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How many christian members debate the preacher on truth?;


Posted 8:31 pm, 05/25/2015

Just so you know - not ignoring the question, but going to make sure I find the right answer for you.


Posted 8:12 pm, 05/25/2015

****ed car must a got me, I meant Prior stating not Prior too stating!


Posted 8:10 pm, 05/25/2015

"just love to talk about the Lord. If there is a question I can't answer for you, I will certainly find someone who can"

Yep that sort of had me when River asked why you were asking her/him and just prior too stating the above.

For a minute I thought that danged 1965 Rolls Can'ardly of mine had gassed me yet again.


Posted 8:02 pm, 05/25/2015

Well, mikey is all about scripture...reading the word hearing the word...so on and so forth.

You stated your beliefs about this...I guess what I'm asking you, mikey or anyone...is historically speaking the concept of the trinity looks to be an idea conceived by the church, primarily the catholic church and since most of the traditions of all religion comes down from Rome, so to speak....the question is asked...

is the concept of the trinity scriptural, being inspired or traditional of men? I can somewhat understand if one believes it because it is scriptural...but if it is not...and it is a tradition of men, why would you or anyone believe in the idea of the trinity?

I'm not sure I understand why you're asking me, why I"m asking you...but here's your answer...verbatim...

"just love to talk about the Lord. If there is a question I can't answer for you, I will certainly find someone who can".


Posted 7:33 pm, 05/25/2015

goddess, if you already have a belief about this, curious as to why you're asking me? It seems you've already read up on this and have your ideas set. Don't understand why you're asking me about it.


Posted 5:58 pm, 05/25/2015

River, I was just asking...

As I asked, does scripture state that the father, son and holy ghost are one in the same or does this theory come from tradition and that tradition started with the roman catholics about the 4th century ...as with most of religious traditions which are born in and from the catholic religion.


Posted 5:52 pm, 05/25/2015

Didnt say you had to believe anything goddess, just said that's what I believe. The Bible talks of the Father- God, tells us of Jesus and also of the special gift of the Holy Spirit. I'm not sure what you're asking. Do I believe in the trinity because of tradition or because I"m catholic? No to both. Don't know anything at all about catholics or what they believe.

Debates on the trinity doctrine have been going on longer that any of us have been alive. I myself have never found the word "trinity" in the scripture. But I'm still a babe where this stuff is concerned. I learn something new every day. However, the doctrine of the three in one, i.e. the Trinity, came from scripture.

One attempt to prove the Trinity (which I find ridiculous - God doesn't want us to know everything) used the fact that in Genesis, the word for God in Hebrew was plural. Elohim (?SP)

The passage that I am familiar with is in Matthew 28.
Otherwise known as "The Great Commission"
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Posted 5:30 pm, 05/25/2015

You say we must believe in the trinity, correct? Yet wasn't it the roman catholics that introduced the trinity...as sacred tradition, god the father, god the son, god the holy spirit...which is not based in scripture?


Posted 5:21 pm, 05/25/2015

I"ve been thinking about the "freedom" thing.

I believe that as disciples of Christ, that we are free to live and love within the boundaries placed on us by the scripture. The way I understand it, because of Christ - we are not required to adher to the old covenant. The biggest examples I can think of are circumcision and what we eat. But Jesus did say that he did not come to do away with the old law but to fulfil it. I'm still working on trying to understand that one. Of course the big TEN are still in effect LOL

I believe that in order to receive freedom in Christ to have eternal life to look forward to, that we must believe in the trinity, that Jesus came to earth and lived as a man, that he sacrificed Himself as was God's will, so that all of our sins might be forgiven, that he rose again on the 3rd day.

Also, and pretty important, I think - I do not believe in salvation that comes from works. Salvation comes by the grace of God and nothing we do can earn it.

The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8-9
8-9 For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. 10 God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.

Didn't mean to be so long winded - just love to talk about the Lord. If there is a question I can't answer for you, I will certainly find someone who can.

Hope this helps you.


Posted 4:15 pm, 05/25/2015

How many christian members debate truth with the leaders of the christian religion. Again Salvation comes From Jesus.

This is a confusing topic. The subject says it's about debating with your preacher, but then the post is about the government and "how Christianity stole America." Stick to one subject at a time, Michael, so we can understand what you're trying to say.

To answer the above question, though, I doubt that many Baptists do. Baptists are raised to believe that their preacher is being led by God, so to debate him on a subject is to doubt God... or, at least, to doubt that he is being led by God.

Instead, the Baptist way is to leave the church when a preacher says something you don't like, and find another one that says what you do like. Until they say something you don't like, and then you move on again.

The whole concept is rather backwards, when you think about it. If preachers are led by God, you would think that they would all say the exact same thing, and there would be no denominations. But if they're not being led by God, then why should you listen to them? Especially the ones that are uneducated in the Bible?


Posted 3:53 pm, 05/25/2015



Posted 3:49 pm, 05/25/2015

if I may ask, are you inferring that earthly and human truths and freedoms come only by salvation or of spiritual truths and freedoms?

The way I understand it, this world is Satan's domain. I was talking about spiritual things. If you tell me something that is true - then I suppose that comes from you. Never really thought about it in the way you put it. I do believe the gospel is true.

The following is where the truth I was referring to comes from. Is that what you were asking?

John 14:6Good News Translation (GNT)
6 Jesus answered him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me.


Posted 3:47 pm, 05/25/2015

only for a moment...dang, I was hoping for something with a little longer action


Posted 3:44 pm, 05/25/2015

I can understand and totally relate as I tend to pass right over this stuff for the most part. That said your question to River peaked my interests for a moment. But then again I am easily distracted! LOLOLOL


Posted 3:37 pm, 05/25/2015

Oh, I try to keep my thoughts to myself, I find it best that way....

I don't know, mikey was pretty persistant in his argument that without salvation there is no freedom, of any kind, thus...my question to River.


Posted 3:34 pm, 05/25/2015

Goddess what's your thoughts on that?

I am thinking Spiritual?

I must ponder this further


Posted 3:23 pm, 05/25/2015

"I agree that Truth and absolute freedom comes from the salvation given to us by Jesus' sacrifice, through grace."

if I may ask, are you inferring that earthly and human truths and freedoms come only by salvation or of spiritual truths and freedoms?


Posted 2:30 pm, 05/25/2015

Let me see if I understand this. What you're talking about is the term right? I understand that the terms Christian and Christianity were derogatory terms used by non-believers during the time of Christ to refer to those who followed Christ. Is that what you mean? Neither Jesus, nor his apostles ever referred to each other as Christians. I understand that.

What do you mean by Christianity stole America? I'd like to reach that research.
I agree that Truth and absolute freedom comes from the salvation given to us by Jesus' sacrifice, through grace.


Posted 3:39 pm, 05/24/2015

You are such an uneducated moron. People that fuss with you and your stupidity are right on your level.


Posted 11:59 am, 05/24/2015

How many christian members debate truth with the leaders of the christian religion. Again Salvation comes From Jesus.

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