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How do you offend The Words of Christ.


Posted 9:39 am, 03/20/2019

Show me in the Good News where Jesus said to makeup a day to celebrate his birthday. How about Sunday worship. Where can I find where Jesus said. Man can change the worship day. Where can I find Jesus declaring anything the Christian does Gospel.. You can't because it's SATAN PAGAN RELIGION . CHRISTIANITY.. JOHN 8:51


Posted 9:35 am, 03/20/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 9:08 am, 03/20/2019

1047 EVERY Thing about the Christian Religion is traditions of Your Leading god. Satan. You worship Sunday enjoy all the pagans holidays and then say I'm like Christ. What BS.. There is No TRUTH into the Christian Religion because its all about TRADITIONS NOT TRUTH. JOHN 17:17 JOHN 8:51

This is your tangled mess, you deal with it


Posted 9:08 am, 03/20/2019

1047 EVERY Thing about the Christian Religion is traditions of Your Leading god. Satan. You worship Sunday enjoy all the pagans holidays and then say I'm like Christ. What BS.. There is No TRUTH into the Christian Religion because its all about TRADITIONS NOT TRUTH. JOHN 17:17 JOHN 8:51


Posted 9:54 pm, 03/19/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 9:03 pm, 03/19/2019

1047 Jesus is the ONLY ONE between you and The Second Death. No Catholic Christian pagan religion is going to save you at judgement. Enjoy all the worldly materials because this is it for you that don't heed to the message. John 8:51

The Catholic Christian pagan religion is not my problem, it is yours, you came up with it and your name is on it , so it is your baby, do what you will with it.


Posted 9:03 pm, 03/19/2019

1047 Jesus is the ONLY ONE between you and The Second Death. No Catholic Christian pagan religion is going to save you at judgement. Enjoy all the worldly materials because this is it for you that don't heed to the message. John 8:51


Posted 7:17 pm, 03/19/2019

You are all mixed up on your beliefs. That is what happens when you don't have the Holy Spirit leading you.


Posted 7:14 pm, 03/19/2019

10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve


Posted 7:12 pm, 03/19/2019

My Jesus could whoop the heck out of your Jesus.


Posted 7:12 pm, 03/19/2019

1047 I don't need Christian Religion. I have Jesus THE CHRIST.. He gives life to those that follow his teaching. You know what you christians are going? Yep The Second Death because they DON'T have THEIR name in the Lambs Book of life.


Posted 7:08 pm, 03/19/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 6:40 pm, 03/19/2019

No not the Jew religion. The deception that the Christian pagan religion brings lies and traditions it is The Great wh*re.. The Roman Catholic Pagan Christian Universal CHURCH.
Prove why your Christianity have the same worship day and pagan traditions the Catholic have if the pagan Christianity is not part of The Roman Catholic Pagan Christian Religion

What are you going to do about this big problem of yours? You need to get this straightened out, since you are the one who sees the problem, it must be on you to fix it. I will be waiting to see how you do it.


Posted 6:40 pm, 03/19/2019

No not the Jew religion. The deception that the Christian pagan religion brings lies and traditions it is The Great wh*re.. The Roman Catholic Pagan Christian Universal CHURCH.
Prove why your Christianity have the same worship day and pagan traditions the Catholic have if the pagan Christianity is not part of The Roman Catholic Pagan Christian Religion


Posted 5:19 pm, 03/19/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 5:20 pm, 03/18/2019

Yeah all Catholic Tradition are Christian. Jesus did not Authorize it. John 8:51
Sunday is The day all Christian comes together to PAY HOMAGE to the Catholic Pope. Their Chistian God.
Jesus says if you love him keep his words ..

I pay NOTHING to the Pope by going to church on Sunday.

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 8:05 pm, 03/18/2019

Why not admit it. That the Christian Religion is The Great wh*re..

Absolutely wrong! The Great wh*re of Revelation is very clearly Israel. Israel throughout the OT whor*d after every strange god and nation. Perfectly depicted in Hosea. Once she rejected Christ, her fate was sealed and she feel to judgment in 70AD. As Matthew records in chp 21 Jesus cursed the baron fig tree. He later gives the parable of the King and his vineyard in which he sends his son who the dressers of the vineyard kill. The Pharisees knew he was talking to them. And Jesus said, the kingdom will be taken from you and given to a nation that brings forth fruit. The end of the OT age came with the judgment of Israel with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
We are now in the Kingdom of Christ and this age has no end. ' Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.' Isaiah 9:7 When we die, we go to 1 of two places: the eternal kingdom or the lake of fire. I grow so tired of hearing people trying to tie the US or modern times in to prophecy that has already been fulfilled. The Catholic church isn't in the Bible, neither is the US, the UN, or any other modern government. Stop reading the Bible eisegetically and open your eyes!


Posted 1:12 pm, 03/19/2019

Prove your Christianity is Bases on The truthfulness of Good News of Jesus THE CHRIST.
Jesus has pointed out its by Faith in his words that will save the Soul. Your Catholic Pagan Christian church has the traditions to follow.
Sunday worship
New Years
Good Friday
Sunrise service all Catholic..
Jesus says if you not drawn to him you want follow.
Jesus didn't Authorize No kind of religion.


Posted 12:21 pm, 03/19/2019

1047 very good but do you mean it? Have you REPENTED for disrespecting his words follow The pagan Christianity. Jesus was born to take you away from Sin. Do you understand that? Jesus says His Words are life if You keep Them. Repent Forgive so you can be forgiven by The Mighty WORDS of Christ. John 8:51


Posted 8:14 pm, 03/18/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 8:05 pm, 03/18/2019

Why not admit it. That the Christian Religion is The Great wh*re..

How do you feel about that??


Posted 8:05 pm, 03/18/2019

Why not admit it. That the Christian Religion is The Great wh*re..


Posted 7:33 pm, 03/18/2019

Everyone of those days are Catholic Holy Days. So if you keep them you are part of the pagan Catholic Christian Religion. Its either Jesus or the world. Aint no in between.


Posted 7:04 pm, 03/18/2019

Case in point. Michael goes right back.


Posted 6:56 pm, 03/18/2019

And Jesus has pointed out its by Faith in his words that will save the Soul. Your Catholic Pagan Christian church has the traditions to follow.
Sunday worship
New Years
Good Friday
Sunrise service all Catholic..
Jesus says if you not drawn to him you want follow.
Jesus didn't Authorize No kind of religion.


Posted 6:36 pm, 03/18/2019

Anyone else notice how many times I have pointed out the problem with Michael's assertion. Gathering for corporate worship was practiced in the New Testament. We have evidence of that in the text, itself. The Roman Catholic Church or anything resembling it where the Bishop of Rome (Pope) held a position of prominence above other bishops was a development that occurred over the first 300-400 years of Christianity. Therefore, the claim that this is some papal instruction, Catholic invention, day of paying homage to the pope, etc. is absolutely ridiculous. I have pointed this out time and time again, but Michael just keeps starting new threads to repeat the same lies. If he had any interest in truth, then for goodness sake, deal with fact and not your own absurd claims.
The only way your claims are true is if you are saying that the Roman Catholic Church's claims are true and that Peter was the first pope. I, as a Protestant, upon the clear reading of scripture categorically deny that claim. You seem to be saying that they are right and that the papacy goes back to the early church. If that's true, you are more in line with Rome than I am.

The only times you have ever tried to argue that point with me, the only thing you did was copy/paste links to CATHOLIC websites. Of course, they are going to make these claims.

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