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How did 6 day creation easily take freedom away from Those of Faith.


Posted 5:18 pm, 02/08/2016

Michael, would you pick up a sword against an enemy if Jesus told you to?


Posted 4:33 pm, 02/08/2016

Top Soil Jesus said Love your neighbor and To Love him. Question. How did Jesus say to Love Him?


Posted 4:22 pm, 02/08/2016

Hope nobody have any hard feelings by the way I think and believe I'm tired of battling talk to text and being put down for the way it works and the way it takes my words down but I will say shepherds chapel.com will pretty much sum up how I believe y'all have a good one and I'll post some more if I don't break this phone first

Top Soil

Posted 3:49 pm, 02/08/2016

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 3:47 pm, 02/08/2016

I think of bibles as poorly written contracts. You are just supposed to agree and the small print states not to ask questions.

It's the "user agreement" that no one reads.


Posted 3:47 pm, 02/08/2016

Benevolence and manevolence are human concepts. Duality and all.


Posted 3:47 pm, 02/08/2016

I think of bibles as poorly written contracts. You are just supposed to agree and the small print states not to ask questions.


Posted 3:46 pm, 02/08/2016

I totally agree Tops!

Top Soil

Posted 3:43 pm, 02/08/2016

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 3:25 pm, 02/08/2016

"No one knows who God is or what God is. The "Being" of God is simply beyond the capacity of the human mind to embrace.

By saying God is beyond comprehension, is admitting that we cannot honestly say whether or not God is benevolent or malevolent. If you claim that God is beyond all understanding, then claim to understand Gods actions by interpreting them, you contradict yourself.


Posted 3:37 pm, 02/08/2016

6 day creation appears to easily takes away one's ability to make coherent sentences.

Top Soil

Posted 3:32 pm, 02/08/2016

w4wkc (view profile)

Posted 3:25 pm, 02/08/2016

No it was right the first time but man made mistakes and translating from the Greek and Hebrew and all in the 1611 it basically says look we may have made mistakes in translating so it pays to check them out I'm not taking away from or adding to anything

If so, God hasn't made it clear that he wants man to fix it, even after all the killing and suffering that this "man translation" has caused.

Makes you wonder if this god approves of the changes, or is impotent to correct his own words, or the most obvious, is all made up by primitive man.


Posted 3:32 pm, 02/08/2016

One goddess I wish I was good with words as you are and then on top of that this stupid talk to text limits me on what I want to say and how it comes across when I say it


Posted 3:25 pm, 02/08/2016

"No one knows who God is or what God is. The "Being" of God is simply beyond the capacity of the human mind to embrace. Insects cannot know what it means to be a bird, horses cannot know what it means to be a human being and human beings cannot know what it means to be God. That is why all human definitions of God are drawn from human experience with all human limitations removed. So God becomes, in our human speech, infinite, immortal, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent since we know ourselves to be finite, mortal, limited in power, limited both in knowledge and by time and space. These words tell us nothing about God, but much about the fears of our humanity. God is the mystery into which we walk, but that mystery is never finally entered and it is certainly never understood. It is difficult for human beings, and especially for human beings who think of themselves as "religious" to accept this reality, but it is true."


Posted 3:25 pm, 02/08/2016

No it was right the first time but man made mistakes and translating from the Greek and Hebrew and all in the 1611 it basically says look we may have made mistakes in translating so it pays to check them out I'm not taking away from or adding to anything

Top Soil

Posted 3:01 pm, 02/08/2016

w4wkc (view profile)

Posted 2:56 pm, 02/08/2016

You can believe the teachings of man and what man has to say about what was wrote when but all the body has to do is use a strong coordinates and undo what man messed up in translation and then look around you you will see that truth happening all around us and I am sure no Bible scholar and also hangs I am not trying to bash anyone everybody can believe as they wish but that does not make some right

Because heaven forbid actually getting it right the first time.

"The bible doesn't mean what it says it means, it means what I think I want it to mean" - You


Posted 3:01 pm, 02/08/2016

I agree, believe what you want but it doesn't make you right.

Scientific evidence, that's correct. The fact that religious documents dating well before biblical time have the same stories and timeline, that's correct.


Posted 2:56 pm, 02/08/2016

You can believe the teachings of man and what man has to say about what was wrote when but all the body has to do is use a strong coordinates and undo what man messed up in translation and then look around you you will see that truth happening all around us and I am sure no Bible scholar and also hangs I am not trying to bash anyone everybody can believe as they wish but that does not make some right


Posted 2:44 pm, 02/08/2016

Some of their best homes and churches were built by slaves. They came in handy.

Top Soil

Posted 2:42 pm, 02/08/2016

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 1:51 pm, 02/08/2016

What flag was flying Stars and Stripes or The Stars and Bars. 1857 Dried Scott Decision the Supreme Court Ruled.Slavery is Declared Legal. man laws against The Declaration of Independence. But when time was right to take control of the South made wars. ..The War between the Industrial world North against The Agricultural South.Now 1865 The Supreme Court does What? Home born slaves in the making.
The years 1850-1860 cotton by weight 3,841,416
1860-1870 cotton by weight 4,024,527
1870-1880 cotton by weight 6,356,998
Wonder how the industrial farms produce so much?
The cotton picker was invented in 1850 .
Learn The Truth.

actually, the bible and God are totally cool with slavery, in fact they support it.


Posted 2:14 pm, 02/08/2016

The fact is simple, 85+% of your bible is plagiarized work from other religions.


Posted 2:12 pm, 02/08/2016

Well Empire maybe you'll be kind enough to show me how this talk to text is supposed to work I can't help it don't put in the periods and such and talk to text is the only choice I have and hang left the thing he is with you and so many others is you have been listening to the teachings of man not the Bible and man can make it say whatever they want and that does not make them right

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