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He's Still going after McCain


Posted 2:02 pm, 03/18/2019

You guys really hate veterans.


Posted 1:41 pm, 03/18/2019

McCain was just a poor loser politician that couldn't handle being beat by a non-politician. If Trump had been president when McCain was a POW you would have seen pictures of him and Hanoi Jane on the same anti-aircraft gun.


Posted 12:47 pm, 03/18/2019

Impeach Rump, and his pet Penis too 😁


Posted 12:10 pm, 03/18/2019

For being a career criminal and lifelong con artist, Donald Trump is a remarkably bad poker player. Some people have a subtle “tell” that tips you off what kind of hand they’ve got. Trump just lies to you about the cards he’s holding, and his lie are so unimaginative, it becomes easy to figure out what he thinks he’s got up his sleeve.

Over a fourteen hour period on Sunday, Donald Trump posted nearly two dozen tweets and retweets. Most of them were frantic, deranged, or some combination of both. By the time he was done, he had attacked everyone from John McCain, to some local union boss, to Saturday Night Live, and in the process he gave something away.

Trump went through all his greatest hits on Sunday, making clear that he’s desperately trying to ensure that at least some of Monday’s headlines are about his Twitter meltdown, as opposed to what they should be about.

Trump does this whenever he thinks a major bombshell is about to land on him. Has he been tipped off by the Justice Department about a specific Robert Mueller move? Has the media asked him to comment on a big new story about one his scandals, and he knows it’s about to be published? Or is Trump just watching everything closing in on him, and convincing himself that it’s all about to crush him this week? Stay tuned. His super sized meltdown today wasn’t about nothing, that’s for sure.


Posted 10:30 am, 03/18/2019


woodie w p

Posted 10:27 am, 03/18/2019

McCain was just another POS politician. He was no HERO as everyone wants to make you believe. The Viet Cong should have gotten rid of him.


Posted 10:04 am, 03/18/2019

So you lose respect for people that lie? You must think Trump is the worst of the worst.

Old lady

Posted 10:00 am, 03/18/2019

You are ignoring the fact that McCain lied about spreading dossier to media outlets. He said he gave information only to the FBI. I have lost all respect for McCain.

sparkling water

Posted 9:56 am, 03/18/2019

McCain’s haunting will keep the President humble through his second term.


Posted 9:37 am, 03/18/2019

Apparently McCain's ghost is haunting Trump.

sparkling water

Posted 9:28 am, 03/18/2019

McCain has gotten much worse since he died.


Posted 9:25 am, 03/18/2019

Well because Trump is an arrogant that has no sense of right or wrong.


Posted 9:07 am, 03/18/2019

What a nut job!

Trump’s tweets about McCain ahead of the church service continued his longtime attacks on a critic who died in August from cancer but whom trump can’t seem to forgive or forget.

Trump incorrectly claimed that McCain leaked the dossier about Trump’s ties to the Russian government to try to harm Trump’s chances ahead of the 2016 election. McCain said he passed the document along to the FBI after the election.

Trump also incorrectly claimed that the former Arizona Republican was “last in his class” at the U.S. Naval Academy �" although the son and grandson of admirals was a famously poor student. McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class at Annapolis before a Navy career in which he was shot down, captured and imprisoned during the Vietnam War.

Meghan McCain, the late senator’s daughter, tweeted in response: “No one will ever love you the way they loved my father.... I wish I had been given more Saturday’s with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?”

Lawyer George T. Conway, a rapier-tweeting Trump critic and husband of top White House counselor Kellyane Conway, surveyed the scene while Trump attended the service.

“His condition is getting worse,” he wrote.

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