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HILLARY, her end game nears!!!


Posted 1:00 am, 08/07/2015

AND, now this:

Interesting part about how HILLARY shoulda marked some emails as confidential or classified when they were generated but failed to do so. Setting herself up for failure and plausible deniability at the same time.

HILLARY, multitasking is easy when you lie going both ways!!!

this n that

Posted 3:31 pm, 08/06/2015

:She'll be watching from the sidelines next November too.:

Hey, maybe she can ask Kay Hagan to come watch with her..... assuming she hasn't gone to prison by then.

And when Bill sees Hill ain't going to the White House he'll be off on another jaunt to pedophile island with Epstein.

sparkling water

Posted 3:12 pm, 08/06/2015

She'll be watching from the sidelines next November too.

Biden is driving the bus now.


Posted 2:58 pm, 08/06/2015

Hillary has her pepsi and popcorn ready for tonights circus.


Posted 2:55 pm, 08/06/2015

AND, now this:

Trending nicely wouldan't you say?

HILLARY, nothing static about ME ME ME!!!


Posted 4:19 pm, 08/05/2015

AND, this just in:

collective messenger shooters click here !!!

this n that

Posted 7:34 am, 08/05/2015


Oh My.....


Posted 10:45 pm, 08/04/2015

From your article:

"The referral did not accuse Clinton of any wrongdoing, and the two officials said Tuesday that the FBI was not targeting her."

This sort of thing appears in a lot of your links. I'm starting to notice a "trend" in these "actual events".


Posted 10:40 pm, 08/04/2015

AND, now this just in:

I do recall some controversy from the collective about inspectors general and investigations and a New York Post article and retractions and all sorts of BS from the LDLP. Let's see where this part of HILLARY's saga takes us!

sparkling water

Posted 6:40 pm, 08/04/2015

Cmon, Rosie. That clip is growing moss. Get a new one.


Posted 6:02 pm, 08/04/2015

Sound the alert! More right wing trolls are here to pester us :(


Posted 5:46 pm, 08/04/2015

Just because HILLARY cannot utter a phrase without lying doesn't mean you have to emulate her there, swcyboy. You still fail to see the difference between your fixation on polls that feed your pre-mature speculation disease and polls that follow actual events. You have lost this argument before and continue to chew, spit and spin on the leftover bones. This distraction is over.

HILLARY, I may be slipping down a slippery slope, but it feels good!!!


Posted 5:37 pm, 08/04/2015

Nope. It says poll. Konrad says, "Polls bad."

I've been paying attention!


Posted 5:32 pm, 08/04/2015

Wrong again there, swcyboy. You just have a terminal fixation on pre-mature speculation and cannot keep up with current events as they trend!


Posted 5:28 pm, 08/04/2015

But since this is a poll, we've been told to ignore it. It's the "trendy" thing to do.


Posted 5:16 pm, 08/04/2015

AND now this:

HILLARY, losing my own demographic is no big deal!!!


Posted 12:47 pm, 08/04/2015

Pfft. Keep ignoring the champion of the people at your own peril.

sparkling water

Posted 12:47 pm, 08/04/2015

Biden, that is.

sparkling water

Posted 12:46 pm, 08/04/2015

If Bidden runs Sanders will become an instant footnote.


Posted 12:05 pm, 08/04/2015

You fellas keep forgetting about Sen. Sanders. He's playing the role of the underdog well.

Although I agree Joe Biden would make an excellent president.

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