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heres a new one


Posted 1:31 am, 11/12/2005

I, for one, think worms pretty funny. I don't take him, nor anyone else on these forums seriously so what's the harm.


Posted 11:27 pm, 11/11/2005

I have never "banned" anyone from the forum. Every once in awhile, though, I do feel the need to "flag" certain words, or even someones username. This means that those posts are flagged for review before posting them immediately. They'll show up, once they're properly edited for vulgarity, profanity, etc.

Some of your posts are perfectly fine, and I would put them in after reviewing them. It's the posts like "you rednecks suck" that I want to keep an eye on. A freedom of opinions and ideas is great, but you have rarely posted an opinion. Your posts have consisted primarily of insults, which is a bit different.

I've flagged usernames twice, maybe 3 times that I can remember. Each of those times, the reason was because the person was responding to multiple threads EXTREMELY off topic. Not to mention, posters like that bring down the morale of the forum.

The point of this entire website is to help the county, not to hurt it. I want people to discuss local issues, both good and bad. I want businesses to succeed by gaining recommendations, and also by seeing what needs to be improved in order to gain those recommendations (a painful process for them, I know). I want people to search for and find products locally, instead of driving to Winston to buy the same thing. And yes, I do all of that for free; all of the revenue brought in from advertisers is turned right back around into advertising GoWilkes, so the goal is for it to break even.

It's posts like the ones I'm flagging that do the most damage, both to the county and to the forum. You can be negative all you want, that's perfectly fine. But once you start taking legitimate discussions off topic just for a joke, I feel the need to keep an eye on it.

Call me anti-American if you want; that's your right. But if

Jack Daniels

Posted 11:15 pm, 11/11/2005

Go to "Advanced" on the main page of the Community Voice and type in "worm" in "search all threads containing the word".

When the results come up take your choice of the top 8 threads. In there you will find the words of wisdom from our buddy worm-dirt. Take a look at the Veteran's Day thread and the Police thread. Those I believe will open your eyes to our love affair with the grub.


Posted 11:08 pm, 11/11/2005

i'm sorry folks i have never really read anything he has to say, my mistake, maybe i need read some on the worm, sounds like he is a grub-worm

Jack Daniels

Posted 11:04 pm, 11/11/2005

Run worm into the ground...I wish I would have thought of that last night.

Speaking your mind and being a complete and total idiot and typing to just see your text show up are two different things.


Posted 11:00 pm, 11/11/2005

you can post your opinion and no one would have a problem with that. But if you have the same thing to say about everyone on every post i see this as a serious problem. he turns every post into something about him. He has self-esteem issues.
Go Wilkes has a problem with him so obviously their is one because the rest of us get to post and we aren't banned.


Posted 10:58 pm, 11/11/2005

everybody wants to run worm in the ground for his opinion, well what are you doing to him? he has as much right as anyone to speak his mind. if you don't like his opinioins, don't read them


Posted 10:42 pm, 11/11/2005

worm doesn't have opinions he just has extremely bad gas vapors for brains.


Posted 9:43 pm, 11/11/2005

worm---its not about feelings getting hurt or people getting mad, the problem is you are constantly diverting topics from what the discussion is about>> to making the topic about you. No one other than you is complaining about freedom of speech around here. We learned it in grade school social studies--your rights end where someone elses rights begin.


Posted 7:57 pm, 11/11/2005

Ditto, Jack. once a worm, always a worm. Good for nothing in my opinion.

Jack Daniels

Posted 7:31 pm, 11/11/2005

Jason - too bad you didn't ban the IP address instead of the just ID.

FYI - Take a look around...you can voice your opinion on here - you just can't be a complete and total idiot about it. Read the posts...there are several of us on here that have a wide variety of opinions that make it on. You don't see Satan getting on the "church" posts and showing his a** do you? It's called common sense. (Since you didn't get mentioned in the WS Journal Satan I thought I would give you a plug)

In the end...what do you expect when you show your a** and post on every post about how stupid everyone is or how local law enforcement is a bunch of idiots?

I don't care if this was your little "experiment" or not - if you have nothing better to do than be an idiot you deserve the type of reception that you got on here - right up to the point that your name was ban.

I can't speak for the rest but I know that I don't wear my feelings on my sleeve. I am however very opinionated and have no tolerance for ignorance.

who +1

Posted 7:13 pm, 11/11/2005

Well, guess what folks. I guess the person or persons .That run the site didn�t like my point of view. I only did this as a test. Just to see if I could come on here and say ,just about anything. You may have gotten mad or your feelings hurt. I�m really sorry about that I truly am. You see I was just looking to see how much we could say or talk about.� So much for freedom of speech�. I have been blocked .Apparently the person that owns this site doesn�t believe in American. Just something for you to think about. In case you haven�t figured it out. I am you old friend w o r m. So while you LYAO , be careful what you put on here. You might piss off the powers to be. Is this the type of place we live in. We cannot voice out on opinion. It is a sad thing. This will be the last time I post something on here. So for those who took it to heart. I'm sorry it's only words. Don't wear your feelings on your sleeves. It was only words.

who +1

Posted 6:54 pm, 11/11/2005

OK, lets see if this works.


Posted 6:26 pm, 11/11/2005

yes, i also have had him to say bad things to me. i try not to pay him any mind.


Posted 5:45 pm, 11/11/2005

THAT IS A GOOD ONE !!!!!!!!!!!! LOL :D


Posted 5:14 pm, 11/11/2005

maybe if everybody pitches in sombody can go to the vet's office and get a worm pill?


Posted 4:47 pm, 11/11/2005

I think Worms only purpose for posting on any thread is just to see how many people he can piss off . He obviously doesn't have any intelligent or beneficial imput on anything. I say we all just stop responding to him and keep posting with one another as if he doesn't exsist. He's not worthy of a response.


Posted 4:17 pm, 11/11/2005

I think he may be a slug instead of a worm. Just put some salt on him.


Posted 2:12 pm, 11/11/2005

Everyone knows why he has bad attitude it's the name "worm". He received that when he was a wee one because he lacks, well you know.


Posted 2:07 pm, 11/11/2005

Why, b/c we are posting on Gowilkes? Are you not doing the same thing?

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