.


Posted 5:02 am, 11/26/2014

Said it before but will repeat it, not that it matters, While I think some of these gals might possibly be telling some truth. I just don't believe them all because their stories are to questionable. Cosby might be guilty in some of these accusations or he could be innocent totally. Some of These women claim to not want money or even him go to jail and just wanting to tell their stories. Maybe that is why people are putting doubts on how legitimate their stories really are I don't know. Just telling their stories doesn't really accomplish anything other than getting their 15 minutes. It might keep Old Bill off stage and ruin any chances of him being on TV in the future and keep him out of the public eye otherwise he'll go right on being Bill. If he is really guilty then he should go to jail and not get off with a free pass. I'd also say, all these people who were involved that supposedly knew about this going on should also Go To Jail if all these claims are proven. They're just as guilty by association and shouldn't get off either.


Posted 10:11 pm, 11/25/2014

Some have graced us with considerable detail. More than I cared to know.


Posted 10:05 pm, 11/25/2014

I haven't seen any say they remember every detail.


Posted 10:03 pm, 11/25/2014

I've been thinking about this Cosby crap. How is it that these women were so drugged that they didn't know what was happening to them, yet, they can now, 30+ years later, remember every little detail?


Posted 3:47 pm, 11/25/2014

Well, I just saw the post where you're accusing me of being mean and whatever.

I think anyone who reads GoWilkes with any regularity can go on this thread as well as many many others and and actually say in no way shape or form have I once been mean to you. In fact when trying to lighten it up, make a joke, you basically tell me I am lying. Even afterwards I tried to be as polite to you as possible. Like I said you have a bug up the old wa concerning me.

So who's mean? I may not agree with you, but I have never once told you to STOP it, or called you a name or implied you ignorant or anything whatsoever that could by any normal rational means be said mean, hateful or spiteful. We just didn't agree but to accuse me of such bad behavior is well just the pits really. I will take my ball and go home, I don't wish to play with you any more. So there you have it two can be Childish!

I rarely post on GoWilkes, rarely, so you have NO idea my persona, at any rate. When you want to play like an adult call me.


Posted 3:36 pm, 11/25/2014

You're not being raped either...anyways, who knows what anyone would do in certain circumstances.


Posted 3:29 pm, 11/25/2014

look I'm not bitting (pardon the pun) sell it to the communist!


Posted 3:23 pm, 11/25/2014

She could have bit his Lolly and all would have been solved right there n one single bite.


Posted 3:20 pm, 11/25/2014

Lord, I was just kidding with you High, gawd do you take everything so seriously? I have no horse to run, frankly I was just posting along with you, I was just joking for God sake. You apparently have a bug up your *** with me so hey whatever.


Posted 3:14 pm, 11/25/2014

So she was drugged to the point she can't defend herself or move or anything like scream, has enough brain cells left after said drugging to say she has the Clap she is so drugged she can't even force a piss on him

who do you think would of heard her and would they give a rats arse....yea, she had the withall to speak up and say she had dah clap....I know it's different these days, I mean if you're took a health Ed course in the last 10 years you know there's a binder book full of them and stuff that will rott your thing off.....so he backed off and forced hisself on her....you act like you have a horse to run in this guitar, please tell me why you get so upset when other's don't believe what you do>


Posted 3:08 pm, 11/25/2014

High, let me get this straight and please tell me where I got this wrong from your posting...

So she was drugged to the point she can't defend herself or move or anything like scream, has enough brain cells left after said drugging to say she has the Clap she is so drugged she can't even force a piss on him.

Then during all this talking she gave the Big Prize and proceeds to suck a lolly! Perhaps she got the old rocky road? Who knows but something about that wasn't fishy at all, it sounds more like Whale Tales!

Okay sounds like rape to me When is Bill going to press charges?

No wait the woman is saying she was raped right? Yea...okay


Posted 2:49 pm, 11/25/2014

and as she was slumped over, on a table within a 30 minute radius, he's like....well you must be sicker than I first thought....thats a real fair time to take up sexual relations with someone isn't it?.....and the lady, that was smart enough to say she had the clap....bless her heart it was even worse....I can't imagine being put in a predictament such as that....she must have brushed for weeks!


Posted 7:53 am, 11/25/2014

The one I am referring to about the " contact cold medicine" WAS feeling sick, it was at the restaurant, Figaros, and he gave her the " medicine" telling her it would make her feel better.


Posted 7:53 am, 11/25/2014

I've got your cure for sniffles Glitter!

Just see me later for details!


Posted 7:50 am, 11/25/2014

u gotta share glit...u gotta share!

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:11 am, 11/25/2014

Adam Levine may have the cure for my sniffles...

Dr Huxtable....ummm....no.


Posted 11:55 pm, 11/24/2014


Unless they had a cold, why would they have taken the OTC cold medication he offered them? I mean, he TOLD them that's what it was, right?

"Uh, no thanks, I don't have a cold."



Posted 11:55 pm, 11/24/2014

glit!!! well of course they did...Dr Huxtable to the rescue

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